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Damian's POV: "Any information on the rouges who had attacked us on the blood moon?" I turned and asked Bishop. "No information yet, alpha." He replied with a bow. I scoffed. "Just what are the scouts doing?! It's been two months and none of them can find anything about the idiots who attacked us? " "I'll tell them to put more effort into their search." "Don't bother." I snapped at him. "I will do that myself. For goodness sake, can't anyone ever do anything right?!" A knock sounded on the office door, making my irritation even worse. I was about to bark at whoever was interrupting me when I heard my mother's voice call from outside. "Alpha Damian?" She called and knocked again. "May I come in?" I instantly rose to my feet. "Mother, please come in." The door opened and my mother walked in. I noticed she had a worried look in her eyes, even though she was smiling. I walked up to her, taking her hands into mine. "Is anything the problem, mother?" I asked. "You look bothered," She managed a smile. "It's nothing my dear, I just came to tell you that your father has requested to see you." My heart skipped a beat. My father wants to see me? For what? I hid my questions and smiled at my mother. "I'll be with him in a moment." My father wasn't around for my coronation. He and I didn't have the strongest of all relationships, it was more of a dictatorship. But that dictatorship is the reason I am the alpha king today. "He's at the south gardens, where the hydrangeas bloom." My mother said. "Please, be kind okay?" I nearly laughed. Between me and my father, I'd say he's the one supposed to be kind to me. But I nodded, I didn't want to see my mother worry and if I could do that by playing kind with my father, fine. I smiled at her. "I will do just that, mother." She nodded and left. I turned to bishop who had been watching us with a disinterested look. "You may leave." I spoke to him. He bowed and walked out. I took one last look at the piles of paperwork I had to do and sighed. I turned and walked out of my office. I headed down to the south gardens. It was going to be a long walk, my living quarters was at the top floor of the pack house, I liked it that way. But sometimes it was a pain. I met Isabella on my way down and it crossed my mind that I hadn't sent for her as I said I would. She saw me and smiled, walking faster till she was in front of me. She bowed. "Greetings, my alpha." "How are you, Isa?" I replied. She raised her head and looked at me, a small blush on her cheeks. "I'm doing very well, I hope you are too." I nodded. "Meet me in my room in three hours." Hopefully my father wouldn't take long. Her face lit up, bright blue eyes creased with a smile. "Yes, I will " I brushed past her and kept on walking. I could feel her eyes on me till I went through the back door and into the gardens. My mother had a love for flowers, hence the enormous gardens at the back of the pack house. It was a common story that my father hated such flowers, but her love for them made him gradually change his mind. I got to the south gardens and easily spotted my father. The man was hard to miss with his build and aura. He was seated in the gazebo centered in the south gardens, surrounded by beautiful blue hydrangeas. He looked out of place. Former alpha Killian Falcon. The man, the legend, the feared one. He turned and looked at me, his green eyes hard and cold. His face was unsmiling and cold. He had long waist length black hair that was tied to his nape. He was huge, way bigger than me. And he looked intimidating sitting among delicate hydrangeas. I bowed, showing my respects. "You sent for me, father?" "Damian," He spoke, his voice thundering. "Join me for tea." I raised my head and frowned. Tea? Nonetheless, I replied "yes father " I joined him in the gazebo, picking up a cup of tea. Jasmine tea. Mother's favorite. "Congratulations on your coronation as alpha." He said, taking a sip of his tea. The cup looked small in his hands, like he would crush it any time. "I wish you were there." I replied. A wind blew by, ruffling my hair. "Quit your whining" he snapped, his eyes glaring. I sighed. "Thank you, father." "I heard you found a mate." He said, making me freeze. He noticed this and raised a dark brow. "That was a baseless rumour." I replied sharply. "Tell me more about it. And do not for the love of your mother lie to me." Sometimes I wished things were different. That maybe my father was kinder to me. More like a father and less like a military ruler. "I rejected her." I said through clenched teeth. "I could not be mated to a mere omega. That was a mistake." His brows shot up. "Interesting. An omega." What he meant to say was "how disappointing". My mother was the daughter of an alpha king, royalty at its finest. And my mate turned out to be.... I didn't even want to think about it. "So you're left with that...what's her name again" "Isabella." "Yes. That one." I felt a spark of irritation run through me. Isabella wasn't just a that one, she was going to be my Luna. She was everything I wanted in the woman who would rule by my side. And my father had hated her since day zero. "That girl has a wicked look in her eyes." He said and drank some of his tea. "She's perfect, father." I said for the hundredth time. "And I will make her my luna." Whether you like it or not. "Princess Adessa would have been a better choice for you." "Father, " I said trying to control my irritation. "Isabella is the one for me." My father looked at me like I was a bug. A stare I was all too used to. "Get out of my sight." He spat, his voice cold, like the rest of him. I bowed and turned sharply, walking away. This was always happening. Nothing I ever did was good enough for him. Ever since that day ... I pushed those thoughts to the darkest part of my mind. I had banished those memories. But for some reason they just kept coming back. I made my way to my room, the sun was setting already. Everytime I spoke to my father it would end up this way. Every damn time. I got to the top floor, my sanctuary in this pack house. it was designed just how I wanted it. It had a living room, two bedrooms, a kitchen which was rarely ever used and a balcony. I preferred floor to ceiling windows over looking the pack and the sky, that way I felt like I was on top of it all. Being the current alpha of the most powerful pack, I think I deserved that much. Walking into my bedroom, I spotted Isabella sitting on my bed, dressed in a bathrobe and a coy smile on her face. "Good evening my alpha" she said, crossing her legs. "You're early. " I said as I headed to my bathroom. "Better that than being late." I undressed and got into the shower, turning the water on to the coldest setting. My body felt hot, vibrating with anger. My father always had a way of putting me in a bad mood. Always. I finished my shower and got dressed in a pair of sweat pants. Isabella eyed me up and down, lust flashing in her eyes. I really wanted to say something to her, but I was too irritated for that. "Take that off." I pointed to her bathrobe. She Got to her feet and peeled it off her body slowly, teasingly. She was wearing nothing underneath it. And the thought that crossed my mind was Amelia has a more beautiful body. I nearly slapped myself on the spot. "Get on the bed Isa. I'm not in the mood for your teasing right now." "Oh," Her brows shot up with mischief. "Rough And angry. I like it." She laid on the bed, her hand tapping the sheets beside her, and her eyes looking around in disinterest and curiosity. I joined her on the bed, gazing at her face. She was a very beautiful woman, with sharp features and a sensual gaze. I took a hold of her chin, turning her to face me. "I won't be gentle," I warned, trying so hard to push the image of Amelia's face with her large hazel eyes out of my mind. Fuck! Why couldn't I stop thinking about her?!
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