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*Luke POV* I couldn't stay at Ruby Meadows full-time anymore. After I lost the love of my life, it didn't feel like home anymore. I go back and forth from Brave River to Ruby Meadows, because I still have obligations to uphold. Plus, my parents are still there. Parker has done so well here, and he helps teach the magic classes, and I think once he reaches his full peak, he will be more powerful than I have ever been. I was in the middle of a class when my phone started to ring. I normally would have ignored it, but when royalty calls, you answer. "Damian, I'm in the middle of a class, is everything alright?" I asked when I answered. He explained what had happened with the kids, and I knew immediately what was happening. "Bring them straight to my cabin. I'll be finished with class by the time you get here. Don't stop anywhere else, it's important that you don't," I told him. He told me he was going as fast as he could, and would be here in roughly a half an hour. Once I hung up, I finished the lesson, and I dismissed class for the day. I had planned on teaching some simple spellwork, but this was important, and it couldn't wait. As I walked home, I called my mom. Grandma had warned us this could happen before she passed, and I needed her advice. "Momma, it's happening. Damian just called and asked me what he should do. We are going to have to speed up as much training as we can, because their wolves aren't going to wait forever. If they shift before they are ready, it's going to be bad," I explained. She told me to relax, that things would be alright. However, she was going to have Asteria teleport her to my place to help me explain everything properly. I thanked her, and told her I would be waiting. Parker was out of the pack with Adam picking up supplies, so he wouldn't be present for this conversation. That was something I was thankful for. The fewer people who know, the better. He may be my son, but there are still some things that he doesn't need to be involved in. By the time I started to unlock my door, Damian and the kids were pulling up. As I opened the door, mom and Asteria stood before me. I guess the gang's all here. "Hey guys, come in, please," I said. I offered everyone something to drink, as I made myself a peanut butter sandwich and a glass of milk. I sat down in my recliner, and started to address the situation at hand. "Alright, there is nothing to be alarmed about. However, your wolves are waking up, and it's alerting your Fae genes. That is why your wings are tingling, and eyes are glowing. They are merging together, so to speak. Grace, your dad was correct when he said his wings will get a tingly feeling when danger is close by. This wasn't the case this time. Have either of you had any other indications that your wolves could be waking up?" I asked. Grace shook her head, and said she had just had slight body changes. She was developing more muscle, but that was all. Sterling, on the other hand, said he has had a lot of indications. "I hadn't noticed it, but mom said it looks like I have had a huge growth spurt. I guess she is right because I did notice my jeans had gotten a little shorter. I have also had dizzy spells, and my voice has started to deepen. My speed has increased, and my senses are elevated," he explained. I asked if he had heard any voices, and he said he hadn't yet. Then he mentioned a dream he had a few nights ago. After he told us about it, Grace gasped. "Sterling, I had the same dream," she said. Grandmother had visited them in a dream. As Sterling explained, it was clear to me that she was warning them that their wolves would come to them early. We had always expected this would happen, especially with Sterling and who his wolf was, or is. Many years ago, Maddix was badly injured. The goddess came to him as he nearly died, and told him that in order to save himself and his wolf, he would need to release his wolf back to the goddess. In turn, his son, Sterling, would inherit this special wolf, and Maddix ended up with Dakota, his good friend Jack's wolf, after Jack passed away. Franz, Maddix's former wolf, was a child of Melian's wolf, Ruby. Both wolves were special children to the moon goddess. I don't know anything about Grace's wolf, but Grandmother always said that it would also be a 'recycled wolf' close to the family. As much as I wanted my mate back, I hoped that Grace's wolf wasn't Rory's. I don't think I could handle it. Sterling asked a lot of questions, and they were questions I couldn't answer. Thankfully, Asteria was there, and could answer them. "So, once my wolf emerges, how will I know I'm about to shift?" he asked. Asteria thought it through, and explained to him in the simplest terms. "Not everyone shifts the same way. Alette, she shifted during the day, which is almost unheard of. Your grandma Mel did too. Addie shifted in the middle of night training, and nearly killed her opponent because it was a quick shift. Me, I shifted the way most wolves would expect. It was a full moon, and it was on our eighteenth birthday. I felt a stir in my stomach, and pain in my joints. I started to itch all over, and your pawpaw Loki carried me outside to a private place. Your grandparents were shocked because we didn't shift at the same time, seeing as we are identical. I was the last one to shift, and your aunts were early. I guess I've always been the late bloomer," she smiled. He seemed to understand, and I saw what looked like fear cross his face. "What happens if I'm alone when it's time for me to shift? What if Grace shifts and I don't know how to help her? Should we be living alone right now?" he asked. Those were two very valid questions. "Hopefully, when you both shift for the first time, your Fae powers will help you through it. It's painful from what I hear, but the Fae side of you will help protect you from most of the pain. It would help if someone were here that you trusted and could link with, but since you are both close to my place and your uncle Phoenix's place, you may want to put us on the speed dial," I explained. "I have a better idea. What if I talk to River and Caleb about Adam and Abbie alternating staying with you guys? Finn will also be here to help train you both, and maybe instead of staying in the barracks, he would want to stay and hang out with the two of you. From what I remember, River set you guys up in a three-bedroom cottage for when your parents come to visit. So, there is plenty of room. It's ultimately up to you both, but the idea is out there," Asteria said. Grace was all for having Finn come and stay with them. She and Abbie don't always see eye to eye because Abbie likes to be controlling from time to time, and Grace gets frustrated because she outranks Abbie. It may be slightly snobbish of Grace to feel that way, but she isn't wrong. Sterling agreed with Grace. Finn would be a great choice, and since he will be one of the warriors helping with their training, it's a perfect match.
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