Chapter 14 Mona’s Arrival

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"Ouch!" Bellowed from the final man falling to the ground, clutching his crotch and trembling with pain. A total of sixteen men jumped out of the vans, but seventeen men had fallen.   Kevin was kneeling beside Jake, "Thank you for protecting me even if it was at your own expense, Jake. You are an excellent and loyal friend."   Jake was in so much that he didn't even have the strength to yell. There was a huge red mark across his cheek where he got hit, and his nose was broken.   In the distance, everyone could hear the police sirens as Kevin patted Jake's arm, "You worry about your injuries. Don't worry, Jake. I won't show these guys any mercy. There are surveillance cameras and witnesses; I will make sure they are locked up for what they did."   Inside, Jake was crying, he wanted to speak, but nothing would come out. He had got Jameson to send the men to attack Kevin; he didn't know how he ended up being hurt while Kevin didn't have a scratch.   "Freeze!" The police yelled as they jumped out of their vehicles. When they surveyed the scene, they were confused by what they saw. Once they spoke to the witnesses, they told them they could leave, and they loaded the gang of men into the back of the police vans to be taken to jail.   An ambulance took Jake to the hospital, and another officer asked Kevin to go to the police station to make a statement.   Kevin and Emily followed the parade of police to the station. They led the gang to different rooms to be interrogated individually, and Kevin followed the captain toward a small room.   The captain was about to unlock the door when a sweet voice called out, “Captain Christopher, wait a minute!”   Following the sound of the voice, Kevin turned to see an enormous pair of plump breasts. He couldn't help but stare at her chest; it was so large that it appears as if her shirt might be torn apart. He forced himself to look down at her slim legs and high-heeled leather shoes, then up to her face. He saw shoulder-length hair, an oval-shaped face, perfectly shaped eyebrows above her expressive eyes, and a pair of lips that looked magnificent.   She had a sense of determination and seriousness about her. The woman walked down the hall, “Captain Christopher, leave me to interrogate this one.”   Maybe she had sensed Kevin’s gaze, and that is why Sophie Frank was glaring at Kevin.   Captain Christopher helplessly looked at Kevin. If he handed him over to Sophie, he knew the young man would be dead. Sophie had only worked on the team for less than a year, but she had already solved several troubling cases. Her decisiveness and brilliance were truly remarkable and are related to influential people who helped her get special jurisdiction over certain interrogation matters.   "It's was just a simple fight. Besides, he is the victim; it wouldn't interest you," Captain Christoper explained, not looking directly at her, even though he was a higher rank than her.   "I'll take care of it. Thank you, Captain!" Sophie stated with a smile.   Knowing he had no choice, Captain Christopher shuddered and walked away.   Sophie gently pushed Kevin on the back and led him into the interrogation room. She locked the door immediately behind them.   "Why are you locking the door? Are you going to try to do something for me? I am scared!” Kevin weakly said, hugging his hands to his chest.   Sophie looked at Kevin coldly, "Drop the act. Why did a martial arts master fight with ordinary people?"   Kevin laughed; he already knew what type of person Sophie was.   "Hey, it was justifiable self-defense. I fought back only after they hit me. I kept them away from me with one single move and did not continue to attack once they were on the ground," Kevin shrugged.   "Well, self-defense, huh?" Sophie wasn't taking him seriously. She looked at him; then, a cold light flashed in her eyes before she punched him.   The impact made a loud sound as if it hurt more than it did.   Kevin smiled slightly at Sophie’s strength; she was tough but still far from taking him on. He dodged her next move, then pulled back before pushing her left hand down on her right fist. Her elbow was directed right at the back of Kevin’s head.   "Damn it!" Kevin yelled as he rolled back to avoid being hit, "Lion the Third-style! How do you know about that boxing technique?"   Lion the Third-style was a boxing technique Kevin had invented five years ago, which merged many modern fighting techniques. He had made a video of it, but the Special Forces only internally circulated it; a police officer should not know of it.   "Good eye! It is a boxing technique my man invented. Isn’t it amazing?" Sophie said triumphantly while boxing the air in front of her. She had apparently taken time to practice.   Had he heard her right, Kevin thought. She said her man created it, but he wasn't her man. Then it suddenly occurred to Kevin that the woman in the room with him might be his fiancée. It could be possible; he didn't have any information except that her nickname was Mona.     Lion the Third-style was relatively easy to recognize, so Kevin looked up at the beautiful woman. He was impressed; she was attractive and had an excellent job at the police station. She would pass his test, and if she were his fiancée, he would happily marry her. He was still pissed, though; somethings should have been done in person, like introducing him to the woman he was expected to spend his life with. It was a complete lack of respect and what annoyed him the most.   Sophie was also secretly surprised. She knew the power of Lion the Third-style, and with the technique, she had managed to defeat many people who were physically superior to her. Yet, Kevin had dodged her attacks. "You are outstanding, but I am still a little better than you," Kevin laughed.   Sophie's eyes flickered, and she suddenly changed her attack plan. She quickly tried to thrust her fingers into Kevin’s eyes.   It was confirmed to Kevin that she had to be his fiancée. The eye trick was a hidden move in Lion the Third-style; it would be impossible for ordinary people to learn.   The purpose of attacking the enemy's eyes was so that their leg would be kicked out from under them when they could not see, and they would collapse to the ground. However, Kevin knew it all too well since he created the moves.   He suddenly lowered his head then rushed forward, forcing Sophie to attack Kevin's forehead with her two fingers. As soon as she lifted her leg, he pushed his shoulder under her thigh. Then wrapped his hands around her waist, pinning her against the wall.     "Are you Mona?" He asked calmly.  
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