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Isabella's POV: I laid on Damian's bed, my chest heaving with the deep breaths I took to calm myself down. My body tingled with the sparks of Damian's rough handling of my body. I pulled my legs together, shivering as I did. I still felt my core pulsating, like he was still inside me. The cold air in the room made me shiver even more, the thin sheen of sweat on my skin drying up I turned to my side, my face falling when I saw Damian sitting at the edge of the bed already dressed with his back turned to me. I sat up, wincing as I did. It was going to hurt to sit for a while. I moved closer to Damian, pressing my chest to his back. I noticed how he tensed up, I frowned. That was strange. He was never this tense with me before. "What's the matter?" I asked, resting my head on his shoulder and trailing patterns down his arm. "Nothing." He said and got up, pushing me aside. "You should leave now." Stunned, I stared at him. He didn't even look at me as he spoke those words. "Did I do something wrong?" I made my voice as timid as possible, trying to get a positive reaction out of him. He put on a loose shirt and turned to leave. "My alpha!" I grabbed his hand, making him finally turn to me. His eyes were unreadable as he stared at me. "Go back to your room." He said and knocked my hand off. "We're done here." We're done here?! Like I was what?! A cheap harlot?! I glared at his back as he walked out of the room. With a loud scoff I got out of the bed and looked around for my clothes I had thrown off in a lustful haze before I wore his bathrobe. I found my clothes and put them on, huffing in annoyance as I did. I couldn't understand what was even wrong with Damian these days. I made my way out if his bedroom, pointedly ignoring him as I walked past him in the living room. If he's going to treat me like this, then he has lost the privilege of me talking to him. I waited, hoping that he would call me back or say something to me. He didn't do anything. I didn't even feel his intense gaze on my back as I walked out of his suite and into the stale hallways. I felt so stressed. All I needed right now was a hot bath and a massage. And maybe some alcohol but it took a lot to give me the feeling I was looking for. I sighed heavily and made my way down the stairs. Damn Damian and his love for high places. Taking the huge flight of stairs up to meet him was one thing, but taking the same flight of stairs down was very annoying. I made my way to my room, burning in anger. Then I remembered that Damian's stupid mate was dead now. It helped relieve my anger a bit. Perhaps Damian was feeling a bit down, due to the mating bond and all that mushy stuff. I never believed in such nonsense . It sounded stupid to me. I got to my room to find Daisy, my personal maid waiting for me by the door. "Draw a hot bath scented with roses." I snapped before she could greet me. "And send for some champagne. Hurry you and come back quickly, I need you to massage my feet." Daisy bowed like the obedient slave that she was. "Yes, mistress." She hurried off to the bathroom and prepared a hot bath. The air filled with steam and the heady scent of roses. Rose petals danced on the water surface. I took my clothes off, flinging then to her as I stepped into the bathtub The water was divine. It felt like small warm hands were massaging my body. I leaned back, a sigh of content leaving my lips. This water treated me better than Damian did. I heard Daisy scurry off and return almost immediately with a tray of champagne and strawberries. I smiled to myself. I had trained her well. She knew exactly what I wanted. More than Damian. I groaned and slapped the water. Thinking about Damian was driving me nuts! I grabbed the champagne and drank the bottle half, refilling the glass and drinking it in one gulp. "What is his problem?!" I exploded, unable to keep it inside any longer. Daisy flinched, a squeak coming from her. "I mean, aren't I beautiful?" "Yes you are mistress. You're very beautiful." "Aren't I strong?" "Yes, you are. You're...." I threw the champagne glass at her. It shattered on her head, blood dripping down her hair line. "Shut up " I hissed watching as she bent down and started cleaning the broken glass. "And for Luna's sake! Don't get any blood on my damn carpet!" "I'm sorry mistress," She chanted. "I'll clean it up right away." "Well hurry up!" I snapped. "I still need that massage!" She bowed and hurried off with the broken pieces of glass in her palms. I sighed heavily and leaned back into the water. Suddenly it didn't feel so nice against my body anymore. "Damn it." I groaned out. This was all making me so angry. And being angry all the time wasn't good for my health at all. I didn't want to look all old and ragged when I wasn't even twenty five yet. I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself down. Damian was just acting up. It was nothing to worry about. It was just the blues, nothing else. Daisy returned, a bandaged wrapped around her head. So dramatic, and for what? It wasn't like the wound was deep. I raised my led and placed it on the edge of the tub. She instantly went to work, her deft and trained fingers massaging the soles of my feet. As much as I hated to admit it, it felt nice having her do that. So I leaned into the water once more and enjoyed the massage. **** Damian's POV Something was wrong with me, really wrong with me. And I think Isabella noticed it. It wasn't the same. Nothing was ever the same after that night I spent alone with Amelia in that wretched barn. If only I hadn't done that. If only the Rogues hadn't attacked. Then perhaps I wouldn't be here right now, having this internal battle. I had believed Isabella was the most beautiful woman I could ever lay eyes upon. Till Amelia came along. Even though Isabella was in my arms, I was thinking of Amelia. Everything was so different. s*x with Isabella didn't feel the same like it used to. I couldn't even finish if I wanted to. I sighed heavily and ran my hands through my hair. I had hoped that the session with Isabella would calm me down after meeting my father. But I just couldn't focus. Thinking of Amelia. Thinking of my father. Thinking of the rogues who had vanished after wrecking havoc on my pack. Thinking of the pack affairs. Thinking of everything. I felt guilty sending her away like that, but I didn't want to bother her with my problems. She was going to be my Luna and not my therapist. It was getting late, and the days activities were weighing on my body. I considered going after Isabella, but what was the point if I couldn't focus and let her down? "This is so damn Annoying" I hissed and headed back to my bedroom. The two bedrooms in my flat was for a reason. One was for the moments I had with Isabella, and the other was my private bedroom. No one was allowed in there, not even Isabella. I don't know why, but I very much preferred to keep it that way. I got into bed, waiting for sleep to come. Apparently it was harder to sleep being so worried. I eventually drifted off to sleep. I didn't know how long it lasted, but I knew it nearly wasn't enough. A loud pounding on the door rudely woke me up. I sat up in bed, embarrassed that I had been dreaming of Amelia. How soft her fair skin felt under my hands, the way she stared at me and the sounds she made. I got out of bed and headed to the door. "Who Is it?!" I exploded, making sure my voice conveyed my anger. "Alpha!" I heard Bishop's voice. "We got a report of men from Red Blood pack being seen within our borders!" I felt my blood run cold. Red moon pack?! Within our borders?! My father would never let me rest for this! "Alpha!" Bishop called in, his voice tinged with worry. "I'll be with you." I groaned out, looking down and horrified to see the tent in my pants. Damn it! Just a dream and I had this reaction. What the heck would I do about red moon pack?!
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