Chapter two

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After the birth of Flora the third child she was eight already , Mr Olivier was no where to be found. It all started one day, when he really needed to go for a business meeting . He stopped at a cafe that was doing a promo , then a thief stole his briefcase ,he followed the thief , until the the if went into a dark warehouse , there he was drugged and kidnapped . Since then his family never saw him . And his wife was pregnant with their last child , Baby kiara , kiara reminded them of their father a lot , she had his brown hair and his dimples , including his cherry red lips and Sky blue eyes , she was a female version of Mr Olivier . Stephanie loved her a lot . 11 years have passed and no sign of Mr Olivier . The kids were ages : 16 , 14 , 12 , 4 . Mrs Olivier could remember what happened over the years , like it was yesterday . She was forced to believe that Helen knew the whereabouts of her husband because her love for the missing child was greater than her love for any other child of hers . One bright morning , Stephanie was alone in her room , when she got a call from Chloé . " Hello ", Stephanie said . "How are you ", Chloé asked . "I'm good and you" , Stephanie said . " l'm alright, l just called to ask why you weren't in school yesterday ", Chloé said with much concern . " I wasn't feeling so well so was my little sister kiara , so I had to watch her ", Stephanie explained . " As worse as it already is , you missed the test , and Becky is ahead of you ", Chloé said " that doesn't matter and you know I don't like that topic , so if you wouldn't mind , I need you to hang up , so I can go pack up for school today , or your bestie would fail the test again ", Stephanie said before Chloé hung up . She got her bag and left for school . At school she went into the high gate , which was green and had their school logo(of a red and black book , with two children in the middle) hanging on the gate . She breathed in heavily and went into the gate . she saw her teacher mrs melody . She greeted her and headed to her class . When she went to class she sat on her chair beside Maria . " Hello " , Stephenie said before sitting down . " You really need to study , because Becky sabotaged the questions , she is the only one who stands a chance of acing the test ", Maria advised , but it didn't go down well with Stephanie . " when would you all ever quit speaking bad about Becky , she isn't as bad as you think ", Charlotte said , disagreeing with Maria . " she's bad and evil , you are too good to notice , you feel everyone is as good as you are ", Maria protested . " I highly disagree with you , are you better than her , we all have our flaws , including you , and misjudgment can cause a very big misunderstanding , so the way we handle our flaws matters more ", Stephanie said trying to explain things to Maria . " you understand that , but many people don't ", Maria said . " Enough of this , I no longer feel like I can explain things to you anymore , so let me be ", Stephanie said before Chloé soon joined them . " Hello girls ", Chloé said . "Hello Chloé ", Becky said . " How are you " , stephenie said sounding annoyed. Chloé made eye contact with Maria and could tell what happened . "Let me guess , you both had this Becky good girl bad girl talk again ", Chloé guessed . " I don't want to hear it ", Stephanie said . " but she really is bad , but if you want to forget it , then I'll let you do so . But how is my little Kiara doing today ", Chloé asked . " she's better and would be in a good shape tomorrow ", Stephanie said sounding abit relieved . Mrs Melody came into class a moment later . " Class , if a woman with 5 kids at the age of 31 is still pregnant , when did she have the first child , at the space of 2 years ", Mrs Melody asked . " that means the first child is 7 , and she was 29 ", Becky answered wrongly . " No , you claim to be the smartest , but as easy as the question is , you don't know it ", Maria laughed . " Maria stop it , it isn't funny ", Stephanie said seriously . " let Maria be , Becky is a wolf in a sheep's clothing , she claims to know it all , but she knows nothing ", Chloé added also laughing at Becky . " that's enough , Becky your answer is wrong , anyone else ", Mrs Melody asked . " the first child is Ten and the mother 21 ", Stephanie answered . " correct Stephanie , class copy your note and submit ", Mrs Melody said before the bell went . Stephanie carried herbag and went to her locker . Her locker was always misbehaving , especially the thumb sensor , she recently had her thumb sensor changed . She went to get her books , so she would be able to leave the school . Chloé met her unlocking her locker . " what do you want ", Stephanie asked . " Stephanie I don't want you to feel I am annoying , but you are too good to want to have anything to do with Becky ", Chloé said . " If it was you in Becky's shoes , I would have spoken up , and nothing more ", Stephanie said as she banged her locker and left . She saw Becky and Becky held her arm , before she could walk past . " I just wanted to say thanks for having my back ", Becky said , slowly letting go of her arm . " Anytime , no need to thank me ", Stephanie said and left the school premises .                                                       ★★★ She went into her room and sat on her bed . she recalled all the events of the day , including what Becky said to her . Then , she heard a knock on her door . It was her little sister baby kiara . " How are you Steph ", kiara asked snapping Stephanie back to reality . " i'm good sweetie , are you feeling better ", Stephanie asked . " yeah , but seeing papa would make me feel better ", kiara said . " Daddy would come back one day ", Stephanie said as a teardrop ran down her cheeks . " don't cry Steph ", kiara said as she reached out to wipe Stephanie's tears . she wiped them and Stephanie kissed her little hands . " I love you ", Stephanie said." I love you too ", kiara said and hugged her big sister .                                                    ★★★ She made up her mind that what Chloé did was quite wrong and she was going to give her a silent treatment . She heard her phone ring , and she picked it up . " Hello Stephanie ", Becky said . " Hello Becky ", Stephanie replied . " I just called to thank you for today and invite you to my brother's birthday party ", Becky said . " fine I'll be there ", Stephanie said . " Okay , it's by 12:00pm I want you to be there ", Becky said and hung up . " what cloth would I wear ", Stephanie thought to herself .
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