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Jamie’s P.O.V. After my shower, and mentally preparing myself for the battle of my life, I picked up Lottie from her room. She was also a pack member of the Spike pack, and had always felt like my baby-sister. We were all orphans after all, our parents all dead from making stupid choices in life, which led to us being members of the Spike pack. And we had all grown up, having each other’s backs. We might look like a freakshow of a family towards the outside world, but they were still my family nonetheless. “Ready to go, Lottie?” I asked her, seeing how nervous she was actually looking, even though she was trying to hide it from me. I could always look straight at her. Even though she wasn’t fighting herself tonight, it was her family that was standing in the front line, ready to kill or be killed. “Yeah. Just promise me you’ll be safe. Don’t get yourself killed out there.” She told me, to which I nodded. Finding out I was promising two people the same thing now. Even though the same promise held such a different meaning to it. To Lottie, I needed to be safe, so our family wouldn’t fall apart. We needed each other to stay alive, because for such a long time, we only had each other. But for Lana, I needed to promise her I would be fine for my future. Because hell, that girl was my future. “I promise, Lottie.” I nodded at her, as we reached Ash’s condo and I knocked on the door, to which he opened, with his mate Addie, our true Luna, standing right behind him. I looked up at the power couple, and knew right that second, that in case of need, I would die for the both of them. I would die, protecting them. It wasn’t only my job as Beta, but this pack needed the both of them, in order to have a future at all. If Alpha Michael was kept in charge of this place, it was only a matter of time, before there wouldn’t be anyone left. And our pack was too notorious for pack members to run off and ask for shelter anywhere else. And being a rogue, was even a worse fate than being a Spike pack member. So we needed to win, and therefore, we needed to protect our Alpha and Luna with all our power; Alpha Ash and Luna Addie. “Ready?” I asked my best friend and Alpha, it was his father, after all, that we were about to kill tonight. Alpha Michael was a monster indeed, but at the end of the day, he was still Ash’s father. Even though the man had used his own son as a punching bag, more times than I could count. I still couldn’t imagine what must have been going through Ash’s head at that moment. Knowing what he was about to do, in order to protect the ones he loved. Including myself. “I guess we are.” he answered me, nodding and taking Addie’s hand in his, before we walked down. The last couple of months, after Ash had found his mate in Addie, they had hidden their relationship from the entire pack, apart from Lottie, Luke and myself. We all knew pretty well that if Alpha Michael found out, he would see Addie as a threat, and he would have her killed immediately. But now, they walked down hand in hand, for the world to see that they were together, for his father to see, that they were mates. And a threat to himself as a leader. Because being fully mated, Ash was a f*****g powerhouse. We made our way outside, at the back of the house, where people were gathered around, and Alpha Michael was standing in the center, waiting to make his big ‘announcement’, which usually only meant trouble for some of us most times. Ash and Addie stopped walking, while Luke and I flanked them. It was our job to protect Addie, our Luna. And I would do my job to the last second if I had to. Alpha Michael looked over, and a flicker in his eyes made me see, when the wheels inside his f****d up head started to turn, as he saw Ash and Addie standing hand in hand, and probably seeing the new claiming mark on Ash’s neck. A mark that made him more powerful than he had ever been before in his life. Alpha Michael started to speak to his pack members, telling us that tonight, he had two announcements to make, the first one being that he had found himself a new chosen mate. And she was already pregnant with his pup, but my mind went blurry, as I looked over at my best friend, Luke. Alpha Michael’s new mate, as he stated, was Francesca. And as much as I hated the b***h, she still was Luke’s first true mate. And even though they had severed their bond, with Francesca rejecting him and Luke accepting the rejection, this news still must have hurt him to the core. And I honestly wanted to puke up all over the grass, seeing how Luke, a fine young and handsome man, had been replaced by a repulsive and violent one, who was even old enough to be Francesca’s father, for the sole purpose of just his title. Just for power. “Now, the bad news. We have a mole inside of our pack.” Alpha Michael growled, as he pointed right at… me. me? a mole? Is he even being serious right now? What the f**k? “What?” I brought out, not having any idea why he even thought that I would be a freaking mole. “This traitor, has been going out of our pack lands non-stop during the last months. Being gone for hours before coming back. Not only to mingle himself into another pack, but in the human world! Which makes it even worse! He will tell the secrets of our pack, of our ways of living, to the outside world, probably working together with hunters. They will come here, and they will try to kill us all!” And all I could do, was watch him with big eyes of wonder. Feeling how my body seemed to freeze. How wrong could this man be? He is really f*****g crazy in the head! And worst of all… he had been having an eye out for me, and I had had no idea, this whole time. Had my mind been so clouded by Lana? That I had potentially put her in danger? Was she in danger right now? Was my mate in danger? For all I knew, Alpha Michael could have sent wolves over towards her, to hurt her. To hurt her, to get back at me! “And therefore, he must be punished! By death!” Alpha Michael screamed, and I saw how his own Beta and Gamma slowly started to come closer towards me, while the air was being pulled out of my lungs. Death? Was he going to kill me? because I went to go and see my mate? But I just kept silent, and didn’t say a word. Goddess only knew, if I told the truth, he would definitely have guards run over to Lana, and then she would be in real danger. And I would rather die, than to place my perfect little mate in danger. And as I looked up at Alpha Michael, and saw that he wasn’t even looking at me, but at his son Ash, everything just clicked together. He wants to kill me, to get to Ash. Kill the best friend, in order to hurt his own flesh and blood He is a f*****g monster. But in one second, everything changed. As Ash stepped forward, looking at his father, while Addie and Lottie started to run inside the pack house, and my best friend stepped forward, letting us all know. It was time for war. “Dare to touch him, and you will lose both of your hands, Beta.” Ash growled towards the old Beta of Alpha Michael, his voice filled with so much power, and a rage I had never heard in it before. “If you lay a finger on my Beta, you are dead!” Ash spoke again, only louder this time, his growl changing into a grin. Pissing off his own father, as he was letting his wolf come to the surface. “How dare you! Speak to your Alpha in that way!” Alpha Michael threatened his son. “You are no Alpha of mine, you old fool.” he answered him. That’s it Ash Let’s get this f*****g show on the road! “Fine!” Alpha Michael scoffed, straightening himself. “Ashford, I demand you to take Jamie, bring him over to me, and rip his heart out of his chest.” Wow Alpha Michael would put his own son through such horrors? He would use his Alpha command on his son, so he would murder me in cold blood. Fucking psycho! But nobody moved, and nobody followed the Alpha’s orders or command. It was a big part of our plan, and a big surprise at that. Because yesterday, right before I left on my date with Lana. Luke had sneaked into Alpha Michael’s office, stealing a ceremonial dagger while he was busy screwing Francesca. The ceremonial dagger was needed, because it was often used inside packs for rituals. Including an Alpha Ritual, and that was exactly what we did. We had held ourselves a little ritual, an Alpha ritual. Where we made Ash a real Alpha, Luke a real Gamma, and myself, a real Beta. We were an official pack. As of now, we just needed some land, and we were about to fight for the one that we were standing on, right now. The Spike pack would be completely ours, or we would die trying to get it. “Jamie! Luke!” Alpha Michael screamed using his Alpha command, “Grab him! Bring him to me!” And I honestly just wanted to start laughing. First the fool stamped me as a f*****g mole, then he wanted to kill me, then he wanted his own son to kill me, and now the fool thought that I would just bring him Ash on a golden platter? Is that old man turning senile so soon? And so, Luke and I did what we would always do, we went to stand next to our Alpha. Our true Alpha, Ash. “Alpha Michael Spike of the Spike pack. I, Ashford Spike of the Spike pack, challenge you to a duel. A duel for the title of Alpha, and a duel for a claim on the pack lands.” YES! Let’s start this s**t, and get it over with! So I can go and get my Lana home! *Showtime, pack* Alpha Ash growled in my mind, as he sent a pack link to every pack member, as he shifted into his massive wolf, and all of his members followed his command. Ready to kill anyone who was standing in our way. Starting off with the first one I could find, as I quickly had his neck in my mouth and I bit so hard onto him, that I felt his main artery snap underneath my sharp canines. One down let’s go! My wolf Kiran was fast and big, compared to others, and it felt as if I was the Hulk, as I ran through the crowd, making enemy bodies drop around me like flies, as I bit, scratched and kicked my way. Blood spilled, and the green grass slowly shifted into red, the smell of blood and death filling the air all around us. Along with growls and snarls. Teeth snapping, paws scratching, legs kicking. This was a full out war, and we were smack in the middle of it. I yelped, feeling teeth bite down on my hind leg, turning around to see that a f*****g wolf was still biting down at me, attacking me from behind. The f*****g coward! And as I turned back around, two others sneaked in, ready to join him. Making this fight three against one. But I would not give in, I had a mate to return to, after all. So, I launched myself at the first one, snapping my teeth to make them step back. Making sure that no wolf could come close to me so he could hurt me. And after a while, I saw a massive black wolf join my side, knowing it was Ash, as he came to help me. And soon, all the wolves were down, bleeding out or already dead. And I gave my Alpha, my true Alpha, Ash, a thankful nod. Knowing that without him, this s**t would have been so much harder for me. I jumped over corpse after corpse, trying to put down every enemy wolf that was still standing, seeing that slowly, but surely, there weren’t any left. “COWARD!” A roar filled the air, making my wolf Kiran look around, and seeing that Ash had shifted back into his human form, as Alpha Michael’s wolf laid against a tree, looking as if Ash had slammed him into it, before he had shifted back into his human form. “ Fight!” he growled at his father. “Fight back coward, you fight back!” he screamed, right before he shifted back into his wolf, and the two Alpha wolves started the battle of their lives. The battle for the pack. Alpha Ash ran over to his father, but he was back on his paws fast, as he lashed out towards Ash, biting him on his shoulder. And as Alpha Michael’s wolf pulled back, he ripped out an entire piece of Ash’s skin, throwing it away, as Ash’s wolf howled in pain. And blood poured out of the wound. But Ash stood strong, and both wolves were at each other, until Ash had his teeth wrapped around Alpha Michael’s neck and, without hesitation, did what his father had done a minute ago. But instead of ripping a piece of the shoulder, Ash ripped his whole throat out. Ending the fight in one split second, as he killed the old Alpha. *IT IS DONE* Alpha Ash sent out a massive pack link to all the warriors, and I felt honored and proud to be this man’s Beta and second in command. I would walk to the end of the world with him next to me. I saw as Luke ran over to him with the ceremonial dagger, Ash needed to mix his blood with the former Alpha, in order to take over his pack and land. And I saw how Ash cut his father’s hand, and grabbed it, making the Spike pack and the Spike pack grounds, entirely his. Entirely ours! I saw how Alpha Michael died, and as Ash stood up and turned around to face us, we were looking at our Alpha with pride. He had kept his word and he had never let his pack down once. He would lead this pack a thousand times better, than his father ever could. And I was so f*****g proud to be a part of this. So, I bent my knee, seeing how Luke did the same, and all the other warriors followed us, showing our Alpha that we would follow him till the end of times. And the next time, I would have my Lana right next to me.
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