The Prey

1254 Words
*Grace POV* Could it be true? I decided to do as Sterling suggested, and I discreetly went around and tried to figure out the different smells. I knew what the people from Starlight Falls smelled like. So, mom and dad smelled like gardenia and rain. My grandma and grandpas smell like fresh baked oatmeal cookies. Everyone from Brave River smells like river water, and just like Sterling said, people from Crescent Moon Ridge smell like earthy moss. The only difference between Sterling, my uncle and their family and their pack, is that they carry a slight floral smell on top of the moss. I saw Jameson sitting at the table with my uncles, so I grabbed my pizza and sat next to them, making sure I sat closest to Jameson. I tried to get close to him without being obvious, and just as before, he smelled of coffee and cedar, and it sent my heart racing. "Gracie? Did you hear me?" Gunner asked. I looked up to see both him, Nix and Caleb staring at me. "Sorry, I was off in my own world. What did you say?" I asked. Caleb shook his head and repeated what Gunner said. "He asked if you felt comfortable enough to try and combat train in your wolf form," Caleb repeated. "Oh, yea. We could try. Can I ask something first?" I asked. They all three nodded their heads, and told me to never be afraid to ask them anything. "Will my Fae blood still fight my wolf when I try to shift?" I asked. However, none of them could give me a straight answer. Thankfully, grandma and mom were still there to try and help get me that answer, but it was Luke who told me for certainty that it could happen again if I didn't learn to relax while shifting. "Sweetie, think of it this way. Imagine you having anxiety over pretty much anything. When your muscles tense during an anxiety attack, it's hard to do anything without pain or not being able to breathe. Right? That's basically what's happening when your spirits are fighting against the other," he explained. I noticed Jameson listening closely to our conversation, and asked if he had any input? "I didn't see much of the shift, just the end after your grandma gave you that stuff in the bottle. To me, what Luke said makes a lot of sense. I'm a purebred wolf, so I can really give any input on things regarding the Fae, but I am really interested in learning," he stated as he shoved another chicken wing in his mouth. "Do you hear that?" I asked Jameson. It was a faint howling of what could have passed as a horn, but it sounded like it was far in the distance. "s**t!" Caleb whispered. "River, the alarms on the eastern borders are going off. Who's on duty over there?" he asked his mate. River told him that Addie's son, Jackson, and another warrior by the name of Blaine, was over there. Addie's eyes glazed over, and when they cleared again, her hands were covering her mouth. "Gunner, it's rogues. They have werecats, and what Jackson said resembled a vampire," she explained. My grandma, who never showed fear, was panicking almost instantly. "There haven't been vampires around here in more than 23 years. Why would they come back this way?" she stated. "Mom, calm down. You aren't helping the situation. Luke, can you pop Gunner, Caleb and Damian to the barracks? Mom, could you take Nix and Cree to the hospital? Alette, I need you to take the kids to the closest safe house. It's three houses down. Just go towards the large tree that was struck by lightning last year. I will meet you guys at the barracks," River said. Mom started to round up the younger kids, and then yelled for me to follow her. I shook my head and told her I wanted to fight. I could see her getting worried, and my father stepped in and told me to listen to my mother. "Grace, you have literally had one complete session in combat training. It's not safe to just go into something like this with only basic training. Especially with other species like the cats and the bloodsucker. Please, Grace, do this for me," my dad begged. I saw Jameson staring at me, and when our eyes met, I could see the concern in his eyes. He gave a slight nod, and I knew it was his way of asking me to please do as my parents asked. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. "Alright, I'll go," I told them. I rushed towards my mom, and helped her with her task. I saw Jameson run off with my uncle River, and the uneasiness in the pit of my stomach was causing me to be nauseous. "Come on sweetie, he will be fine. He is a fierce warrior from what your dad has said. Just trust he will come back safe," my mom said. She already knows. Somehow, she has figured out he is my mate. I could hear the growls of the cats in the distance, but the unknown screech was so much louder than anything had ever heard. "Mom, what was that?" I cried. My nervousness was upsetting the little ones, so I needed to get it together. "That's the vamp. I can smell more than one, so be on alert until we get to the cottage," she informed me. I nodded my head, and picked up my pace. I felt the hair on my neck stand on edge, and my wings were tingling out of control. "Mom, something dangerous is really close. My wings are going crazy," I told her. She told me hers were doing the same, and she unlocked the door to get us inside. There were no windows in this particular cottage. It was made of reinforced steel, and was one of 8 safe houses on the packs grounds. Once inside, mom punched in the security code on the wall. Once it was accepted, the multiple televisions kicked on and the cameras started to display the surroundings of the house. I watched them closely, and for the longest time I didn't see anything. Then I saw a blur cross the path of one of the cameras. "Mom, did you see that?" I whispered. She quickly nodded. "It will be fine. This place is completely safe," she reassured me. Mom was right. There was definitely more than just one vampire. "Seven. There are seven vampires. I told mom and Addie. They are searching for someone, or something. They keep going towards mine and Sterling's cabin, and then circle the safe house. What do you think it is?" I asked. Adelina gasped, and tears started to fall from her eyes. "They are looking for you. The next Fae Queen. I have heard stories about vampires growing up, and for them to become the ultimate species, they must claim a Fae as their own. Gracie, you are the supreme Fae. It doesn't get much bigger than that," she cried. I have heard stories as well. Grandma liked to tell them around Halloween time, and up until now, I thought they were just stories. Today has been too much. I don't know how to process so much in just one day. What I did know, is that I was now the prey of one of the scariest beasts I know of.
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