Chapter 3 Quite Interesting

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Both Emily and Jameson were stunned. It was impossible for the building to be on fire, they had the most advanced early-warning system installed in the building. If there was a fire, the system would set off the fire alarm and call the fire department immediately, plus the sprinklers would turn on to put it out. Neither of them could comprehend why someone shouted fire. As Emily stood up to go to the office door, Kevin rushed in. Clouds of dry powder landed on the lighter in Jameson’s hand and the cigarette between his lips. He fell back against the sofa as his nostrils filled with a strange smell and he couldn’t see because the substance covered his sunglasses, if he hadn’t been wearing them he might of went blind. Jameson was able to make out two figures rushing toward him. “A small spark can lead to a big fire. We should butt it out,” Nina said and trampled Jameson’s face. “Yes, madam. I’ll put out the spark,” Kevin agreed and smacked Jameson. He held back not to hit him too hard or else Jameson’s head would explode with the force. However, it was still too much for Jameson, he gasped for air then blacked out. Even though the bastard in the office tried to have her kidnapped after she kicked him she felt a lot better. She had been thinking of how to get revenge on Jameson the entire way back to work. When they arrive outside of Emily’s office, she heard Jameson’s voice and became even more infuriated. Emily did not know what to say or do, she looked at her little sister and the strange man dressed like a farmer. Nina nodded to Kevin, “Well done again! I will be putting in for your bonus!” “Citizens have a duty to protect against fire,” Kevin said with a serious tone, then laughed. A little giggle escaped from Emily who was amused by Kevin. Kevin looked over to the woman when he heard her laugh. He was mesmerized by her striking beauty and could not take his eyes off of her. Nina was beautiful, but she did not compare to Emily. The attractive woman was probably about 25 years old, her long blond hair was twisted into a loose knot on her head and her creamy pale skin looked like freshly fallen snow, Kevin thought. He continued to admire her, he could see her bright blue eyes must have stolen many hearts and then he saw her tiny little nose and pink luscious lips. Kevin could see from the front of her desk that she was wearing a pencil skirt and high-heel shoes that accentuated her long legs. Her matching suit jacket and white blouse looked a bit tight around her breasts. She was slim and could be easily picked up with one arm, Kevin thought. He was sure if she stood up she would be perfectly proportioned. Even though he tried to control himself, Kevin couldn’t help but stare at Emily with his mouth hanging open. Most of the beautiful women he had met were royalty, even the youngest princess said she wouldn’t marry anyone but Kevin. However, none of these women were in Emily’s league but her personality could be better. When she noticed Kevin staring at her, her smiled faded and the hard-cold look appeared again. She didn’t understand why Nina arrived with a strange man.   “Hey, wake up!” Nina said and slapped Kevin the back of the head. “Don’t blame me. Your sister is at least a hundred times prettier than Fanny, and she is the prettiest woman in our village. I get stupefied the moment I see her, now to see your sister.” Emily burst into laughter again. Countless people had praised her beauty, but no one praised her like that. Besides, she could see appreciation instead of desire in Kevin’s eyes. After she was done laughing at Kevin’s comment, she asked her guards to take Jameson to the hospital, she couldn’t let him die in her office. Then she nodded for Nina and Kevin to sit down, but she just looked at them without saying a word. It was like she was waiting for some kind of explanation. Nina did not appear to be in a rush, she made a cup of tea for each of them before she spoke. She held her hand out in Kevin’s direction and said, “Emily, this is the one I found to be your boyfriend.” Kevin was not prepared for Nina’s comment; he spat his tea out, spraying it into the air. He suddenly panicked thinking about pretending to be such a beautiful woman’s boyfriend, it was going to be stressful. “You are kidding, right?” Emily's face turned red and she gave Nina an angry glare. “I’m not kidding. You don’t want to get married, do you? You need an excuse, sis. Look at Kevin. He’s an honest countryman. Plus, he’s quite handsome and muscular,” Nina tried to convince her sister by touching him as if he were a piece of meat. “Most importantly, he is here to work and won’t take advantage of you. We can keep it simple. And, I promise he will look more handsome than that other fool after he is dressed properly.” Kevin realized Nina hadn’t told her sister about this arrangement until now. It was a spur-of-the-moment decision. She was using him as an excuse to rid Emily of her countless chasers; it sounded like a fun job and since his bank card was frozen, he needed a job. Kevin knew other jobs could be troublesome, but this one would be relaxing and when he wasn’t needed, he would have time to go look for his fiancée. Emily was surprised to hear Nina’s crazy idea, but after listening to her, she thought it might actually work. She looked Kevin up and down. “Hi, Miss Fox. I’m Kevin Clarkson—Sorry I’m KC.” Emily laughed again and thought he seemed rather intriguing.
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