Chapter 28: The Date

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(s****l Content) Tricia I had just gotten out of the shower and was in the closet looking for something simple to wear, I had started working at the daycare but was off today as it was the weekend. It was Toffe's weekend to have the kids and I wanted to make their day special, the triplets had finally warmed up to me over time but his last daughter had loved being around me from day one, she just had someone to play with, and that was what mattered. I loved them like they were my own and Toffe loved that I loved his kids so much, I smelled him before I felt his arms around me and he said, "It's early, where are you going?" I said, "To get some stuff before the kids get here," and he smiled kissing my neck and saying, "But daddy needs some alone time first," I felt his hard-on on my back and I turned around and put my arms around him and we started kissing passionately. He picked me up and placed me on the bed kissing my shoulder down to my breast and the center of my stomach, I was wet now and he kissed the inside of my thigh before I moaned as he licked my little snub. He kissed it and circled his tongue around it before I felt his tongue in my hole lapping up what juices leaked out, I closed my eyes feeling the sensation rising from my core, I grabbed his head keeping him in place as my orgasm ripped through me. He looked at me smiling as I breathed heavily and I felt his fingers in me, f*****g me and rubbing my g-spot and I was feeling another orgasm rise. His eyes flicked red and I knew it was Davien kissing my thigh and biting down feeding, my orgasm hit more intense this time, and I closed my eyes moaning, "f**k," as my body shook. Toffe didn't wait for me to come down from my high, I felt his huge c**k start to stretch me to the hilt and I placed my arms around him. He started building his riddim thrusting in and out of me, our slight moans echoed in the room, and there was a mirror at the corner of the room reflecting us on the bed at the angle it was in. I watched how Toffe's waist moved inside of my p***y enjoying me and it turned me on more, I kissed him and hooked one of my legs to get more access and I moaned, "Omg Toffe," biting my lip, I was totally lost in s****l bliss with this man, he f***s me so good. After emptying his seed in me, he looked at me as if he was a kid in a candy store, so innocent before I turned my head and he bit down again and I moaned, I could feel his love for me and I was happy. I was lying on his chest when I brought up the conversation I had the other night with Issy and he said, "He forgot about that with everything going on but he will go out with her if it stops her from begging so much." I said, "She is your former wife, Toffe, she is throwing an olive branch, just be nice," and he kissed my head. I looked at the time and said, "The kids will be here soon," and got up to go shower again but Toffe's eyes glazed over, and then he kissed me again before leaving the room so I could finally get dressed. ***** Toffe It's been a few days since Issy's attack and she was taking it easy, she had linked me and I went downstairs to meet her with the kids, the boys were moving back in and the girls were staying with her just like before. However, we all share every other weekend with the kids all together. I hugged them as they ran into the house to go find Tricia, I was glad they loved her so much and I saw Issy turning away, I stopped her and walked up to her and said, "How is the head?" She said, "A bit scrambled, but it would be better soon," and I said, "Meet me at the restaurant at seven tonight," and she smiled saying, "Okay," she was genuinely happy and I watched her leave to head home. The rogues who attacked Issy were found in Geoff's territory and Aidan ordered them to be killed, there was no jail time, they practically killed his daughter, if it wasn't for my immortality bite, she would be dead. The stupid rogues were using her credit cards, and cell phone, driving around in a stolen car with a royal crest, how stupid could you be? Anyway, I had a busy day with the kids today and I went back inside to spend some quality time, and boy did we have fun, I missed out on this for a few years and my only wish was to have T.J. join in someday. I missed out on his childhood, he is around Mace's age now and that hurt a lot, Ty watched all his kids grow up and I barely had the opportunity but grateful for the time now. Later in the evening, I was getting ready for the date when Drax appeared and said, "I need your help with something," and I went with him after looking at my watch and saw I had time to get to the date. Bodies were popping up everywhere that had a coven mark and I was shocked, I saw some detectives who were working the cases and filled us in on what they had found. We were in troll territory headed by Drax but he wanted my opinion and Ty was busy doing something else. More bodies were in Pixie territory as well as the Nymphs and I was confused as to who would be doing this. I sent two guards to go check on my wife's family in Pixieland and report back to me. Michael showed up and said, "The same thing happened in Faeora," and I linked Emile who was busy with his pleasure women as he called them and he said, "Check with Levi," and Levi told us to come over because he has more bad news and we teleported with Michael there. All I knew was, that we had a serial killer on our hands and we needed to nip it in the bud, Drax said, "At least it's not you this time," and I smiled, "Of course, there won't be any bodies if I remember correctly." Drax laughed saying, "Just a few body parts," and that is pretty much how my night went and I totally forgot about my date with Issy. ***** Issy I was excited that Toffe was finally going on a date with me and I wanted to impress him, hopefully, he would see that I was making an effort. I screwed up over the years and I know it's not going to be easy to get him back especially with the bond so suppressed and he loves Tricia. I wore his favorite color dress, emerald green, and his necklace that he had given me so many years ago as a birthday gift. I had on very light makeup and decided to wear my hair down, I caught a cab so we could leave in one car, and I didn't expect anything but a fun night of talk and great food. I honestly didn't know what to expect as he probably had changed from the Toffe I had known him to be and I was part of that change. I reached the restaurant ten minutes early and was shown to the VIP room, he had made the reservation and I was nervous and excited. Alyssa wanted to talk to Knut so badly she could barely contain herself but we had to take it slow, plus my brain was still a bit scrambled. Ryker came out and said, "Toffe would be a little late," and offered a glass of wine to help ease my nerves, I watched the park light in the distance and remembered our romantic walks and I missed that. As time went on, I saw the restaurant get empty and the waiter came over and said, "The kitchen will be closed soon, my lady," I said, "Keep it open, please," and he bowed before leaving, I was on edge and Alyssa whimpered. The music stopped, I was the only one here besides the kitchen staff and Ryker appeared with my mother and I held back my tears. I said, "I'm not leaving, he will show," but I couldn't look them in the face, I didn't want them to see me cry so I kept looking out the window. My fingers were tapping the table uncontrollably and my wolf went silent again, I started to shake my leg and my mother sat next to me and pulled me in for a hug, I said, "No, he will be here." I tried to mind-link Toffe but he had me still blocked, I told Ryker to bring the bottle, and he did, he sat with me but I refused to look at him and he said, "Issy honey, this is not healthy," and I said, "Okay," and I got up and started to walk out, Ryker said, "Let me take you home," and he teleported to my apartment. I said, "I will be good, thank you," and my mother said, "Do you want me to stay?" I said, "No, I will just watch a movie," and she left, I turned off the lights in the house, walked to my bedroom, and looked at myself in the mirror. A voice inside my head said, "You are pathetic, you couldn't even keep your mate, you went along with their plan to kill me and now you are an outsider." I opened my eyes to see my father behind me and I turned around scared but nothing, I looked back at the mirror and he was there laughing at me. He said, "You are a sorry excuse for a daughter," and he was right, I screamed so loud that I broke the mirror and sat on the bed looking out the balcony door at the moon, and that's when I knew, I hated the moon goddess because she should have let me die in the attack.
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