Chapter 12 Jake’s Rage

965 Words
  Jake walked to the table; he made sure to keep the chair beside him free for Emily. When he saw Emily eyeing the table, he was about to speak, but Kevin interrupted again, "Amy, see how kind Jake is; he kept a place for you. Come on, Emily, let's sit here but first, I need to clean the chair for you."   Amy had sat down and winked at Jake. He wanted to shout that he saved the seat for Emily; he was filled with disgust.   Once everyone was seated, the food was placed on the table. Emily and Kevin were picking out dishes and began to feed each other. The jealousy and envy grew in Jake as he looked over at Amy. She was smiling at all the wonderful food in front of her.   Jake was worried for a brief moment until he began plotting against Kevin again. He swiftly nodded to a gentleman across from him, who was working with him. Then shortly after, he held up a glass of wine, "Everyone enjoys yourselves. This is my treat!"   "Thank you, Jake!" Everyone around the table commented. They were flattered that he may have been rich and famous, but he didn't forget his classmates. A few mentioned that after he traveled overseas for work, he could do whatever he liked.   Hearing everything speaking so highly of him, Jake smiled. He looked at Kevin, "Hey Kevin, did you know Emily was the belle of the school? I haven't seen her for many years, but she is still just as beautiful as she was then. You are fortunate."   It broke his heart to say it, but Jake knew he had to get inside Kevin's head.   Kevin nodded in agreement, “Yes, but she is also lucky to have me.”   That comment infuriated Jake; he could not believe that Kevin would dare say that about Emily. He quickly scoffed, "Oh, so Kevin, you must be an outstanding businessman? I don't think you said where you are working. I work hard every day, yet I only earn hundreds of thousands of dollars per month. If you are more successful, please tell me how it can be done."       The whole conversation was nothing more than an opportunity for Jake to showoff. If he genuinely earned that much money, he would not be bragging and asking others for help.   The gentleman helping Jake asked Kevin, "Yes, you appear to be the oldest here, and you must have had to work hard to win over Emily."   Emily was beginning to get angry. Although Kevin was her fake boyfriend, she was the one who invited him. Therefore, when she heard someone degrading him, she felt offended. She had no idea what her classmates were thinking, even if they were polite to her.   Kevin sighed and then chuckled, "To be honest, Emily doesn't love me because I am rich; she loves me because I am strong. I was a soldier, but recently I retired."   Jake wanted to choke Kevin, and Emily blushed when Kevin spoke.   "You are retired? And you were a soldier? Maybe you could be the head security guard at my company. We would offer you eight thousand a month?" Jake offered.   Emily was so upset she about to slam her hand down on the table, but Kevin stopped her. He looked at Jake with curiosity, "$8000? I am an assistant now and only getting $5200. Why would you pay me so much?"   “$5200?” Jake laughed, “Who is paying you such a low salary? What can that buy you? Come work at my company and would give you…”   Before he finished speaking, a wine glass flew past his head. He was glad it didn't hit him, but some wine did land on him.   "Kevin, what are you doing?" A man stood up immediately when he saw that Kevin was the one who threw the glass.   “Who cares about what you think? What gives you the right to bad mouth my fiancée?” Kevin shouted.   "Damn it!" Jake jumped up, "When did I say anything bad about your fiancée, Kevin!? What the hell are you talking about!?"   "I'm working at the Fox Group as an assistant to the president with a salary of $5200 per month. What is wrong with that? Who are you talking s**t about?”   When the people around the table heard where Kevin was working, they were shocked. They never expected that Emily’s fiancé would be working for her company, no matter how much he earned.   Kevin had only been trying to irritate Jake. Emily sat quietly watching both of them try to outdo one another, and Jake's friends were also watching closely. However, nobody dared to jump in and help; they were frightened.   Amy was the one who tried to ease the situation, “Kevin, my dear Jake didn’t mean it like that. I am sorry, I am apologizing to you on his behalf.”   She picked up her glass and guzzled the rest of her wine; Jake felt sick just looking at her. He couldn't handle hearing her call him dear Jake or apologizing for him. The more she talked and smiled, the angrier Jake was getting.   "Well, what a wonderful woman you have, Jake! Since you have apologized, I will let it go! Cheers!" Kevin laughed as he raised a glass in the air.   Realizing that Kevin was just trying to insult Jake, Emily laughed too.   Jake smiled as if everything was okay, but inside he was enraged. He was trying to be secretive when he took out his phone to send a text message. However, Kevin had seen him; he watched Jake out of the corner of his eye, not the least bit worried.  
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