Chapter 11: Fun Times

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(s****l Content) Toffe A lot has happened over the past six months, Allison and Cayden's affair came to light around the same time Bradley and Lissa's affair came to light. Bradley got possessive and ended up killing Allison over it which fast-tracked ending his life pretty quickly, Cayden made a game out of his death, that I participated in and it was fun. We found out that Sheila was the dark witch as Bradley spilled it before he died and that did not go down well with Ty. Sheila ended up marking Ty with his magic and I was trying to find a way to reverse it, I was intrigued that she was able to do it but I did not let him know that. Addison was pregnant and she almost lost the baby because of Ty sleepwalking and ended up in Sheila's bed, he was lucky that he was able to snap out of it in time, not causing serious harm to Addy. This had Ty's relationship with Addy on shaky ground and you can feel the frustration rolling off him, he wanted to kill Sheila sooner rather than later. We had decided to have a family day to celebrate the new Fae Queens in their own right and our kids were all around the grounds playing, security was tight as we knew Sheila was still out there. Our powers were unlocking rapidly and after Bradley's death, we could teleport anywhere at any time and it worked to our advantage. I started to relax with the boys and we were making jokes as usual, not talking about work for a change, it was time to unwind and relax. I was linking my wife who is downtown getting goodies for the kids with Sophie as I was watching my kids play football, and some of the guards played with them. After finding out she was okay and was on her way back, my mind drifted back to the boy I saw and I couldn't understand why, so I asked my counterparts, they both felt drawn to him somehow, so I decided to find out about him and his family. I had sent blood to Ty with a little message from my nephew just to piss him off because he was in wolf form with his daughter resting on him with Autumn and eventually, he fell asleep. I heard my niece scream, "Daddy," and all of us looked around to see Ty having a seizure before changing back into his human form. I rushed over and started chanting a protecting spell to calm him, I knew it was Sheila again, and Aidan forced Rusev to wake up. I followed Ty back to his room and let him know, basically, it wouldn't be so easy killing Sheila since she tied herself to him and his immortality and he was furious. However, we will find a way to kill the b***h, no one hurts my brothers, absolutely no one, I couldn't do anything years ago because I was a young pup when Roman killed them but now I am too powerful to let that b***h get her way. The key is to find out what makes her tick and what level of succubus she has, that way, we can figure out how to reverse everything. I never trusted her and now I know why, Sheila you are going down, you are a dead woman walking. We didn't continue with our fun day when we realized everything was too tense, Ty sat Brie down and let her know he was fine and Mace just hugged him scared as well. After we returned to our home, we went into a meeting and decided that it was time to visit Sheila's homeland. ******* Visit to the Underworld Ty and I took a nice ride across Wicker Bridge to the underworld, Michael was with us as he wanted to go to the underworld and we needed the support anyway. I was in deep thought thinking about the boy in Hawaii and how to start looking for him when I heard Ty's thoughts accidentally as he had his block down. "Why did it have to be me and not some other dude? I laughed saying, "We Cloudwaters are sexy and got it like that." He said, "Irrumabo, parum stercore," (f**k off, you little s**t), I looked at him with a smirk on my face. Still, I knew that he sensed my worry and asked, "denarium cogitationes tuas," (penny for your thoughts,) and I looked at him and said, "Profluvium habeo, Ty," ( I have an issue, Ty). Michael said, "English please, I feel left out," and we both laughed forgetting Michael was with us. I started to tell them about what happened a few months back in Hawaii, I told them about the boy I saw and the constant visions of him popping up in my head. I even dreamt of him in a field playing once and Ty said, "Show me," and I showed him and I even let Michael see too, and boy, they did not disappoint in giving me their opinion on the situation. They laughed and Ty said, "Who did you impregnate?" I replied, "No one but he looked like me, didn't he?" They laughed even more, Michael said, "He sure does," and Ty assured me that we would figure it out later after dealing with his 'Sheila Problem.' We were near the Palace and saw the people lining the streets to get a glimpse of us after hearing about the Supreme Beings, they knew that this was our first visit to the territory and King Samuel did not disappoint in making us feel welcome. We met with his wife Kaitlyn, we saved her from execution after learning the truth about King Samuel being her mate. In return, he will give us any help in finding Sheila, so he got down to business after the pleasantries and gave us a history we did not expect. He figured out that Sheila had an evil entity inside of her with a rather monstrous past, he told us, "Queen Anuba was abandoned by her lover and she hated all male species and didn't believe in mates. She would drain men of their energy until they died and sometimes manipulate them to do her bidding. Her people started to plot against her as she would kill mated men, single and human men, and even went overboard killing young teenage boys, and this caused her people to rebel. They had gotten help from a coven and they killed and locked her evil soul away for eternity. Her soul couldn't be killed because of all her sacrifices, including young children, and making herself stronger. She loves power and once she gets it she must have it, that's why she is so drawn to you Ty." He even explained how she must have merged with Sheila as a teenager because Sheila was not born with her, I was shocked about this and Ty was determined more than ever to end Sheila for good because he thought, she couldn't be saved and we agreed. After we spent a night out in his famous night club 'Le Demon' and had a much-needed fun time. ****** Edward I have been trying to get my wife to move back to Ravena, I was homesick and I had requested a transfer that would put me in the heart of Aidan's territory but she refuses to go there with everything that has been happening. So, I ended up going to Elvira instead, working at the headquarters. We moved into a nice Elvin Community that had a mixture of different species, the contract there was for another five years and this is what Elena needed. I decided to take my wife out on a date and hire a babysitter, she was excited but always seemed to worry about T.J., I told her he was getting older and he would be okay. Elena was so beautiful, she still had a figure to die for and she always seemed so pleasant and kind, we headed out to our date, and she was wearing a short black strapless dress and had her hair down with light makeup. The restaurant was amazing, great staff and the food was delicious, after our dessert, we talked a little before deciding to walk to the park. I told her about my job and how it was good here and the friends we had made, that we didn't even realize we had found a secret waterfall after going down this secluded path. I looked into her eyes kissing her and she moaned before turning around leaning over the handrail looking at the water below. I stood behind her and there was no one around so I slide my hand up her leg, she shivered before I was moving her panties to the side rubbing her clit. She was wet and I could smell her arousal, our s*x life has been amazing since getting mated and I don't regret the deal my father made, I didn't love her at first but now I think I am falling in love with her. I started fingering her and she was moving to a slow riddim trying to c*m, she moans and my d**k was hard in my pants, so I kissed her neck. I whispered, "Tell me what you want, Elena," and she moaned rubbing her ass against my hardened c**k, I wanted her so badly. She moaned, "I want you," and I removed my fingers and replaced them with my d**k. I buried my c**k to the hilt and she bit her lip, I started thrusting slowly savoring the night air around us and it was still lonely, no one was around as far as I could tell, she moaned, "f**k me, Eddie," and I made her hold the rail and started thrusting in and out of her p***y vigorously, her body heated up and her moans were music to my ears. Our skins were slapping together and moans echoed in the valley but we didn't care, I was bottoming her out, feeling my release approaching and I pinched her exposed n*****s as she watched our reflections in the lake. Our faces were full of the pleasure that we were giving each other and I emptied my seed deep in her p***y as she c*m around my c**k, feeling her juices on me. I bit down remarking again, hoping someday she would let me mark her permanently.
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