1012 Words

Amelia's POV "AHHHH!!" Someone was screaming. Their voice sounded so pained and agonized. It took me a moment to realize that those screams came from me. The whips lashed into my back, tearing off pieces of my skin with it. As much as I tried to ignore the pain and pull myself away from this environment right now, I was harshly pulled back to the pain each moment the whip connected with my back again. My wrists felt like they were going to fall off with how tightly they were suspended to the chains connected to the ceilings. I could feel blood trailing down my back, I could feel the tears dripping down my face. The whip lashed against my back again, a loud cry for help escaping my lips. My eyes squeezed shut, hot tears dripping down my lashes. How long would this continue for? Just

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