Chapter 12: Anuba's Demise

1830 Words
(s****l Content) Weeks Later Toffe Trica was bitting the pillow as I was burying my c**k from behind, my wife had sent her to me last night as she was leaving early this morning to go to her sister's territory, I wasn't going to have s*x with her but it always intensifies the feeding when I am like this. "f**k, don't stop, keep going, my lord," and she arched her back more for deeper penetration and I was loving it, I pull her back to me resting her back against my chest, feeling our heated, sweaty bodies against each other as I held her neck tightly still burying my c**k and rubbing her clit kissing her cheek. She bit her lip and her body started shaking as she was reaching her orgasm, I bit down on her shoulder, feeling her squeezing my d**k getting her release, I was savoring her sweet blood, holding her in place so I won't hurt her, Davien couldn't get enough. I released my fangs licking her bite to heal it and started turning her around to bury my c**k deep in her p***y missionary style while thrusting faster reaching my release. After we both caught our breaths, I kissed her mistress mark on her neck and she shivered before I got a link coming through, Sheila was with Ty on the packland and he had Brie with him, I looked at Tricia as she stared back at me and I smiled before I teleported quickly. I appeared behind Sheila in wolf form as Drax was behind Ty, I watched Tommen take Brie and place her on a wolf's back with strict orders to get the princess to her mother. I alerted Addison who was waiting on her daughter with Michelle and Lily at her side, two other wolves also escorted the princess. Ty was having a back-and-forth banter with Anuba and we were circling trying to find the best way to grab her but she did what I never thought she would do. She handed herself up on a silver platter as she passed out in Ty's arms, and we looked at each other confused before we started laughing at the easy catch but I alerted everyone to be on standby in case it was a distraction for an attack. Sheila was locked up in a cell and we could feel the power rolling off her, we could also sense that she was burning through her host and needed a new one. Anuba was not leaving the body until she got a new one or she would get one by force if she had to and we didn't want that. We notified her father and King Samuel of our prisoner and they came to visit, Marlon had asked us to spare his daughter's life if we could and Aidan was thinking about it. Ty, however, just wanted her gone and I reminded him that it wouldn't be easy as she still had his magical mark that we couldn't remove. We were running out of time and I was working my mind to find a way to help everyone out in this situation, everyone was working double time including Queen Marion. This is when we also realize that Addison helped anchor our immortality to the jewelry that was close to us and they couldn't be removed from us easily or be destroyed. The rest left the room but I was working my brain on the spell to finish her but I was missing something, something important that would make this easy. Marlon appeared with a book as old as time and said, "I know how to kill her and send her back to the pit for eternity but you are not going to like this," I took the book and saw the spell and the ingredients needed and he was right, I don't like this but it is the sacrifice that has to be made and end Anuba for good. I looked at Marlon leaving the room, he went to get the ingredients as Anuba smiled before lying down on her bed and closing her eyes. She was looking pale, we could just let her die, but her entity would just find another host, and looking at the spell, I knew exactly what we needed to do. Hopefully, my brother will understand and do this for the greater good, I went to the lab and got down to business. ****** It's been weeks now and our plans were set in motion, Ty did not like Plan B so we went with Plan A knowing full well it might not work the way we wanted to save Sheila. Marlon had already been prepared that he might lose his daughter in all of this, two nights ago Addison gave birth to my nephew Thorin who was named after our father and I respected Addison for that. Ty needed to be at his son's birth so we had put off Anuba's demised until now. Ty was talking with Allison and Addy as Allison volunteered to be the host but we were not going to let Anuba get attached to her, Cayden and Michael were ready to pull her out of the room if they had to. The room was full of energy and it was time to get things ready, Anuba looked at me and smiled before linking me and said, "Lil brother, how are you? you can still f**k me, you, and the others, your energy is so tasty." I said, "I would die first before I stick my c**k in something like you," and blocked her. She started to smile when she saw Ty and said, "Mate," and he frowned before we all got in place. The energy in the room picked up and we felt her trying to fight us but we had her locked in, I yelled for Ty to pull back his energy that was protecting Sheila but it wasn't working. His energy was fighting to save his mate, whether Ty liked it or not, that is what Sheila was to him at this moment. Allison started to scream and Cayden almost lost focus before I knew we would need to go to plan B. This was going to kill Allison if we were not careful, Anuba was saying the spell to attach to Allison's soul and we couldn't have that, I said, "Now," and Queen Marion appeared saying, "I figured this out, we need to go to plan B with a twist," and show us all what she figured out and Ty was disappointed but understood what he needed to do. We started to pull Anuba out of Sheila, she started to bleed through her eyes as she fought to stay realizing we had her and yelled, "No, I am not going back," she was trying to pull Allison's soul with her but Allison was being anchored by Bjorn and I said, "We got no choice, Ty, now," and he sped into the room and then there was a loud explosion. After the dust was settled, Anuba was shredded and locked back in a box for eternity, and she would never be able to get out and that was good enough for us. Sheila was in her cell going through her transformation and Ty was mourning a part of him that he had to give up. Ty and I always talked about meeting our second destined mate and helping us be whole but now, he had to make the ultimate sacrifice and be with the woman he hated more than anyone. ******* One Year Later It has been a long time since the death of Anuba and I was the one who went back to Sheila after the transformation was complete and took her to her monitored apartment in the Palace. She was told about what happened and she felt genuinely bad about what she put Addison and Ty through, Aidan had her on house arrest for us to monitor her adjustment and development. She was now a Supreme Mate and would start to get Ty's powers over time. Sheila's mind was still in a vulnerable state and it would slowly start to catch up after being stuck in a childlike state from when she was taken over, and she would go through emotions like a teenager and young adult and gradually grow into adulthood. We allowed her to take online classes from the Academy to finish the school she never got to finish and she was working as my secretary again. Ty kept his distance for the most part after he helped her with her first change, and she was allowed to see her dad and Lissa on occasion but she felt lonely at times. I had no problem with her befriending Peter as long as he did his job and was her guard when it called for it, we were currently at a barbecue with family and friends and I encouraged Ty to bring Sheila along. He was uneasy with his counterparts fighting to stay away from her but the bond was growing as I knew it would. I would often give him potions to suppress the pain that he was going through but he needed to consummate the bond and that was a task in itself because Ty hated Sheila. Later that afternoon as the barbecue was in full swing, Sheila walked out with a glass in her hand, and she was drinking and I wanted her to at least enjoy herself. Sheila always looked so sad or out of it, her mind always wandered, and I always wanted to know what she was thinking but I could not as I was not her mate. She only had Peter as a friend and was not well-liked by the pack members because of what happened but I was warming up to her and tried to make it easy for her at work. I watched Ty get up and follow her and I smiled, I knew it was the bond and I looked at Aidan who was smiling also. He thought that we wouldn't notice, Drax mind-linked me, "Is he doing okay?" I replied, "I hope so, I hope he gives her a chance, after all, he is stuck with her for eternity," and we went back to what we were doing when we heard the alarm for rogues and everyone went on alert. Drax and I teleported to where Ty was and saw him fighting rogues, Sheila just stood there with dead eyes and never moved out of the way, she wanted to die and I was shocked because she couldn't. I bit into a rogue seeing that it was a hit on Sheila, I turned to see her walking back to the Palace not even acknowledging anyone and I mind-linked my brother and said, "Sheila is off, you should look into that," and he nodded in understanding before teleporting her.
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