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His brother was my mate who died a painful death and he blamed me for that. Unaware of the real truth he vowed to punish me and for revenge, he captured me, made me his prisoner, and broke me every single second.

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Chapter 1 - Alpha's death
Ezra's pov My eyes were stunned to see Kendrick on the floor struggling for his breath. I was away from forest hill to fight with the Blackfur clan and the first thing I witnessed after my victorious return was my brother battling for his life. "Brother!" I screeched my lungs out and ran over to him. I rested his head on my lap and held his cold palm. "What is happening to you, brother?" His condition made shivers slid down my body. "Revenge!" He muttered in his cracking voice and his hand slipped down from my grip which confirmed his death. I groaned furiously and tears rolled down from my eyes! "Someone did this to him, someone killed my brother, our Alpha!" Rage replete in my eyes and his last word 'revenge' was the only thing that remained in my head. As soon as my loud groan echoed in the entire woods, Nikolai rushed inside and found me mourning over my brother's death, near his soulless body! "What happened to Alpha?" He asked as his eyes were denying the horrifying sight flashing before him. "I should be the one asking you, what happened to him while I was away, you must know everything after all you were like his shadow?" My question made him flustered and his lips were searching for the correct words. "Tell me now!" I groaned furiously. "His mate rejected him, he tried so hard to convince her but she didn't change her mind. His heart was full of pain yet he was enduring it for the clan but today he lost his life because of her!" Nikolai's answer ramped up my anger. "prepare a funeral for him!" I ordered and every single maid immersed themselves in the preparations. I came out of that suffocating room and headed toward the Ovilion lake with Nikolai. This lake was Kendrick's favorite spot and at night its beauty sparks even more because of the moonlight flashing upon the lake. "Tell me everything about his mate!" I desperately asked. "Her name is Larisa Dankworth, she belongs to the Snowmoon clan, one of the most powerful clans after us." Nikolai briefed me on everything about her and her clan! "But what are you planning to do?" He asked with curiosity and I gave him a livid look. "I plan to turn their entire clan into ashes, I will kill those responsible for my brother's death and make them pay for his sufferings!" As soon as I vowed to avenge Kendrick's death, Nikolai bent down. "We shall take you as our new Alpha, you're the only one who can take over this position and serve us justice." "I can't take over my brother's position, we didn't even give him a funeral!" Rejecting Nikolai's demand, I remonstrated. "You can only serve revenge if you're powerful!" He convinced me as he reminded me the powers come with the position of Alpha, those powers will not only benefit me, but our whole Bloodmoon clan. "You're right, I must become powerful for my brother." To finish off an entire clan, one must know to protect his own first! By the time we headed back, the preparations were already completed. His lifeless body was beautifully sleeping inside the casket and the black suit he was wearing made him look pure handsome even in his death. Every single person present was sobbing from the pain and no one was ready to say goodbye to their Alpha, who protected them all these years. Soon after we buried him deep in the ground, everyone from my clan rushed to the graveyard and unexpectedly, bent down in front of me. Nikolai came forward from the crowd and whispered in my ear "this is the time when you should take your oath as our Alpha!" A sudden rain shower made the air cold and my tears immersed in the raindrops. "I, Ezra Aphelion, take this oath to protect my clan against every danger and serve you all as your leader!" My somber personality formed with my oath. "We accept you, Ezra Aphelion as our new Alpha and we are ready to serve you with our life." Their determination made me realize that they are loyal to our clan's blood and will do anything to serve justice for their former Alpha's death. "I've decided to claim Larisa Dankworth, the elder daughter of the Dankworth family of Snowmoon clan!" My sudden declaration shocked everybody. I never thought I would choose my mate out of revenge but my heart thought of it as a sacrifice for my brother. I wasn't aware of my fated mate because, unlike others all my life I only fought with rival clans and never tried to find her, maybe the moon goddess never chose one for me! "Why do you want to claim someone who killed your brother, our Alpha?" Julius from the crowd asked while his head was still bowing to me. "A simple death would be painless for her, so I wish to torture her and her entire clan every single day before they meet their miserable end!"

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