Chapter 7 The Big Trap

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"Let's go!" The main leader of Cappon Gang ordered. He seemed to know it was not worth the fight. Everyone knew it was a suicide mission to become an enemy of Lion’s; he was too strong to be defeated.   The leader just hoped he could tell the others in the gang to end the mission in time. Their task would not be as simple as they initially thought; it would be impossible with Lion protecting the women. It was utterly disrespectful to Lion to install audio monitors, but it was too late.   "Show yourselves!" Lion shouted.   Even though they tried to get away, the three Cappon Gang members saw a black shadow appear and slap them in the face.   Kevin's force knocked them down; the impact caused the poisoned tooth in each of their mouths to dislodge and fall out. It was used as protection if they were caught; they could commit suicide before being interrogated and tortured.   Two of the gang members were unconscious from Kevin’s attack, but the leader was on his feet trying to escape. However, Kevin caught him by the neck and held him in the air.   "Tell me who sent you here!” Kevin yelled.   "Lion, we are not your enemies, but regardless, these women must die. You will not be able to protect them forever. We have too many people who want them dead,” He whispered, knowing they would not be able to complete their mission. He knew he would have to send more men to overpower Kevin, leaving him unable to protect the sisters.   "This has nothing to do with me! I asked who sent you here, that is all. Remember, you only have one opportunity to answer my question. If you don’t tell me, I will show you real horror.”   The leader had a look of fear in his eyes. The rumor circulating was that Lion’s interrogations were the most terrifying in the entire world. Nobody could stand the torture, so Kevin always got his answer.   It was not well known that Kevin had been removed as a member of Lion, but if he was to question anyone, it was considered illegal and punishable.   Clenching his teeth, preparing for the pain, the leader vowed not to be weak. Suddenly, he felt a strong wind sweep over him, and he saw Kevin frown; both knew only a few select people could create something so powerful.   Kevin released the man and stepped back; then, he looked over at the other person.     "Chief, I'm sorry, but you can't kill them! That is why I am here!” A voice clearly stated.   "Johnny, is that you? Even if I am quit the team, how dare you speak to me and interrupt my business?” Kevin scolded with anger.   The fact that Lion became well known all because of him, and then the leader kicked him out, infuriated Kevin. And, then they still sent people to try and stop him made it even more intolerable.   The rage in Kevin's eyes sent a chill down Johnny's spine. If Kevin tried to retaliate, Johnny knew he would have no chance of survival. He looked at Kevin seriously, "Please stop! Your mother asked me to come."   "Motherfucker! How can you use my mom to threaten me?” Kevin rushed toward Johnny.   "Kevin! Stop!" Johnny shouted and then held his hand up. He, in fact, had been called by his mother.   "Mom, why would you call him?" Kevin was confused.   "Someone took me to the capital, and I am still here. I will be the leader of the Special Forces. So, please let Johnny deal with the killers and protect yourself."   Kevin felt helpless as if it was all a horrible joke. He had finally made it to Pittsburgh and wanted to visit with his mother. However, she was at the capital and taking over the Special Forces. He wondered if maybe it was a lie created to fool him.   Johnny finally took a deep breath. He was worried that Kevin was going to kill him and saw his life flash before his eyes.   "My leader, calm down and listen to me, please. Everything has changed now... our mom is the leader of the Special Forces, and everyone is listening to her command."   "She is my mom, not yours!"   "Yes, yes, it's your mom. She said to hand over the killers, and you would be safe here. Also, you are still the commander and leader of the team."   With each moment, Kevin became more and more confused. He wasn't the leader any longer; he had been kicked out. He began to think the whole situation was a trap.   Johnny handed him an envelope and left.   "Leader, just check this and hand over these three hoodlums. I will see you around!" Johnny told him and then waved his hand. Several figures appeared and grabbed the three gang members before disappearing into the darkness.   With a quick military salute, Johnny quickly rushed off to catch them.   Looking at the envelope, Kevin thought he might have received a new mission; he felt it was a trap when he saw the envelope's contents.  
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