1086 Words

Amelia's POV: "Who was that woman?" I asked, struggling to keep up with Richard's long strides. My feet were starting to hurt in my heels, and I wanted to take it off badly. "I do not appreciate your questions." He snapped. "Unless I give you permission to ask." Lemme guess, she must be his girlfriend or something. If that was the case, then she was a very beautiful woman I had to admit. I sealed my lips and continued to follow him. Taking the stairs down the top floor back to the ground floor was really long and tiring, my legs ached. Once this day was over, I would take a long bath and just rest. Richard led me to the underground dungeons. There was Jasper, laying guard outside. He spotted Richard and quickly bowed. "My Lord." He said. His eyes flitted over to me for a brief momen

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