Chapter 7

2576 Words

The next morning I woke up with a new plan. Mia won’t let me give her money, but she cannot turn me away if I get her things for Mackenzie. I shower, then get dressed before heading out to the grocery store. I do not know how I managed to get out of the house this morning without seeing anyone, but I am relieved that I will not have to lie about where or why I’m going there. I get to the grocery store and try to recall the items she got Mackenzie the last time I helped her put the groceries away at her house. As I walk down the aisle for babies, I locate the box of crackers Mackenzie was so excited about. I grab two boxes but stop when I look at the diapers. The size goes by weight? I guess I’ll have to ask Mia what size our daughter uses and what brand she prefers to use. Shaking my hea

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