Chapter 3 - Another prison

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Larisa's pov Slamming the door, the man walked over to me. A little light coming through the window flashed on his skin and exposed his handsome face. "Are you Larisa Dankworth?" He asked in his deep voice. "Yes!" I muttered with fear. As soon as he confirmed my identity he held my hand and dragged me with him to the main gate but the guards blocked our way and positioned themselves in a circle around us! "You can't take her with you!" One of the loyal guards spoke. The situation was beyond my understanding, I felt like the victim in the chaos yet unaware of the reason why? The guards stood against him yet their feet were trembling as they sensed his strong aura which made it clear about his immense strength. He groaned furiously and everyone took a step back! "Who are you?" Raquel asked as she came out of her hiding shell. "Why are you taking my daughter?" She questioned as if she cares! "I, Ezra Aphelion, the new Alpha of the bloodmoon clan claiming her as my mate and she must go with me!" Every head turned to him including mine. He is Kendrick's brother, and he is here to save me. The maudlin look on my face was gone and a ray of hope touched my heart. Raquel's Pov I was dismayed knowing that she has another mate, and a stronger one again from the same Bloodmoon clan! She has been the biggest obstacle in my daughter's life. Why must she always get the strongest mate instead of my Enya?? "I won't allow this!" I remonstrated against his foolish decision. He groaned immensely and the entire forest shook from the roots! "It's either her or your entire clan!" He served me two options and his evil intentions were revealed before my eyes. His thoughts were contrasted, he wasn't claiming Larisa for love like Kendrick did but he is claiming her to take revenge for his brother's death. "I have vowed to protect my clan and the clan is always above anything, and if I need to sacrifice my Larisa for the sake of our clan then I must do that!" I made my choice clear in front of everyone and ordered the guards to clear their way. Poor Larisa, she wasn't aware that I sent her for death, and even if she gets killed, nobody can point fingers at us! Larisa's pov Raquel freed me from her prison and it was all because of Ezra who came to my rescue and stood against Everyone for my freedom. We made our way to his residence as the guards cleared our way. Strangely Ezra was silent during the entire walk, and so I followed him with abate noise. The moment we reached in front of his house, every one from his clan started cheering for him exactly as you do after a victory! "You brought her here, you did it, Alpha!" The crowd started celebrating my arrival with enthusiasm. Ezra turned his head to me and an evil smirk flashed on his lips, and at that moment I realized he wasn't my savior but my prisoner! Ezra's pov My evil smirk changed the look on her face, she was now looking even more beautiful with the pale look! I ordered Nikolai to imprison her in Kendrick's room and forbade everyone from entering. "Is it necessary to lock her?" Nikolai asked. "Kendrick always told me that you were born with a soft heart and I can see that but my heart is not soft like yours, so no matter what I must do what is worst for her!" Nikolai flustered by my answer yet didn't dare to question my order. The moment guards captured her, she started screaming her lungs out which felt like a melody to my ears, I was enjoying every bit of her high tone! "You can scream all you want but no one will help you. Instead I might start killing the people of your clan, would that be okay?" I threatened her. My threat made her loosen the strong guard she created around herself and clenching her tears she went inside. Her hope of light was crushed by me! She was living her life as if nothing happened, but from now on that changes, and I must teach her how pain feels. "Larisa Dankworth, your nightmare has just begun!"
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