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Amelia's POV. I cried out in pain feeling my foot hit a stump on the ground. Pain racked through my body and tears pricked my eyes. "Please..." I choked out. "Slow down please...I'm..." "Shut up b***h!" One of them shouted. "I think we should gag her or something." One of them offered. "Yes, that's a good idea." "No no!" I cried out. "Please don't I..." They didn't listen to me. The piece of cloth was stuffed onto my mouth before I could protest any further. The man who pushed it into my mouth pushed it so far back in, I gagged. "That's much better." The man said with a sigh. I tried to look behind me, watching blood moon pack grow smaller and smaller. My heart raced wildly in my chest. I had lived in blood moon for all my life. Alpha Damian was getting further and further away ! What if he came to Burning Point and didn't see me?! What would he do?! How would I go back to him now and tell him about his baby?! I cried quietly through the gag, my eyes misting up. I hadn't expected my life to turn out this way. Not at all. The men dragged me all the way to Red Moon Pack. My knees and legs were bruised and cut form the brambles and thorns that tore into my skin . I saw the pack house up ahead, and my blood ran cold. It looked like something out of a nightmare. Cold and dark And brooding. I didn't want to be here. With all my heart I didn't want to be here. I tried to pleas through the gag, shaking my head wildly and trying to pull myself back. The men dragged me harder and making my knees bash into the ground. A strangled sob escaped my lips as I lost feeling in my legs. The men dragged me through the halls like I was a common criminal. People paused to look, and I felt my face explode into red. This humiliation was more than when my step mother had dragged me through the street and paraded me as a slut for getting pregnant . The men got to a dungeon that was located underground. It was dark and damp and smelled of death and decay. The men threw me into a cell and slammed the door shut. I tore the gag out of my mouth and threw wit aside. My jaw went slack form the pain. I tried my best to ignore it and rushed to the cell bars. I grabbed sit and screamed. "Let me out of here! I have to speak to Alpha Damian!" "Shut the f**k up bitch." The guard outside said. "If you know what's good for you, you'll shut up and sit there." "Please," I sobbed. "I have to tell him something..." The guard ignored me "You don't understand!" No response. I collapsed to the floor and cried. My entire body was on fire with pain, my legs in particular bleeding. I looked down and gasped, the sight was nasty. Blood and debris stuck to my wounds, making them look very unsightly. It hurt so much just by looking at it. I fell to the cold cell floors, my head hanging forward as I cried. I couldn't believe it! From hell to another hell. And I thought things were going so fine. I thought I was finally making some progress. I thought that perhaps, things will look better for me. But I was so wrong. I grabbed my stomach and cried. What was I going to do now? *** Isabella's POV. I walked through the hall, humming a merry tune to myself. By now, that pig should be dead. Alpha Richard never did disappoint, not for any reason. I smiled to myself, feeling very excited. With his mate gone, Damian would have no choice but to marry me and make me his Luna. That was the entire reason I did all this in the first place. "Hello Isabella " I heard a voice say beside me. I turned sharply to see Bishop, Damian's soon to be beta. "Well hello to you too." I replied and continued on my way. Bishop followed beside me, I had no idea why he was following me but I was too much in a good mood to bother about it. "You look beautiful today." He said, clearing his throat. "Thank you Bishop." I replied politely. "But please, refrain form such compliments. You do know I am the alpha's girlfriend" "Oh yes," Bishop laughed softly. "I'm sorry for overstepping." "Whatever" I replied with a wave. "Do you know where the alpha is?" "Oh yes. He's in his gym right now." "Thank you Bishop." I replied and changed my direction to the gym. I had been hoping that he was in his room so I could visit him and have a little alone time....but anyway. I got to the gym and walked inside. It was his own Private gym, separate form the pack gym. Damian liked to keep in shape, believing that war could break out at any moment. "What are you doing here?" He asked, not looking away from the iron he was pumping. Not that I had any sort of interest in such things. Men and their ways huh. "I was hoping you would be in your room" I replied with a soft smile. "You know, it's been a while." And your mate is dead now. But if course I didn't say the last part out loud. "I'm busy now." He said immediately. "Go and do something else." I felt a spark of irritation at him. But I quickly regained my composure. There would be time. There would be plenty of time and more. I sighed to show him my displeasure at him pushing me away. "You've been saying that for weeks now. Don't you love me anymore?" He paused and sat up on the bench, looking straight at me. "What does that even mean?" "You always push me away! And you don't want me anymore! Why?! Is there someone else in your heart?!" I saw his gaze shift a bit and I could tell he was thinking about that girl. Damn her! Damn her to hell! Then Damian looked back at me. He sighed softly. "That's not the case, Isa." I smiled to myself. Bingo. I knew just how to get what I wanted from him. "I'll send for you later, okay? Right now I'm very busy." I smiled brightly, like I hadn't just make him change him mind with my fake hurt and acting skills. "Okay!" I squeaked out. "I love you so much." He looked bothered. A while ago he would have said the words back without hesitation. "I'll see you later." He said instead. "You may go " I smiled to myself. Don't worry Damian, I have just the perfect plan for you. You have no idea.
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