Chapter 5 A Game Only For The Rich

1053 Words
Nina was furious, she had asked Kevin to help her seek revenge, but he ran off after paying him. The thugs were like gum stuck to the bottom of her shoe; it was easy to be rid of them, so she didn't understand why Kevin left.   When her sister hired him to be her boyfriend, it meant that Kevin was like her brother-in-law. As Emily's little sister, he shouldn't have ignored her problems, considering she gave him money to help. When she saw Nina, she was going to tell her to cut his bonus. She figured if Kevin were taught a lesson, he wouldn't act like that in the future.   The two men would show up at the office nearly every day, and Emily dreaded leaving work, but she had to. She couldn't just live at the office; it was time to leave, so Emily sighed, then walked down the steps. As soon as she walked out the door, she saw Andrew and Aaron waiting for her.   "Oh Emily, you are off work! I have brought you roses! Will you please have dinner with me tonight?”   "You look so beautiful today, Emily! My heart beats with excitement every time I see you! Please accept my love, my darling.”   Andrew and Aaron continued to flirt with Emily until the security guards walked over.   Feeling embarrassed and depressed that she couldn't go home normally like other people, Emily walked quickly with her head lowered. Suddenly, she heard a loud squeal.   "Are you guys still in high school? Who would use such an immature way to win a woman’s heart?” The handsome man teased them.   Emily couldn't believe her eyes; it was Kevin, her fake boyfriend.   The two men were shocked as well; the man was dressed in a suit but riding a second-hand bike. They were both angry but still tried their best not to laugh at the man and his used bike.   Kevin tided his clothes and walked towards Emily politely.   At the moment, several bodyguards were trying to stop him, but Kevin put out his hand. The guards stepped back and let him through.   "You..." Andrew was about to curse while he saw Kevin staring at him, calm but fiercely.   "Just watch me, and I will show you how you win a woman's heart! Shame on you for not knowing!"   Andrew and Aaron looked at each other with disbelief, they were rich, and a poor little punk thought he could teach them something. They had been bullying others for years; they would find someone to punish Kevin. However, they wouldn't do it in front of Emily; they still needed to make a good impression.   "Emily, I came to pick you up on my bike. I always see you riding in a car, so you probably haven’t experienced the joy of the breeze blowing through your hair on the back of a bike. Let me introduce you to my super amazing ride…” Kevin stated as he pushed Aaron out of the way.   "My bike may look old-fashioned, but it has great wheels and is powered by natural energy! It is good for nature and our planet! Also, it provides a 360-degree panoramic view, which you cannot get in a car. For more comfort, I added a cushion. The weather is beautiful. Shall we go for a ride, my lady?"   “Hahaha!” Emily couldn’t help but laugh out loud, which surprised Andrew and Aaron.   Neither of the men understood how he made Emily laugh. They watched in horror as Emily placed her hand in Kevin and walked toward the bike.   “I am very interested in your bike tour. I would love to join you for a ride.”   Two bodyguards stepped in front of Kevin to try and stop him. However, Kevin just turned his head and smiled at the two rich boys, "That is what I wanted to teach you! Now go home while I take my girl away!"   "Hey!" Emily smiled and gave Kevin a light punch.   It didn't hurt Kevin in the least, but it did break Andrew's and Aaron's hearts, leaving them feeling weak and hopeless. They sighed and waved their hands at their bodyguards to let Kevin and Emily through.   "Hey, what about me?" Nina yelled at them.   "You can drive home! There is no room for you!” Kevin shouted back.     Andrew and Aaron stood by their expensive cars holding the flowers they had bought for Emily as they watched her and Kevin ride off into the sunset on a bicycle. They looked at each other and then pulled out their phones.   "Dad, I told you I wanted a Ferrari, right? Well, I changed my mind; I want a bike!"   "Since my birthday is in a few days, I want a bicycle!"   The street’s bicycle lane was busy with commuters going home from work, but Emily and Kevin stood out. People watched the attractive couple going by, a handsome man with a beautiful woman on the seat.   Emily hadn't stopped laughing the entire way; she thought Kevin was just so funny. She wondered how he came up with the idea to pick her up on a bicycle and why she went along with it. Her new boyfriend was definitely something; hopefully, it was enough to keep the creeps away.   "Hey, Emily, wait a second. How do we even get to your house? I don't know the way..." After riding for a long time, Kevin realized he had no idea where he was going.   Still laughing, Emily looked at the serious expression on Kevin's face; she got quiet. She didn't know why she liked him so much.   With well-guided directions, Emily and Kevin arrived at the house within an hour. The security guard was watching them closely until he saw it was Emily on the bike. Kevin would have never got in without her by his side.   "Wow, rich people always know how to play..." The security guard mumbled.   Emily's villa was number seven, Kevin put his bicycle directly in the courtyard next to her Maserati, and they walked into the house together.   "Hold on..." As soon as Kevin entered the room, he frowned and listened carefully. He could sense audio monitors in the room. 
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