Chapter 1 The Man on the Street

1187 Words
  Kevin walked on the main road that led to Andover City, idly kicking a soda can. Every so often the noise attracted the attention of passers-by, who would stop to look at the attractive man. He was 6 feet tall, with bright eyes, a chiseled jawline and a golden tan. They could tell he was from the country though just by his outfit, a panama hat, a white T-shirt and jeans rolled up to his knees. As he walked, Kevin talked to himself, “Hell no! That sad old man froze my bank account just because I am trying to put an end to this? Does he seriously think he can prevent me from breaking off my engagement? No way! Who am I? I am Lion!” Looking down, Kevin fidgeted with the lion ring on his left pinky finger. Lion was a legend that belonged among the world’s top talent. The name was given to him eight years earlier after a small-scale fight took place on an island in the Communal Sea. The four most powerful people in the world arose from the fight and were christened as “The Four Gods of War” by the world’s top talent. Since, Kevin was from Jungle and he single-handedly pinned down the other three warriors, he got the name, Lion. Lion alone rivaled a whole country, but after he completed a task and returned to base, he was summoned by his supervisor and assigned a new task- to get married.   The announcement bewildered Kevin. Thirteen years ago, he was sixteen years old and decided to join the army. Throughout his entire military career, he did not have a girlfriend but he was suddenly expected to get married. When Kevin did more digging, he found out that the old chief arranged his marriage with Kevin’s mother, then retired and disappeared. All this was done behind Kevin’s back, he saw a photo of the girl, let alone met her. Even though he immediately declined, but the supervisor insisted. In the end, Kevin decided it was best to go to Andover City to break off the engagement in person. However, as soon as he walked out the door, he was notified that he had been bumped by the team and his bank card was frozen. Kevin had no idea what kind of games the leadership was playing, but he knew he had to break off the engagement. He intended to devote himself to his career and did not want a wife to interfere even if it meant walking the entire four hundred miles.   A Maserati flew past Kevin, crushing the soda can he had been kicking. He swore, “f**k you! I could drive a van and still kick your ass in a race! Except I have no f*****g money!” “What rotten luck!” Kevin yelled. He was angry as hell and starving. He hadn’t eaten anything since the night before, and that was only two pieces of fruit picked from a tree. Just Kevin decided to stop and see if there were any fruit trees around, the sound of a vehicle got his attention. The car that passed him was backing up and stopped next to him.   The car door opened, and a pair of beautiful legs came into view as a beautiful woman got out. She looked to be about twenty-five years old and wore a green dress and a large sun hat. Her long hair fell over her shoulders, while large dark sunglasses hid her eyes. Kevin thought she was attractive but she had slightly small breasts, probably only a B cup. He wondered who she was and what she wanted from him. Nina cheerfully smiled and approached Kevin. She did a few circles around him, inspecting him from head to toe, then nodded with satisfaction. She asked, “You are going to the city for work?” “No…” Keven was trying to object, but his stomach rumbled instead. The woman burst into laughter before saying, “Well, you look handsome and strong. You are from the countryside, aren’t you?” “Maybe…” Kevin replied. He was kind of a farmer, and after all his mother was living in the country. “I have a job for you. It pays $5000 a month and you get free accommodations. If you do a good job, you are eligible for a bonus. How does that sound?” An expression of confusion appeared on Kevin’s face. He was curious as to what kind of job she was offering him. Kevin’s stomach rumbled again, showing that he hadn’t eaten. “Haha, you should probably eat something. Hop in, I will treat you, whether or not you accept my offer.” The stranger was acting as if she was Kevin’s best friend. He began to think she might be a human trafficker, but she also seemed a little silly. She touched his hand, he felt how soft her skin was and had to hold back from sighing out loud. When they got to the car, she forced him inside before going around to the driver’s seat. She slammed her foot down on the accelerator and they sped off toward town. “Aren’t you afraid of me?” Kevin asked. “Why? My grandpa told me farmers are honest. You have traveled all this way from the countryside and you just need somewhere to live. The job I am offering you includes free food and accommodations,” Nina urged. Kevin tapped his hand on the door and reminded himself that he was not there for work, he was there to end the stupid engagement. Then he remembered, he couldn’t do anything without money, and even though he was breaking the promise his mother made, he should do it in style. After a few moments of consideration, Kevin shook his head and sighed, “Well, I might take you up on the offer, but you need to guarantee that I will have enough food.” Nina laughed again. She put her hand on her chest and said, “No problem!” Kevin took a deep breath when he saw her breast bounce when she touched herself. He chuckled and thought he was wrong before; her breasts were probably a C cup. “So, what is your name?” “Kevin Clarkson.” “I’m Nina Fox. Here’s my card.” Kevin took the card and had a look. He noticed that she was the assistant of Axis Group’s president, not a job to be taken lightly. “Well, may I ask what the job is?” “Oh, that! It is simple! You just need to be the president’s boyfriend. “What?!? Excuse me?” Kevin asked, nearly choking as he looked over at Nina. He could not believe that this woman was picking up a boyfriend for her boss on the street.    
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