Chapter 36: The Dinner

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(s****l Content) Toffe I had a long night and the omega in my bed was still asleep so I woke her and she got up and left, I knew it was going to be a long day so I decided to work from home and linked my new secretary Ivorie to forward all calls to my home office. Yesterday at the office was what I needed to get out of my depression, Ty and the boys took me to the club, just like old times with the Fae twins and Emile joining us. My sons are still at the Academy and Tabbie has started reaching out to me, she misses her parents and I decided to keep in touch, they live with Ty and his family. I gave them their space because they were broken just like I was and they needed their mother, wanted their mother. I get so angry sometimes at not being able to save her, I loved her even in the trying times but both of us let little things get in the way of saving our marriage. Finally, it seems like my kids are starting to come around and I will be there whenever they need me, I promised Issy to love my kids no matter what and be there for them even when it gets hard. I was busy on my laptop when I heard the doorbell and I smelled her before I got up to go to the door, it was Elena, and she didn't look too happy, I said, "What is it?" She smiled and I let her in, she told me that T.J. told her about the dinner tonight and I said, "Yes, I want to know him and he is an adult, he can see me." She said, "I know, I am just worried, Toffe, he is still my baby," I stopped her and inhaled her scent, she was still indeed my mate. Knut wanted to mark her overriding her husband's mark but I told him, "We won't win her heart that way." Elena touched my chest feeling the bond and inhaled saying, "I should go," and I smelled her arousal, she was turned on and I knew it was the bond. She moaned, "Toffe," when I touched her back pulling her to my chest, I just needed to hold her and she looked into my eyes and it happened, the bond snapped into place, "f**k," I thought. She tip-toed and kissed me and I shut the door leaning her against it She moaned in my ear as I placed her legs around me, my fingers found her panties, they were soaked and I pulled them to the side rubbing her clit, she bit my lip as we kissed, I tasted my blood. I kissed her neck pausing at her husband's mark and I was going to remove my hand when she moaned, "Make me cum." I entered my fingers, f*****g her with my hand and she leaned on my chest breathing heavily, her body shook and she bit my n****e as I was bare-chested cuming on my fingers. I let her catch herself holding her up before putting her down on both feet and she said, "Omg, sorry, I can't," and ran out the door. I sucked my finger watching her look back at me before getting her car, Davien merged with Knut and we all said, "Game on." I mind-linked her and said, "Next time, you won't leave so easy, not until you are begging for me to be inside you, begging for my c*m, begging me to mark you, you can run little wolf but you can't run for long," and closed the link. I watched her drive away and wish I had known she was my mate back then, things would have been different. Davien said, "Our mate has a spell on her," and I said, "I know and we will find out who is doing this to me and my family. I will not lose another mate," and my counterparts agreed, whoever is doing this will die a painful death. ***** T.J. My grandmother had messaged me to come over later and I told her, "I am busy and will see you tomorrow," eventually, I was dressed and ready to go and meet my father. I was on my bike when Malia linked me and I told her, "I am out," my grandmother wanted to know if she was out with me and I said, "Don't say anything and I will drop by your apartment later." I reached the restaurant and a valet took my bike, I was impressed, I walked in and was led to the VIP room where I saw my Uncle, Ty, talking to my father. They looked at me and welcomed me in, Ty linked me, "Behave," and walked out, I smiled and said, "Whatever, old man," and he linked back, "Try me, I am not your father, I would correct your ass," and I snickered closing the link. I hate to admit it but I was scared of my uncle, everyone in Ravena heard the rumors or saw it live about 'Psycho Ty.' I saw Uncle Ryker and was surprised that the family welcomed me, was my grandmother lying? Even King Aidan was nice to me, he was having dinner with Queen Lunas Michelle, and Lily. My father and I talked about a lot of things and he said, "Let me show you something," he placed his hands on my forehead and I closed my eyes, he showed me what transpired between him and my mother, even the vision from when he read my stepfather's blood about the blood contract. He was looking for me when he saw me as a kid in Hawaii unsure if I was his or not, and then the fact that I and my mother had a spell on us forcing us to hate him and he loved us. I felt his love for me through the parental bond and I got up with tears and saw that he had teared up, I hugged him and this was the best moment ever, feeling accepted. After dinner, I was heading out to Malia's apartment but I felt a pain in my chest and had to stop, I didn't know what was happening and my wolf said, "Mate is in trouble," and I headed over to Baye's house. When I was about to ride up the driveway, a pain knocked me off my bike and I fell to the ground, my bike skidding across the driveway. I felt her fear, her pain and I ran to the house, it was dark downstairs but it was broken into, I smelt rogues, the house was turned upside down, I smelt blood and her screams echoed from upstairs, I was scared for her. I ran up the stairs and felt rage like never before, I busted the door open to see her being raped by the rogues, she was bleeding and they didn't see me until my wolf growled and my vampire came forward. I threw one of the men out the window and for the other two, I ripped his heart out and for the other, I ripped his head off. I looked at my hand in disbelief at how strong I was to rip the rogues to treads and then looked at the bed. Baye had passed out, she had a few cuts and then I saw the stab to the chest, she was dying. I linked my dad in a panic and he appeared with Ty and Aidan, I screamed help her, I didn't realize I was crying when my dad pulled me back and his had glowed. She started to heal, Ty sniffed the rogues and said, "Target practice," before he and Aidan changed into huge wolves and jumped out the window saying, "We are going hunting." My father held my hand while I had Baye in my arms and we teleported to the Palace where he showed me to a room. I saw Mace walking down the hall and he yelled, "Baye," and I growled, he backed off and smiled saying, "Look who found their mate," and my father said, "Not now, Mace." He saw I was upset and said, "What happened?" I got in bed with her and my father and Mace left, I held her until I fell asleep. ***** Two Weeks Later Elena I was trying to be intimate with my husband but my mind was elsewhere, he said, "I guess you're tired again," and I heard my daughter get up and pass our room sneaking into the kitchen like she always does. I kissed Eddie saying, "Sorry, I will make it up to you later once Elsa goes to sleep," and got up. I gave my angel cookies and milk and she went to bed, I sat at the island and drank warm tea, and it was different, not the stuff my mother made, just simple tea. My mind drifted back to the day at Toffe and how he made me c*m with just his fingers, and I closed my eyes picturing him in my head making love to me. I felt his kisses on my neck and my n*****s hardened, I felt him pinch my n*****s before sucking them, I felt his hand on my leg going toward my core and I stood up and I bent over the island, I felt his d**k slowly enter me. He started thrusting in and out of me and rubbing my clit, I was on the edge and he thrust harder and held my hips in place bottoming me out, I knew I was cuming and so was he. He moaned, "f**k," and I moaned, "Toffe," as my intense orgasm ripped through me, feeling his c*m drip out of me. I felt a slap, knocking me to the floor, Edward yelled, "Toffe," and I backed away, he was so angry and yelled, "You f****d him," and I said, "No, I didn't," before he left the room in anger, I didn't know what happen, I sat there crying because I wanted Toffe again and he appeared looking like he was ready to kill someone saying, "Where is he?"
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