1719 Words

Amelia's POV I felt the pull, like I had a string connected to me that was urging me forward. I dragged myself to the cell bars, crying and whimpering as my bruised knees hit the ground and scraped more of my skin off. "S..some...body..." I tried to speak, my voice coming out as a dry croak. My throat felt parched, I couldn't remember the last time I had drank water. "Help. ." I cried out, my voice weak and broken. I felt the tug get stronger, as if whatever it is I was getting pulled to was getting closer. I felt a spark of hope in my chest. Yes. Some one, any one! Save me from this hell! Take me out of here! Please Please Please!!! I reached out and grabbed the bars. I dragged myself up, my brows narrowed in concentration. My legs felt like Jelly. I couldn't stand properly. Hol

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