Extra Mushrooms

1335 Words
*STERLING POV* Watching Grace's first shift was extremely hard. To see my cousin in that much pain wasn't easy by any means, and if I'm being totally honest, it scared me to death. I heard grandma telling her that she needed to relax so that her Fae blood would stop fighting the shift. I was really confused by what she meant, because I wasn't aware that our inner spirits could do that. Our blood as hybrids has been mixed since birth, so saying one spirit was fighting with another just confused me even more. As we were walking through the forest heading back to the training fields, I decided to ask grandma to explain what she meant. "Mimi, can I ask you a question?" I asked. She looked up at me, and nodded her head. "Of course, sweet pea. You can always ask me anything. What's bothering you?" she asked as she looped her arm with mine. She slowed our pace a little so that we could have a little more privacy, and nudged me to speak to her. "I don't really know how to ask this without sounding stupid, but why did you tell Grace to relax so that her Fae blood would stop fighting her shift? I thought our blood was mixed as both wolf and fae, not separate," I explained. She gave a giggle, and then explained, "Sterling, honey, what I meant by that was simply this, it's not technically the blood that fights anything. It's the inner spirit. Not every hybrid will experience things the way you and Grace will, and it's because of who and what you are. Grace is the next Fae Queen, so her Fae blood or genes are dominant. It was always meant to happen this way, and Alette and I tried to take precautions so we could be there once she shifted, but no one saw her shifting early. Not even Luke," she said. It made sense to me, but it brought on more questions. I have received my wings, would I freeze mid-shift too? "That makes sense. Will I experience the same thing?" I asked. She shook her head, and told me that I have already experienced the worst thing when it comes to transition. "Let me ask you something now. When you got your wings, did you experience any type of discomfort other than all of a sudden having appendages you weren't used to having?" she asked. I didn't even have to think about it, because I already knew what she was getting at. "I did. I remember being woken out of a dead sleep by the most agonizing pain in between my shoulder blades. It lasted hours, and once my wings finally emerged, the pain went away. It still happens occasionally, but it's not as bad as the first time," I explained. She smiled again and nodded. "You see, that was your wolf genes fighting something that was unnatural because you are the Alpha Wolf King. Once you shift into Franz, you will stop having those pains, because they will start to work together instead of fighting. Just like it's destined for you and Grace to work together. I know it's all confusing, and normally hybrids wouldn't go through this, but you and Grace aren't normal hybrids. You are the chosen ones," she said. Wait, she knew my wolf's name? "Grandma, you just said my wolf's name. How did you know what his name was? I just found out myself today," I asked. Without missing a beat, she stopped in her tracks and told me what she knew. "Sweetie, we have known for a very long time who your wolf would be. You have heard stories about how your dad has had two wolves in his lifetime. Well, Franz was actually your dad's first wolf. When the goddess gave your dad the choice to save Franz and himself by releasing Franz back to her, she promised that he would remain close by, and would be gifted to you. He is a very special wolf, Sterling. Cherish him always, and follow his guidance. He will never steer you wrong," she explained. So, I have my dad's first wolf. I guess that's pretty cool. No, it's definitely cool. Grandma walked in silence after that, and when we got back to clearing by the training fields, we had more family waiting for us all. Gunner and Addie were there with their youngest kids, Caleb and River were there with Olive, Freya and the twins. Off in the distance, I noticed the guy that Grace had been talking to earlier. "Gunner, who is that guy off in the distance over there? I saw him talking to Grace earlier, and was wondering if it's something we should be concerned with?" I asked. He laughed and shook his head. "Goddess no, Jameson is a pretty amazing kid. He is at the top of our Elite Squad, and goes above and beyond to help out around here. He's a good person and I would trust him with my wife and children's lives. I promise you, buddy, if there was something to worry about, I would be the first to kick his ass," he explained. Even though my uncle was all for them talking, I still don't know if I am. I would have to talk to him and get a feel about how he is before I can make that judgment. As soon as Grace saw me, she ran into my arms. She plopped on the ground, and pulled me down with her. "Sterling, I have never been so scared in all of my life. The pain was ridiculous, and if it weren't for mom, grandma, and Luke, I don't know if I would have gotten through it," she said as she leaned her head on my shoulder. Gracie was more like a sister to me than my own sisters sometimes. Willow and I used to be super close, but after she found her mate, we aren't as close as we used to be. She focuses mostly on her mate, and even though it's understandable, it has caused a rift in our relationship. "Well, pumpkin, you got through it. That's all that really matters. I think I'm going to head to the cabin and order some pizza on the way. Are you hungry?" I asked. She nodded her head, and said she wanted a vegetable pizza with extra mushrooms. I told her that I would make sure to get her one, and got up to go home. I called the pack pizzeria on the way, and requested delivery. "Hi, this is Sterling Young at 1313 Rosewood. I would like to place a delivery order. Could I please get 2 extra large deluxe pizzas with extra sauce, an extra large vegetable pizza with extra mushrooms, 3 dozen hot wings, and 3 dozen garlic parmesan wings? Oh, and four two-liters of soda, it doesn't matter what kind, as long as it isn't diet soda," I requested. She told me that she could get it to us as soon as possible, and when I asked for the total, she said she couldn't charge me. I asked her why, and she informed me that the owner has a policy that they weren't to charge the Alphas or the royal family. I asked her if she was sure, and she confirmed that there was no charge. Luckily, I had plenty of cash on me, so the delivery driver would be given a very large tip. Once I disconnected the call, I went into my bedroom to shower. The hot water felt so good pouring over my sore muscles, and as badly as I wanted to stay in the shower, the food would be here soon. I dressed quickly, and heard voices in the living room, so I made my way out to greet them. I was expecting Damian, Alette, grandma and Grace, but what I wasn't expecting was to see this Jameson guy with them.
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