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Isabella's POV That disgusting omega was pregnant for my Damian?! How the f**k on earth did that even happen?! I glared at the maid in front of me. "Are you sure about this?!" I questioned, narrowing my eyes in anger. "Are you sure she said Alpha Damian?!" The maid lowered her head, her body trembling out of fear. "Yes, that's what she said." I stroked my chin, a smile on my face. "Fine. Tell her to meet the alpha at Burning Point." The maid nodded. "Yes mistress." That omega will never know what hit her. What sort of underhanded means did she use to get pregnant for Damian?! Did she drug him?! Just how did she do it because I know that Damian will never sleep with such a disgusting pig. I bit my lip hard. If Damian did find out that that pig was carrying his child, it would ruin my chances of being Luna. And also because she was his mate....double ruined chances. A mate who was pregnant for him?! He would make her his Luna in a heart beat. I turned and walked away, making my way to the forest surrounding the pack house. I had to do something and very fast. Becoming the Luna in blood moon pack was very essential to me. And I couldn't let a nobody omega take that away from me. I had to hurry to my destination, before that omega got suspicious. I made my way to Red blood pack to see Alpha Richard. He would love this news. Absolutely. I got to the pack house and walked up to the front door. The guards situated there looked at me and opened the door. I didn't need to talk, I didn't need to do anything. They knew me already. I walked to Alpha Richard's study. I knew the pack house by heart. I was stopped in front of his study by two hefty guards. "Take me to Alpha Richard." I spoke to one of the guards. "You can't see the alpha now." The guard replied. I rolled my eyes. "Tell Him it's a matter of urgency. I don't have all night to stand around and wait." The guard looked at me up and down. "Very well. Wait here." He disappeared inside the study. It took a moment for him to come back out, u wondered what was taking so long for him to just tell Richard that I was here to see him! Was it that difficult?! About a few minutes later he came out. "You may go in." He said and held the door opened. "Thank you " I said with tight lips and walked inside. I easily spotted Richard in the large study, reading at the large desk. He raised his head and looked at me, his eyes lighting up "Isabella my darling," He said and rose to his feet. His voice boomed across the room. He spread his arms and walked towards me, a huge smile on his handsome face. I respectfully kept my hands at my sides, indicating that I didn't want any part in hugging him. "Good evening, Alpha Richard. I'm afraid I'm not here for pleasantries, I have a matter of ultimate urgency I must discuss with you." Richard frowned, a dark brow shooting up. "What is the matter" "It's about Damian." I said gravely. "There's a slight hiccup in our plan." All traces of a smile vanished from Richard's face. "What is this?" "Damian has a mate now." I said. I noticed how he inhaled sharply, his eyes flashing red for a moment. "Interesting. And how is this mate going to ruin our plans?" I scoffed. "She exists! That's how. She could dethrone me and..." "Watch your tone, Isabella." Richard growled in anger. "You speak to an alpha!" I pursed my lips and sighed, bowing my head in apology. "I'm sorry, Alpha Richard. But ...I need this girl gone. " I raised my head and looked at him. "You want me to kill her?" He asked, an amused look on his face. "Yes." I replied. "Or everything we've worked for could go to waste " Richard nodded slowly. "You have a point." Three guards burst into the study and went on their knees. "You sent for us, alpha?" "Yes." Richard said and truned to me. "Where is this mate of his?" "At burning point." I replied. "Waiting for Damian who will never come." "Excellent." Richard said with a smile. "You may leave now." "You'll take care of her? Please." "I promise you." Richard said. "You have my word." I smiled. "Thank you, alpha Richard." I bowed and turned to leave. The word of an alpha was absolute. And his promise was a guarantee. That omega would pay. She would definitely pay. *** Amelia's pov. I sat underneath the large oak tree at Burning Point. I couldn't believe that Damian had agreed to see me! I was expecting him to send me away in a flash but apparently he didn't. And he actually has a heart, so it does seem. I touched my stomach, a small smile on my face. Even though my family had cast me out and disowned me, Damian wouldn't. Who would throw away the woman carrying their unborn child? Especially if that person was an alpha? Children were gold to an alpha, a continuation of their legacy . I looked up at the night sky sprinkled with stars. A cold breeze blew by, making me shiver. I was dressed in the flimsy rags from home, with no extra clothes on me. I huddled close, trying to generate some warmth for myself by rubbing my arms together. How much time had passed now? I tried not to think about it. Alpha Damian was a very busy Alpha, in face I was more than opportuned that he had agreed to see me. I saw a figure approaching me up ahead and stood up, my heart leaping in joy. He was finally here. "Good evening, alpha Damian. I..." I raised my head up, my heart doing a skip as I saw the outline of the man become two, and four Fear seized my heart. "Alpha Damian?" One of the men said with a raunchy laugh. "Sorry, were not your little f**k toy " I took a step back, my heart starting to race in my chest. "Who are you?!" I shouted, frantically looking around for a means of escape "Dont worry," The men said. "We're not here to hurt you, just come with us peacefully and nothing bad will happen to you." I touched my stomach. Come with these men?! "Did Alpha Damian send you?!" One of the men spat. "You're asking too much questions kid." I turned and ran, hoping to get as far away from the men as I could. They seemed dangerous. Who sent them?! What did they want with me?! They didn't look like the bullies from home, they were tougher and more intimidating. A hand grabbed my hair and pulled me back, making me cry out and fall back. "Not so fast now." The man growled in my ear and grabbed my hair harder. "You're coming with us whether you like it or not." I struggled against him, kicking and scratching. "I'm not going anywhere with you!" I had to see Damian at all costs! I had to tell him of his baby! I had to see him tonight! The man clamped a heavy hand over my mouth, silencing my cried and screams. "Alpha Richard will be so pleased with us." Alpha Richard?! The alpha of red blood pack?! I struggled even harder. I had heard stories of red blood pack, and none of them were good stories at all. These men were from red blood pack! For goodness sake where was Alpha Damian?!
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