-Riccardo- My mother was the first to come out of the bedroom. "They're still watching a movie. I'm going home." She informs me and my father puts an arm around her and kisses her. "Good luck." He says and I sigh. "Mamma?" I dare not ask, afraid that the answer is that she is leaving. "I don't know son, I think you have to have faith in her this time. This is out of your control and the harder you try to take back control. The harder she's going to push you away." She explains to me and she hugs me. Then they leave. In the meantime, I have put my people on the murder of John. I called Jared Reid, the highest-ranking police chief in the district. He's a few years older than I am, but he can think creatively within the set frameworks. We help each other. He has given my peo