Acts of Kindness

1403 Words
*Grace POV* Mom and Dad have been preparing for me to go to Brave River forever, and today is the day. The ride to uncle Maddix's house was quiet, and dad tried to make small talk. I never know what to say to him, because we are so different. I'm different from both of my parents. Don't get me wrong, I have both traits, but as far as personality and interests, we are as different as night and day. As much as I love my mom, she tends to be loud, boisterous and sometimes overbearing. My dad lets her take the lead on most things, but stands his ground with her as well. They are a perfect match if you ask me. Where she can be overbearing, he is more calm and analytical. However, he speaks his mind and doesn't take her s**t. One thing I have in common with them both is their kindness, and love of the people in our pack/coven. I have made a point since I started my royal training to get to know everyone in our pack, as well as those of my family's packs. Once I turned 13, I started spending time at all of them. Especially Ruby Meadows. We have Fae living there, and even though it's technically Sterling's territory, we have chosen to do as our parents have. We will rule together over the family packs, and the remaining covens and packs will be ruled by species. I am the kind of girl who is very observant, and like my dad, I like to think things through before acting. Impulse will get you killed in the long run. At least in our world. When my dad came to help me put my things in the car, I didn't think he was expecting the amount of things I was taking. Unlike Sterling, who moved most of his things to Brave River last month, I have waited until the last minute. "You're taking everything?" he asked. I laughed and shook my head. I told him that I was just taking my clothes, electronics, personal items and my books. I loved to read, and would sometimes read the same book a few times before donating it to the library. Once he got over the shock of the amount of stuff I had packed up, him and uncle Buck loaded my stuff into the SUV we were taking. I said goodbye to my mom, my siblings, Buck and Micah and their kids, Aisling, Aiyana, Bena and Bayou. My grandparents were there also, but would be at Brave River in the morning. I gave them hugs, and told them I would see them for lunch. Once we had loaded Sterling's stuff into the SUV, we started our next leg of the journey. However, we had to make a pit stop to get Sterling food at Dom's. Not that dad complained. I think he loves Dom's almost as much as Sterling and Maddix. As I stared into the deli case, I could smell a rogue in the store. Once my eyes met with theirs, she simply nodded her head at me. She didn't look like a threat, but when there's one, there's usually more. I gave the deli clerk my order. I wanted a box lunch with a vegetable sandwich that had lettuce, tomato, cucumber, avocado and cream cheese on it. I got a side of summer pasta salad, and a container of fresh tropical fruit. I had them throw in a couple of hard-boiled eggs, and a few slices of sharp cheddar cheese. Once I had my container, I asked for a large frozen lemonade, and gave my stuff to my dad. I was looking for my favorite snack, Gardetto's garlic rye chips, and I ran into the rogue again. This time, she spoke to me. "Your highness, I've noticed you watching me, but I don't mean you or anyone else any harm. I'm a rogue by choice, not by punishment," she said. I wasn't sure how to react, because I had never heard of anyone becoming rogue by choice. Thankfully, she explained herself. "You see, I belonged to Starry Moon at one time. I chose to leave the pack when the crime rate skyrocketed, and your mother's cousin refused to do anything about it. I had been raped several times by the human drug dealers he allowed to come in, and the last time I was left near death. So, I chose to leave to save myself," she explained. I felt horrible for her. I offered her help, and told her that Joel was no longer in control. I also told her that Starry Moon no longer existed, and was being run by Trinity. "If you don't want to go back there, I'm sure my uncle would allow you in a different pack, or my mom would allow you at the Fae kingdom. As long as there isn't any trouble," I said. She kindly refused, and said that she was happy where she is. "I may live among humans now, but I'm happy. I have a good job, a nice apartment, and I don't have to watch over my shoulder unless other wolves are around. Just like you, they watch me to make sure I'm not going to attack them," she stated. I had an idea, but wasn't sure how my dad would handle the situation, but I had to try. "Ma'am, what if I could talk my dad into making you an honorary pack member, that way you didn't smell like a rogue, but could still live among humans if you wanted?" I asked. Her eyes lit up, and I asked her to stay where she was. I needed to run it with my dad, but I needed to do it alone. I found him, and explained the situation. He asked me to take him to her, so I did. She was terrified when she saw him, but soon relaxed once he started speaking. She explained to him the same thing she told me, and he agreed to my idea. He did a quick induction, but told her that if she decided to move to any of the packs, she would have to undergo the same stipulations as everyone else. She thanked me for my kindness, and left us to finish what she was doing. I think I just did my first act of a queen, and it felt good. Once we were back on the road, Sterling and I started to feel weird. My ears were buzzing, and I started to get weird vibes. My wings lit up with what felt like an electrical current, and when I looked at Sterling, his eyes grew wide as saucers. I guess my eyes were glowing silver and purple, and his were yellow and shimmery gold. Daddy immediately called our cousin, Luke, and told him what happened to us. Luke told him to skip stopping anywhere else, and get to his cabin as soon as possible. He wasn't sure if we were in danger, or if it was something else. So to be on the safe side, we needed to go straight to him. At Luke's, he sat us down, along with my aunt Asteria and aunt Marion. They explained that we were more than likely about to get our wolves, and that the strange feelings in our wings were due to our Fae and Wolf spirits merging together. I had never heard of this before with any other hybrid, and assumed that it was because Sterling and I were technically the chosen ones to rule our realms. As cool as I thought it was, it scared me to death. The thought of shifting has always scared me, but I know it's inevitable. My aunt, Asteria, did her best to calm our nerves, and even came up with a solution to help our fear of shifting alone. Our cousin, Finn, would stay with us during his visit to train us. I was excited about it because Finn is a nerd like me, but fierce like Maddix. He is super fun to be around, and when Asteria suggested him, Adam or Abbie, we immediately chose Finn. Once it was decided, I was ready to go to our place. I wanted to get settled, and take a walk around the pack. I love it here, and couldn't wait to explore it more.
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