Chapter 32: Serial Killer

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(s****l Content) Toffe I have been working with Ty and Drax to get the killings under control, it seems they have moved on to another territory and it was Vampora. Elijah wanted this nipped in the bud before it caused a panic among his people and we understood as well, the other territories were horrified but it lasted a few months up to a year before moving on to another Kingdom. After going over everything, we realized that the killer was taking out Vivianne's spies and I smiled before I notified Ryker and headed over to my brother's office. I had shown Ty what I figured out and we all laughed at the fact the killer was doing our job but we needed him on a leach and I went over to Vampora trying to track him down. We figured out who his next target was and waited, Ryker asked me, "How are things going with you and your mates?" I sigh because it has been a struggle, I told him about Elena, "We had started to reach common ground when it came to T.J. so it was looking up with her and Issy has surprised me with the way she was behaving, I am glad she works on herself and enjoy life more but she seems to take up partying a lot, Kyan keeps me informed of the nights in the club and I promise to drop in and see for myself." Ryker said, "It's time," as we saw a shadow enter the underground tunnel, I out my cigarette and said, "Party time," and we waited and watched the sneaky vampire, he was clean with his killing but he got distracted and I grabbed his throat, I put him to sleep taking him to our little dungeon. When I arrived, I cut his hand and tasted the blood to see what I figured out and I showed everyone but Ty because he was Rusev's son. ***** Ty Toffe had told me they had found their prisoner but he didn't give me any more information, just that I needed to meet with him tonight. I was told the others would be there and I knew this was big so I finished up and teleported to the secret location. They eventually told me that the prisoner was the son I had with Vivianne and I was shocked and excited but knew that was not going to be good news for my wife. Varek was his name and I could feel his fear but yet he was intrigued, he didn't know that I knew as yet, he was hoping we wouldn't kill him and I sighed because I hadn't made up my mind yet knowing this would not sit well with Jade. I asked him, "What was your plan?" He explained he wanted to take out his mother's spies, but they were a lot, and he was taking it slow as no one knew who he really was, he would kill them if they had a mark of Vivianne's coven, and the more dangerous one will be killed first, the others he will leave for a later date. I saw a mark on his neck and asked, "What will you do about, Sylvia?" He opened his eyes in shock and I smiled saying, "Your uncle had a taste while you were sleeping," and it dawned on him that I knew who he was, he was excited wanting to hug me but held back and smiled saying, "Oh, honestly, I was going to kill her but I don't know, I have a liking for her, a slight pull but I would have felt the bond if she was my mate," and I told him about Toffe. "Maybe the bond is blocked somehow, maybe she was your beloved after all," and it made sense to him because she kept saying she was drawn to him. He just thought it was the good d**k he was giving her and I busted out laughing, Rusev said, "d**k head, he is definitely, my spawn." My son turned out to be the serial killer tormenting Ravena and I smiled because he took after Toffe in the sense that they both tormented Ravena at one point, I guess if you think about it, we are all serial killers in some way, or form or fashion. ***** Varek I have been laying low for years because I didn't want to be around my mother much, she was evil but she was my mother so I just stayed out of the way. Especially after my brother, Jafarie died, he was a wolf but he was my brother, my brother and I had different fathers and I never knew who my real father was until I researched him a few hundred years back. My father was one of the famous Supremes, that would explain the power I have but I just don't want anyone to find out. I wanted to live a simple bloodsucker life, I never met my mates and I don't think I have any kids, I was always safe but you can never be too sure. However, rumors are that the Supremes are reincarnated into the current Supremes which means my father is back and I am unsure if to go meet him. It's not easy getting into a meeting with them and I certainly didn't want my mother to find me, I have been hiding from her as she would feed from my power and although I don't mind, it would slow me down at times. I'm not immortal like my father, I just have a very long life span as a very old Vampire. I have moved to Vampora under disguise as she has many spies in this land and my guess, is to keep a watchful eye on the Vampire King, Elijah. I went into the library to look up anything I could find out about my father and see if I could finally get a meeting with him. My only problem was, how much does he hate my mother and would he stop long enough to hear me out or will he kill me? ****** A Few Weeks Later I was excited I had met my father and my uncles because they were all back and I was recruited to work for them. I was lucky that they didn't kill me and I was able to realize that Sylvia was my mate and it confused me a little. I was drawn to her for a while and now I know why, it was her instinct to mark her mate. I ended up marking her that night but we had hidden our marks with magic as she understood who I was working for and she didn't care, she just wanted me, she admitted she loves me and honestly, I think I love her too. As a vampire royally, I will have two mates and I explain that to her, however, we will deal with it when we reach that point in our lives. At times, I wish I had a wolf that could scent my mate, I will only know my mate if we are close and we look each other in the eyes or touch each other, unless she is a wolf and scents me then, she would find me. I got a link from my father to meet him at the office to discuss plans to kill my mother and I kissed my beloved before leaving. I walked into the office and saw my uncles except Toffe and they were happy to see I was blending in. They talked about a time before I was born and my father put me to sit and his eyes glowed showing me what my mother did to them and I cried because she was using me to sustain herself, I don't think she ever loved me. After, we were waiting for Toffe to arrive and he teleported with his wife, they were laughing before she looked around looking uneasy, and held Toffe's hand. Aidan said, "About time," and his wife said in a nervous voice, "It's my fault, Your Majesty, I shouldn't have been naked when he came home," and they laughed. Toffe walked over to me and his wife was reluctant at first but smiled keeping her eyes on him, I felt uneasy and he introduced me saying, "This is my gorgeous wife, Tricia." She said, "Nice to me you," without even looking at me and I bowed my head, she was my superior after all. We eventually started the meeting and she was next to Uncle Toffe but she was nervous and refused to look my way, I think she doesn't like me and I don't know why. I had no idea why I felt offended that she wouldn't acknowledge me and she got up to go out of the room. I decided to ask her what I did because I hoped that I hadn't met her before and hurt someone she loved. I was about to go out the door when she came in and bumped into me and everyone looked around, I said, "Let me help," and she said, "I got it," before running off and Toffe said, "I will talk to her, and I said, "f**k," to myself, she was my second mate. ****** Tricia I was taking out Toffe's clothes he was wearing tonight for the meeting and I was naked because I just got out of the shower. I dropped his shirt on the floor and bent over to pick it up, I heard a growl behind me and felt his arms around me and he said, "Don't do that, love, or we might be late for the meeting." I turned around and his eyes were black, full of lust and I bit my lip seductively and run my fingers over his wet chest feeling his body heat up and his d**k hardened. He leaned in kissing me and I kissed back, I was on the bed in a flash and had no time to register what he was doing until I felt his d**k enter me, fast and I moan feeling him stretch me. In the heat of our passion, I left claw marks on his back, he bit down feeding and moaned linking me saying, "f**k, you so tasty and I love you," I felt his love for me and I wrapped my arms around him opening my legs wider as he buried his huge c**k deep within me. I called his name as my orgasm started to rise from my core and he sped up his thrusting, we both c*m together feeling him spill his seed in my womb. We got up and cleaned up before leaving to meet the others, I held his hand and we teleported to the meeting room and this scent hit me, I recognized it from many years ago back in troll territory and my wolf frowned because we love Toffe. He was a vampire which shocked me but I wasn't surprised, most Pixies are fated to Vampires. I wasn't ready to leave Toffe not when he needed my love and support, so I refused to go near him. He couldn't get my scent so I had to play it cool but the pull of the bond would be there, I just needed to make it through the meeting and not touch him or look into his eyes, if not, he would know I was his beloved. Varek was introduced to me and he held out his hand but I refused and just looked away saying, "Nice to meet you," and then I went and sat next to my husband. Varek kept looking at me, I could feel it, I was beginning to be uneasy and my wolf was torn, she wanted her mate but she also loved Toffe. The meeting went on and I was nervous and Toffe squeezed my leg linking me, "What is it, love?" I said, "I need a drink, what about you?" He said, "Scotch, no ice," and I got up to get it, leaving the room, I needed to breathe a little because his intoxicating scent was driving me crazy and I drank the scotch before getting a glass for Toffe. I turned to go back inside the room and I walked right into Varek, the bond snapped in place as we looked each other in the eyes and I felt the tingles. I was shocked and angry for not realizing he was walking towards me, he asked to help and I refused before running off, how do I tell my husband I finally found my mate and it was his nephew?
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