Chapter three

725 Words
Stephanie woke up early that morning , she said her prayers and prepared her bed . kiara ran into her room and hugged her . " good morning steph ", kiara said giggling . " what happened that made you this happy ", Stephanie asked wondering what made her favourite kid sister that happy . " My tooth fell today ", kiara said happily . "Wow , and now the tooth fairyfairy would give you lots and lots of gift" , Stephanie said smiling . " l hope so , " kaira said now laughing . " kiara , l'll be going for a party , but I don't know what to wear ", Stephanie said , pointing to the bed , and they both sat on it . " l guess the red evening gown with a net at the back " , kiara said . " wow , l never thought of that , high five ' , Stephanie said as her sister clapped her hand on hers. She soon went to the kitchen to make breakfast . was fries and fried egg , with tea and strawberry cake . She set the dining , with kiara helping with the little things . " Good morning stephenie" , flora said . "Hmm..... It has been only kiara helping me setup , you have decided to be so lazy and annoying like Alex " , Stephanie said . " Don't call my name , " Alex said trying to make matters worse . " even if I am as nice and helpful to you,kiara would still he the only person you like love",flora said,before she angrily left the sitting room . "What has come over flora ",Stephanie said in shock. "Maybe if you show more love to your other siblings,we would be more nice to you .",Alex said "Like you have ever been nice to Stephen",kiara said supporting her big sis. " just shut up little girl,and get lost,I've always told you not to get involved with my talk with my sister " , Alex scolded , made Stephanie feel more angry . Stephanie ignored alex , and prepared breakfast . they had breakfast in one piece , and she went into her room . kiara joined her room. " flora , she's crying ,she said that you don't love her and i'm a threat to her",kiara explained. "No,my love,you aren't a threat to anyone, not even flora",Stephanie said trying to calm kiara down Stephanie got up,and went to the living room,with kiara following her every step. "What are you doing here ",flora said holding her head in her hands. "Just go ,stop pretending, we all know you never cared for us",Alex said                                                           ★★★ Stephanie has been slowly drifting away from her siblings especially since Mrs.Oliver had kiara, she would spend her time watching kiara or bathing her or sorting her dress.she no longer bothered about flora or alex.she never wanted to play with them or tell them bedtime stories,but them to bed or feed them the first spoon of their food.she began drifting until she was no longer close enough to her siblings . she spent her time free from making care of kiara when she was a baby ,making pastries with her friends. She never knew she was falling apart in her duties as big sister,but she was. She wouldn't remember to give her siblings pastries she brought back,since kiara was born she would give all the pastries to her. Alex and flora began to have strong detestments towards her.They became rude and naughty towards her.she would shout all day long ,especially when she had to babysit and alex would make for flora and himself whenever Stephanie had to cook.she always thought it was their bad behaviour, but no,she pushed them to it                                                            ★ ★ ★ "I did,I always did,but how would you know ",Stephanie said as she broke down in tears disappointed about what her only brother had to say about her. "Steph don't cry,not because of alex at least ", kiara said,reaching out to wipe Stephanie's tears,even though she knew she wouldn't reach.
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