Chapter 8 The Old Lover

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Neither Emily nor Nina were aware of the incident on the roof. They were both sound asleep until early the following day.   Emily awoke to the smell of fresh coffee. She thought it was weird because the staff was never there that early, then she suddenly remembered that Kevin was there. Thinking of him, she smiled at how interesting he was, even if he was from the countryside. He seemed to be quite honest, and more importantly, she found him very funny.   She had been worried about asking him to be her fake boyfriend, but she was getting more comfortable with the idea. Emily's biggest concern was that it might not be easy for him to fit in at parties, and today's party was significant.   As she laid in bed, she continued to think about Kevin; she wanted to dress him up before the party. She jumped up and went to the kitchen, only to see Kevin wearing an apron and making breakfast.   The table was filled with plates of food; there were sweets, pastries, eggs, bacon, toast, and fruit.   "Wow, Kevin, I had no idea you could cook! I think it was a great idea to hire you!” Nina said as she walked into the kitchen.   "Wait, what should you call me?" Kevin glanced at Nina.   "Don't be patronizing! I will call you my brother-in-law when there are people around. If not, you will still be Kevin," Nina sat at the table and teased. She took a bite of a doughnut which melted in her mouth.   "Nina, don't be so impolite to him. It's not his responsibility to cook for us, but he did. We should thank him. So, we will give him a bonus today. I will take him to work and introduce him to everyone.”   Nina nodded unhappily. She didn't believe that Kevin would be sincere; he might be just pretending.   When they finished their breakfast, Emily drove them all to the office only to find 999 roses on the ground in the shape of a heart waiting in front of the main door.   A young man with perfect hair and wearing a dark, expensive suit stood behind the roses, smiling. He would casually look down at his expensive watch as the two sisters and Kevin walked toward him. Nina looked at him closely as they approached; she remembered him. She turned to Emily and saw her expression was full of surprises too.   The man's name was Jake Blake, one of Emily's college classmates. They used to be good friends until Jake went to work overseas, and they lost touch.   Nina wondered why Jake was there, but more importantly, she could see that he was obviously still in love with her sister. It would mean trouble because Emily was supposedly dating Kevin.   Jake's face lit up when he saw Emily. He rushed toward them, "Hello, Emily! Long time no see, look at you! You are looking more beautiful and all grown up! Same with you, Nina! You have both changed so much!"   While rambling, Jake handed a bouquet of flowers to Emily, completely ignoring Kevin, who was standing nearby.   Emily was stunned. She had been in love with Jake when they were in school, then when he left, her feelings faded. She wanted to know why he came back. Her heart was pounding, but she managed to control herself.   "As soon as I got off the plane, I rushed here to see you! How's everything? I am so sorry that I did contact you while I was away. Please forgive me, Emily. There is a good reason. So, I decided to…”   "Decide what?" Kevin walked forward and put his hand in the air to stop Jake’s constant chatter.   Jake lost track of all thought when he was interrupted. He suddenly acknowledged Kevin, “Who are you?”   "I'm Emily's fiancé. Who the f**k are you?" Kevin questioned.   For a moment, Jake didn’t say anything. He hadn’t heard that Emily was engaged; he thought she was single, and then, out of nowhere, a fiancé appears.   Emily was lost for words as well. She thought she should thank Kevin for distracting her from getting caught up in Jake's antics. She understood Kevin was a good person, and he was trying to help save her from the rich boys who bothered her daily. However, she realized he was just trying to do what he was asked to do.   "Kevin, you can go on up to the office. Jake and I were classmates; we haven't seen each other for many years. We just want to catch up!" Kevin glanced at Emily and then sneered, "Sure, just be smart, though. Don't get fooled!"   Jake felt as if he was personally attacked; he didn't know what was happening.   Nina also gave Kevin a strange look, but Emily didn't seem the least bit concerned.   When Jake saw that Emily didn't seem to care about Kevin's comment, he knew it meant he still had a chance to win her back. Jake smiled at Kevin, with victory in his eyes, then said, "Emily, let's go over to the coffee shop across the street to talk; how does that sound?"   Emily nodded in agreement and walked away.   As he watched them leave, Kevin just smiled. He had nothing to worry about, even if Emily did look fantastic. After all, he didn't have any feelings for her, it was just a working relationship, and the contract stated that no one would interfere in the other's private life. He was going to keep an eye on Jake, though; something didn't feel right.   "Kevin?" Nina shook her hand in front of his face to get his attention.   “What is the matter?”   "Nothing, but I am telling you that my sister had a crush on Jake before. So, I guess you will be busy tonight," Nina shrugged her shoulders; she didn't like that Jake just showed up either. She felt that he was acting very arrogant and bold.   Kevin just smiled and said nothing. It was not his business anyway. 
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