1083 Words

Ryan flashed his wolfish grin, and Mark, who had already entered the structure, strode angrily toward the prisoner and put him down with a fist aimed at his temple. “I think there’s no one left,” Mark commented, heading toward Ian who had opened his eyes when Nick and Ryan discharged their revolvers. Mark looked at Ian with grim eyes. “Hi there, man,” he managed to say around the lump in his throat. “You’ll have to untie me and help me up,” Ian managed a weak smile. Mark nodded and taking his knife out of his boot he cut through the ropes. “No, man,” Nick interjected. “We could have used those,” he complained. “We can use something else,” Mark shrugged. “I don’t have the patience to uncoil so much rope, brother,” he replied in a dry tone of voice. “Don’t worry,” Ryan consoled Nick.

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