Chapter 22: Lost Son

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(s****l Content) Two Weeks Later Toffe Ty was officially engaged and we congratulated him, I was so happy that they finally mated and he would no longer have to take potions for the pain. I could see the love in his eyes, he was happy and contented, Addison had accepted Sheila and they were like best friends now. I still had my demons to deal with and the more I looked into things, the more things weren't adding up, why did I have visions of Elena with her mate now and then? Tricia had just left my office and it had her scent from when I had a quickie and I took a snack, Drax walked in and said, "I heard about you and Tricia, are you going through with this?" I said, "Yes, I love her and ...," I stopped talking. Drax said, "It's your bloodlust, isn't it? You haven't gotten it under control, does your mate feed you enough to curve the hunger?" I turned to look out the window, and Drax said, "Talk to me, little one," and I teared up, I didn't want them to know the issue I had with Issy. She reminded me so much of her father that sometimes I feel like I made a mistake in mating her. The Moon Goddess mated us for a reason but now, I just don't know what it is, I love her and I want to make her happy but nothing, I say or do is good enough, she never listens to me or talks to me like Tricia does. I finally broke and told him what I was going through, the pain, the suffering, the intense hunger, and the feeling of being a failure. I told him I didn't want to burden Ty with my pain as he had his stuff going on or I didn't want to let Aidan down, even him because I failed them so many years ago. Then I saw Ty and Aidan appear, Drax had opened the link to them, and I was crying, Ty hugged me saying, "You should have come to me, TT," he always called me, TT, from a young age and I smiled. We had teleported to the restaurant and we had lunch together, they listened to me and I could feel the brotherly love coming from them, they loved me, no judgment, just understanding and that's all I wanted. I told them what decision I came to about Tricia and Ty asked me, "Are you sure you want to give up your destined mate?" I smiled because if he had asked me that a month ago, I would have said, "Yes," without hesitation but now that I think about it and as much as I love Tricia, I am not too sure anymore, am I being selfish? Her mate is out there probably waiting on her and I am taking her away from him, Aidan smiled and said, "I give you two years to decide if this is what you want, no pressure," and I hugged him, he was my big brother, they all were my big brothers and I loved them. Ty smiled and said, "Tricia is wearing a temporary mark," and I cut him off by saying, "I did it to tie her to my immortality so I don't drain her, I almost killed her one time when my hunger took over and I don't want to hurt her again." Aidan said, "You should let Issy know that she is the only one that can truly take the blood lust away," and I said, "I told her when we first met but she doesn't love the bite so I stopped and now it's getting worse, it's like my second mate is around also and I can't find her, the potions aren't helping much, so I need Tricia around." They understood and Tricia is allowed back at the Palace for now until we make it official in a few years but she option to stay at her apartment out of respect for Issy. Issy wasn't happy but she couldn't go against her Luna's command and we stopped sleeping together in the same room, she hated Tricia for some unknown reason. My mating and marriage are a wreck now and I need to fix it but I just don't know how. ****** Issy came to the office after work and I was getting ready to leave when she said, "I have something for you," she wasn't angry or hostile this time, so we were able to stay in the same room for more than five minutes without argument. She handed me a file and said, "I might have just found the boy you are looking for," and I looked at her impressed. She smiled and saw that Tricia had left her jacket on my couch and said, "She was here today?" I could see the pain on her face but she masked it quickly, I hate that we were to this point in our marriage and mating, we couldn't reject each other because it is for life but it doesn't mean, I don't still love her and hope to deal with my demons so we can be a family again. I told her, "Tricia will be no concern of yours going forward," and she smiled saying, "I am going on a date tonight, so it's your turn to keep the kids," I smiled, she was seeing one of my associates and I said, "I guess game night with the kids then," and she left. We were separated and she was seeing someone else but I knew it was in retaliation for cheating on her with Tricia in a sense. I wasn't angry at her for finding what was best for her although I hated it, I was disappointed in myself for ruining my marriage but I needed to curve my hunger before I was locked away again if I went off the rails. They can't have a Rogue Supreme on the loose and if Aidan has to put me down for the time being, he will. They already knew the random killings and blood drain bodies were me, Ryker and Andrew were constantly cleaning up my messes. I talked to Ty yesterday and I decided to head over to the Academy and notified James and Michelle, and I was driving over there in complete silence. My triplets attend the Academy, they were two years younger than the boy in the file so technically this happened right after Ty found me but who? Then it clicked, Elena had left before the war happened and found her mate, no one knew where she ended up or if she was still alive until I ran into her mother a few years ago. She had completely cut us off and honestly, I had forgotten about her, I needed to talk to her, I did have random visions about her but that's it. As I reached the Academy, it was almost lunchtime, I walked over to James who greeted me and said, "Hi, Uncle Toffe, this is the information we have on young, T.J." I looked through everything, his name was 'T.J. Alain Johns,' his mother's name was 'Marisa Elena Johns' and I closed the folder, it was Elena, she left pregnant and never told me. I was disappointed because she never said anything and up and left, she never told me she was leaving and I know what we had wasn't serious but I still cared. I cut my finger and gave it to James and told him, "Have the lab run the DNA against the DNA we have of T.J. and this stays between us until I talk to his mother." I walked out pissed and went towards the cafeteria, Michelle met me there and I was looking to see if I can get a glimpse of him. I looked at him and he was thirteen now, I didn't know how to handle this, so I turned to leave and told Michelle to let me know what the DNA said later. I drove over to Marisa's house, I needed to confront her about this but she was not home, her husband was home though and he looked at me like he saw a ghost, like he knew who I was besides a Supreme. I knew his face from somewhere but I couldn't quite put my finger on it, I felt his nervousness before he bowed to me saying, "Your Highness," and I said, "Tell her to find me, we need to talk," and I walked away. I was angry that her mother lied to me, they all did and for some reason, she was cloaked, I was going to know about my son and Elena had some explaining to do. ***** Issy I had met up in the hotel with Matthew, he knew who I was and he didn't care that I was mated and married, I told him that I and my husband were separated, or in other words, we broke up but we couldn't reject each other. I told him, "I was cheated on and I left him," we had a few drinks and we were on the bed making out, my wolf was silent ever since we left Toffe and I hadn't gone in a run in like forever but she will get over it eventually. Toffe uses some stupid excuse about needing to feed from his mate to justify his cheating, I wish I was mated to Ty instead, just like my father wanted, I would be better off. Matthew started to go down on me and I closed my eyes enjoying his mouth on my core, it wasn't mind-blowing like how my ex-husband do it, but it did make me c*m. I was in deep thought that I didn't realize Matthew had entered me, he was thrusting inside of me hard, and honestly, it was not that good, although I was wet. He was breathing hard and sweating profusely, I turned my head away from looking into his face, I hardly made a sound, he was so boring. He moaned, "You like that, baby, call my name," and he had my legs pushed back thrusting in and out of me, and I couldn't wait until it was over. He growled like a bear, cuming inside the condom, thrusting his d**k to the hilt, and rolling off me catching himself, I got up and went to the bathroom and he said, "I was good, wasn't I, Baby," and I shut the door. I sat on the toilet crying because deep down, I was so hurt and confused, I missed Toffe but I was not going to let bad s*x stop me from moving on, I hated Toffe for doing this to me and I went back out and cuddled with a man I think I could love eventually. He had good traits about him and was respectful, however, because of the mark, Toffe and I would still need to be intimate to avoid mate withdrawal symptoms.
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