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Damian's POV. "What happened?" I asked Bishop who was racing through the halls to meet me. "Thank goodness you're here." Bishop exhaled, a look of relief on his face. "Members of red moon in our lands?" I asked, my eyes narrowed. Bishop nodded gravely. "The report came to us a few minutes ago. They were seen at burning point." I frowned. "Burning Point? What could they be doing at burning Point?" Burning Point was an uninteresting place with an interesting history. Some years ago, lightning had struck a tree in the field, setting it on fire. The fire burned for three days and three nights before it could be put out. The spot became known as burning point till this day. What could they have been looking for at burning point? There was nothing of interest there. "I have no idea," Bishop replied. "But they ..." His words were cut off. Wondering what had caused him to pause I looked up. My father was approaching us. And he didn't look happy. "Should I leave?" Bishop asked, worry evident in his voice. "Damian," My father said, his voice sounding annoyed. "What is all this I'm hearing?" Bishop bowed in greeting. My father ignored him, his eyes focused on me. I drew in a small breath to try and control myself. I was so not in the mood for this right now. "I have it under control, father." I said, managing a small smile. "You don't have to worry. I..." "Was that what I asked?" His voice boomed in annoyance. I stilled. "There are reports of pack member from red moon pack being sighted in our lands." "Reports?!" He barked. "And what have you done about it?!" "That's what I'm saying father," I said, my hands turning into fists at my side. "I have it all under control." His eyes narrowed into green slits. "I better hope you do." He turned and walked away, a cold wind lingering in his wake. "f**k!" I exclaimed. Bishop glanced at me worriedly. "We have to resolve this. And quick!" "Yes alpha. But how do you hope to take care of it?" I thought about that for a moment. There was no solid proof that red moon pack had instigated the attack on our pack, they could have, but there was no proof about it. All we had was the report that they had been spotted at Burning Point. I exhaled softly. Top of the morning. Top of the damned morning and my mood was already shitty. "We'll confront Alpha Richard." Bishop gasped. "You mean like...going to his pack to face him one on one?" "Yes." I replied. "What else can we do?" Richard had it coming. For a very long time now. **** Getting to red moon pack, I felt a sense of disquieting inside me. Something inside here was calling my attention, but I couldn't place what it was. It felt like a tug, a small tug that I couldn't shake off. Richard must have gotten wind of our visit, judging by the insane number of guards waiting for us at the front door of the pack house. Even the pack members threw us glances, visibly displeased to see us here. I don't blame them. I'm not happy to be here either. "Alpha Damian," One of the guards said, he seemed to be the leader of this party. "I request an audience with Richard." "Alpha Richard," The guard said pointedly, placing emphasis on the word 'alpha' I nearly rolled my eyes. "Yes, whatever." Another guard came in from the pack house and whispered to the leader. The look on his face was annoyed to say the least. The party parted ways, making a path for I and Bishop to pass through. I glared at the guard, making it known that if it weren't that we were in their land, his head would be rolling for disrespect. The guard who had come in led us silently to where I presumed Richard was. All the way I couldn't help but notice the persistent tugging in my chest. It was really so annoying. "Right here," The guard spoke and opened a pair of double doors. The doors opened to reveal an office of some sort, and of course there was Richard. The sight of him filled me with annoyance. He was my number one rival, it was no news now that red moon always went toe to toe with blood moon pack. But Richard was no coward. He didn't hide behind rogue attacks and flimsy underhanded means of attack. He was direct and forward, preferring to bash into things head first. So hearing that red moon could have been responsible for the rogue attack left a bad feeling in my chest. Richard looked up, his eyes narrowing even with the patriotic smile on is face. He rose to his feet, "Welcome, alpha Damian." He said. "Would you like something to drink? Tea, coffee, the blood of your enemies?" "Cut the crap." I hissed at him. "You know exactly why I'm here." "The blood of your enemies it is." He said and sat down. He snapped his fingers and a servant came rushing into the room, instantly going down on his knees. "Get some wine for our esteemed guest and his....friend." "That won't be necessary. " I said through clenched teeth, trying to control my annoyance. The servant returned with a tray of wine and three glasses. The infuriating man poured himself a glass and gestured to the bottle. "You can pour some for yourself, right?" He said, his eyes narrowed in mischief. I glared at him. He smirked, he was enjoying this way too much for my liking. "Your people were sighted in my land. Care to explain that?" He took his time, his sweet sweet time to drink that wine. Then he put the glass down. "My people? In your pack? Whatever could they be doing there?" "That's exactly what I was hoping to get from you." I said through clenched teeth. "Did you instigate the rogue attack on my pack, the night of the blood moon?" A flash of annoyance sparked through his features. "I feel insulted to think that you could believe me capable of such cowardly means of fighting." I rolled my eyes mentally. "Then answer the question." "I would very much lead my armies marching through your front door." That was true, I knew that much. The only thing stoping him from launching that offense was the power blood moon had over red moon. No one would dare attack us. Well except for the damned rogues who did! "So you were not responsible for the attack on my pack?"I questioned. "You have my word." Richard said with a slow smile, raising up two fingers. I didn't like the way he was looking at me. Like I was some sort of exhibit at a museum. "And your men who were spotted at Burning point? Is that also something you didn't do?" He tilted his head in a curious manner, propping his chin on his hands, elbows on the table. "oh that, I had my men pick up something for me." "So it was in fact you " "Yes, did I lie?" This man....this man was annoying me without bounds. "What was it you had to pick up." "Something very important to me." He said. "And no, don't expect me to tell you what it was. I assure you though, to you, it was as insignificant as a log of wood." I didn't like this. Not one bit. I turned and looked at Bishop, he had a suspicious look on his face too. What would I do now? There was no threat, no act of violence. Just Richard being tight lipped as always. "Very well." I said at last. "I will take my leave. However, do not think that I have forgotten about this incident." "Oh dont worry." Richard said with a laugh. "You won't miss what I took. Not by a long shot. So, be rest assured. Keep on being the tough and fearsome alpha that you are." "Shove your patronizing comments up your ass Richard. And stay off my damn pack!" "You too ." He replied with narrowed eyes. "I could say the exact same for you." I turned and walked out of the office, more annoyed than I had been when I walked in. "You think he's lying?" Bishop asked once we were out of earshot. "No, he's telling the truth" I replied. "At least half of it anyway." My father and Richard's father had been rivals. And that rivalry was passed onto their sons. While he had done nothing yet, there was no denying the heavy and oppressive aura that hung in the air. Just how much longer did it have to take before it all came crashing down? I heard a shrill voice cry out in pain, the tug in my chest getting worse. I stopped in my tracks, Turning to the sound of the voice. "What's the matter?" Bishop asked. "I heard a scream." I replied, looking around. "I heard nothing." Bishop replied. "Are you sure?" I glared at him. But I didn't reply. That seemed oddly familiar. But I couldn't place where I had heard it before.
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