Chapter 2 Kidnappers

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At a roadside cafe, Nina speechlessly watched Kevin from across the table. He continued to eat even after the dishes were piled high around him. Her original plan was to get a meal when they arrived in Andover City, but she could hear his stomach rumbling and thought it was best to stop. However, she never thought that he would be consistently eating for over an hour.   Kevin was finishing a huge bowl of beef stew when he slapped his hand down on the table and shouted, “Hey waiter! Two more dishes of spaghetti, please.” Nina nearly fell off the chair when she heard his request. Before she could ask him about his appetite, the door to the little café suddenly flew open and a dozen people dressed in black strolled in. All of them had a crew-cut and wore dark glasses to hid their eyes. Two of the men forcefully held the owners so that they could not call the police, while a man walked toward Nina and Kevin. He took off his glasses to reveal a large scar running from his forehead to his eye. He then chuckled and shook his head, “Miss Fox, you must come with us!” “You bastards again,” Nina sighed, she never expected them to show up there. Some time ago Axis Group won a project over a rival company, even though the other group used trickery and coercion. However, Axis Group didn’t surrender, and from that day on the group of thugs continually harassed Nina and her sister. Usually, the abuse was no trouble because Nina and her boss always had bodyguards with them, but today Nina was alone. She had chosen to go for a drive to pick up a present from her friend without protection. Nina had a black belt in karate making it simple to beat a few people, but there were just too many to deal with on her own. Nina gulped and gave Kevin an angry glare. If it was not for him, she would have been long gone and they would not catch her in a vehicle.   “Miss Fox, come with us. As long as your sister signs the contract, we won’t touch a hair on your head.” As he spoke, the man took out a cellphone and sent a text message. “Get the car. Let’s go to Axis Group.” “I’m in s**t,” Nina muttered under her breath, then looked around to find an escape route, except they had all of the exits blocked. The leader of the people in black took two steps forward and reached for Nina. Wham! A huge bowl of stew hit the man in the head. The onlookers stood frozen with shock. Kevin looked furious, “Son of a b***h! She is treating me. Who is going to pay for my meal if you take her away?” The man had never thought Kevin would intervene. In his eyes, Kevin was a just farmer who was seeking employment in the city. He expected Kevin to be terrified of him. Nina was caught off guard by Kevin’s actions but she swiftly jumped up and kicked the man forcefully in the crotch. Her pointed toe shoe struck him right between the legs, he fell to the floor sobbing in pain. Kevin took a step back and looked at the man on the floor, thinking the pain from the force would probably make him pass out. Other men in black were stupefied for a while before they finally reacted and rushed at Nina. “Catch the b***h,” another man commanded. Another huge bowl flew through the air and landed on the man’s face. He was able to wipe the leftover food from his eyes just in time to see a foot rushing toward his lower body. The others cringed in pain to see the second man rolling around on the floor in agony. Nina and Kevin were not done though; they worked as a team having one throwing the bowls and the other kicking them. Emotional cries rang out and echoed through the little café. In less than three minutes, all of the men were laying on the floor. Each of them holding their crotch and looking pale and weak. “Yeah! Take that!” Nina shouted and looked over at Kevin. She smiled, “Good job! You have great potential!”  “This is not a good place to discuss my potential. Let’s pay for our food and run.” Nina stuck out her tongue at the men on the floor. She knew Kevin was right, if they didn’t run they would be in trouble once the men recovered. She grabbed some cash out of her purse and threw it on the table, “For the food and the bowls!” She grabbed Kevin by the arm and rushed out of the door, not even waiting for the owners to say anything. They jumped in the car and took off before anyone could see what way they were going. The owners of the café were dumbfounded. They had never seen a k********g in which the kidnappers were subdued by the victim. “Should we call the police?” The woman asked. She was relieved to see the money on the table, it was more than enough to pay for the meal and destruction. ** At Axis Group, Emily Fox was staring at a man sitting on the sofa. He was Jameson Cruise, the president of Tower Group. He was said to have close connections with both the Government and the criminal underworld. She felt sick as she watched him take a sip of coffee. He had a self-satisfied smirk on his face and said, “Miss Fox, my people have your little sister with them right now. Here is the contract and you know you have no option but to sign it.” Jameson believed Emily would give in to his demands. He did his research to find out what meant the most to her, it was Nina. It had only been a few days since Emily bought a piece of land. It would have been no big deal, but rumors were spreading that it was for a new school to be built nearby. When Jameson saw the land’s, value rise from tens of millions to over one billion, he could no longer sit still. He had been scheming to buy the land from Emily at a low price and now he had the opportunity. Jameson looked at Emily’s expression and laughed sarcastically. He pulled out a cigarette, then suddenly heard the word, “Fire!”
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