Just Having Fun

1488 Words
*Sterling POV* My stuff is put away, my room is arranged the way I like it, and it's almost dinner time. This day has been crazy to say the least, but even with the uncertainty of whether we will get our wolves before our 18th birthday or not, I'm excited about everything about to happen. Apparently, Asteria has spoken to Finn, and he is excited about staying with us. It will be about a week before he gets here, but once he is here, it's going to be awesome. I need to check on Grace. She had been in her room for a few hours without as much as a sound coming out of it. Maybe she is napping, and I should leave her alone, but then again, it is almost dinner time. I softly knocked on her door, and I heard her tell me it was open. I cracked the door, and noticed she was lying on her bed. "I just wanted to check on you. Are you alright?" I asked. She sat up and nodded her head. "Yea, I'm fine. I was just thinking about this lady that dad and I ran into when we were at Dom's. She said something that bothered me, and I still don't know how to process the information that she told me," she said. I asked her what she meant, and she explained the whole situation about the rogue lady in the store. I don't know how I missed all of that, but I also found the information about what was going on at Starry Moon aka Amber Moss disturbing. I can sort of remember when all of that was going on, but was still too young to understand fully. "Gracie, maybe she was just put in your life because the goddess knew you were the one who could help her. Sure, it's upsetting to know what was going on in one of our family's packs, but there's nothing we can do about it now. Things were much different then and are even different now, and even if she didn't want to go back, it sounded like she was happy in her surroundings. You did well, cousin," I reassured her. I knew my words didn't make much difference to her mindset at the moment, but she would work it out. She is just like her dad, overthinks, and overanalyzes. "Want to walk me with me to River and Caleb's for dinner? Nix and Cree are going to be there," I told her. She asked about Abbie, and I told her she was safe. Abbie was actually in Blood Moon right now helping our cousin Regina. Regina just had her little girl by Cesarean, and was struggling. Abbie was now an OB/GYN, and had delivered Regina's daughter, Jocelyn Star. Our great-aunt Roxy had retired a year ago, as she was getting up in age, but that didn't mean she stopped volunteering to help with the babies. She had recommended Abbie take her place as head delivery doctor at the Blood Moon hospital, and this was her test. Knowing she wouldn't have to deal with Abbie, she agreed to go. I knew that aunt Cree and uncle River had been working hard for our welcome feast, and had made some of Grace's favorites. They would have been disappointed if she chose to stay behind. As we stepped off the porch, I turned to Grace and nudged her shoulder. "Race ya there," I laughed. She glanced at me out of the side of her eye, and without warning she took off running. She was pretty fast, but I was faster. As I ran past her, I started to mess around, and tease her for being slow. I could see her getting frustrated and pushing harder. She started to gain on me, so I quit messing around and started running again. It wasn't until I felt a breeze blow past me did I realize that it was Grace. She had given up the fact she couldn't beat me on foot, so she decided to fly. "That's cheating," I laughed. She didn't even turn around to face me as she started to laugh and flipped me the middle finger. Once we arrived at River's, she safely landed and fell to the ground laughing. Once I caught up with her, I fell down beside her and laughed as well. "When did you learn to get so fast with your wings? I'm still having issues using them at all," I told her. "When I stayed with Asteria for a few weeks after I first got them, there was a Fae about my age who had just gotten hers too. To help each other get better, we would race or try and learn to do aerial tricks to learn our balance. We got hurt more times than not, but eventually we got it. It just takes a lot of focus and a lot of stamina. You are a lot bigger than I am, so it may just take you longer. My dad has had his for years, and still struggles," she explained. I was so happy to be on this crazy ride with Grace. We may be total opposites, but when I am hanging out with her, I don't feel so different. She is in the same boat as me and understands what I think and feel. It's a bond that I don't think I could form with any other cousin, or any of my siblings. "I thought I heard someone out here," My aunt Cree laughed. "You two come inside, food is almost finished. Grace, what happened to your shirt?" She asked. Grace and I just started laughing again, and finally she told our aunt what happened. Cree shook her head, and went and grabbed one of River's shirts for her. When we walked inside, the whole house smelled so good. Cree and River were amazing cooks, and I always looked forward to eating whatever they made. This time it was Lasagna, Chicken Parmesan, Spinach and Artichoke Alfredo, Garlic Shrimp pasta, garlic knots, warm pumpernickel bread, and tossed garden salad. I saw how excited Grace got when she saw Alfredo, and giggled to myself. She wasn't joking when she said she got more excited over vegetables than she did meat or desserts. Myself, I was all about bashing some of the shrimp pasta, and as much bread as I could stand. There is always a lot of laughter at my uncle's house. He refuses to allow negativity inside. He always says, 'if you have a negative attitude, leave it on the porch. It will always be there when you leave', and he sticks by that. My uncle River had gone through a rough patch when we were little. His biological brother had tried to kill him, and blamed River for his shitty life. After his biological brother died, he and uncle Caleb went on the search for his other two siblings. Although they didn't share their brother's feelings about River, his older sister wanted things to remain the way they were. She felt as if it were too late for them to develop a bond, and her mate wasn't a nice person. She told River that she feared what her mate would try to do to him or her if he found out River reached out. So when he left that day, they never spoke again. His older brother was a different story. He was willing to try and salvage some form of relationship with River. He never blamed him for anything that happened to their mother or them after River was born. However, he lived with humans, and got involved with the wrong female. She didn't know what he was, but eventually her father found out. He turned out to be a hunter, and killed River's brother. I think that is why he tries to avoid going into town, or anywhere humans frequent. He feels safe in Brave River, and as long as he and Caleb have been alphas here, they have never had anything more than a few rogues try to attack them. After dinner, Grace and I helped clean up. It was the least we could do, since they cooked for us. At the end of the night, Phoenix walked us home, and after making sure everything was locked up, we both grabbed something to drink and retired to our rooms. Before shutting her door, Grace called out to me. "Sterling, do you think our wolves will come early?" she asked. I shrugged my shoulders and told her anything was possible. She nodded her head, and told me goodnight. She shut her door behind her, and I did the same. If our wolves come early, then that's what happens. Thanks to our talk with Luke, Marion and Asteria earlier, I already know my wolf's name. Franz. What a cool name for my alter ego.
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