Chance of Mates

1308 Words
*STERLING POV* I slipped past everyone to go outside on the porch. You don't realize how small a place is until there are more people than live there inside. As soon as I left my bedroom, there was instant anxiety. I sat on the porch swing, and took out my phone to scroll through my social media. I had a message on my f*******: Messenger from a girl I went to school with, which was odd. I clicked on the message, and I was surprised at the things she had said. I barely spoke to this girl, but I wasn't rude to her either. Samantha: Hey, Sterling. I know this is an odd way of reaching out to you, but it's the only way I knew how, since you have already left for your uncle's pack. I know we barely know one another, and other than casual cordial encounters, haven't really spoken. However, I have felt an unwavering need to reach out to you and let you know that I think there is a possibility we are mates. I feel drawn to you, and since you have left, my wolf has been going crazy demanding we find you. I know this makes me sound like a huge weirdo, but I'm not sure what to do here. Sincerely, Sammi OK, that was weird, but she is about 3 months older than I am. If she already has her wolf, and her wolf has sensed it, it could be possible. Right? I read the message several times, and still couldn't make heads or tails of it. Don't get me wrong, Samantha is absolutely gorgeous and incredibly sweet. I slipped the phone back into my pocket, and raked my hands down my face. "Penny for your thoughts?" my aunt Alette asked as she sat down next to me. "Oh, hey. Um, my thoughts are so scrambled right now that I wouldn't even know where to begin, Lettie," I told her. She rested her head on my shoulder, and I had to chuckle. "Now I know where Gracie got it from," I told her. She looked up at me in confusion, and I told her the head on the shoulder thing. She started to laugh, and said it was always a comfortable thing for her, and I was more than likely right in saying that's probably where Grace got it. "Sterling, you aren't alone in the world. I hope you know that. If you need someone to talk to, you can talk to any of us. Even if you think you can't," she informed me. "I know, and I don't keep much inside. I just got a message from a friend from school, and what she said has me perplexed," I explained. I pulled my phone back out, and showed her the message. Alette, however, took it upon herself to click on Samantha's profile to investigate. "Well, according to her birthday on here, she is about 3 months older than you. She had probably already gotten her wolf before you left. When was the last time you saw her?" Alette asked. I had to think about it, but finally remembered when the last time I saw Samantha was. "Like, a little over a month ago. I ran into her at one of the barbeques' mom threw in the pack. She sat at the same table as me and my friends, but if I'm not mistaken, she was dating my friend Ash. We spoke, but not in the full-on conversation kind of way," I explained. Alette sat up and looked at me funny. "Sterling, I want you to think really hard. Did you feel any kind of sensation when you spoke to her?" she asked. I thought as hard as I could, and to be honest, the only thing I could remember was that my eyes were constantly drawn to her. "Other than feeling the need to constantly watch her, and a buzzing in my ears, not really. The buzzing went on all day long, and once everyone had gone home, it stopped," I explained. She developed the biggest smile on her face and said, "It's possible she is right, Sterling. I would write back to her and invite her to your birthday, or even before your birthday, if you want. I think it would be crazy just to ignore something just because you aren't sure. Plus, it gives you time to get to know her more. You already said that you didn't really know her. Let me ask you something, bub. Are you attracted to her? From what I see of her pictures, she is beautiful," Alette stated. I'm sure she was right, it wouldn't hurt. She was also right about how beautiful Samantha is. I remember the first time I saw her at school. It was a football game, and even though I was never allowed to play, I went to every single game. She was a cheerleader, and her petite stature was adorable. She has long dark brown hair with the most piercing blue eyes I have ever seen. Then there is her scent. HOLY s**t! Her scent. If she wasn't my mate, she would just smell like our other pack members, but she didn't. She smelled of coconut and vanilla. "Coconut and vanilla," I whispered. Alette asked me what I said, and I had to admit my revelation to her. "I said she smells of coconut and vanilla. She should just smell like earthy moss, because that's what the other pack members in our pack smell like to me. I think she is right, Lettie. I think she might be my mate," I admitted. She slapped me on my knee and encouraged me to invite her earlier than my birthday. I told her I would and pulled my phone out again to reply to Sammi. Before I could, the delivery guy pulled up. I asked him to wait before leaving, and I took the pizza inside and grabbed my wallet. I took what cash I had in it, and gave it to the driver. He thanked me a few times, and I shook his hand before returning inside. I watched Grace with Jameson, and I had an idea. I walked over to my cousin, and asked if I could speak to her. I made a conscious effort to get a whiff of his scent, and to me, he smelled like river water. The scent that people from Brave River held to me. Grace and I stepped into my room, and I asked her to listen carefully to what I was asking before answering, because I had a concern about Jameson. "OK, I have an odd question, and I want you to think about your answer before you tell me. What does Jameson's scent smell like to you? Once you tell me, I will tell you what I got from him. Also, do you get any odd vibes when you are near him?" I asked. She looked at me weird, but answered my questions anyway. "Uh, his scent? It's a mix of cedar and coffee. A weird combination, but I find it almost sedating. As far as 'vibes', I don't know if it's a vibe, but I feel completely comfortable in his presence. Like earlier, after the shift, when you left, I started to panic. When he saw me freaking out, he rushed to me to make sure I was alright. I instantly calmed down when he approached me," she stated. I smiled broadly and placed my hands on her shoulders, and then said, "Gracie, I think he might be your mate. The reason I think he might be yours is the same reason I think Samantha Drury is mine. Their scent. He smells like river water to me, just like everyone else in this pack. Think about it, Gracie."
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