2010 Words

CHAPTER EIGHT “Problem solved,” Becka entered the room, her arms filled with a squirming infant, followed by Bryan who was carrying another. Noticing Mark’s skeptical look, she smiled widely at him. “I don’t know where they got the idea, but they started creating sizzling balls, and they throw them one to another,” she shook her head when Lily started laughing. “Come on, Becka, they were able to create balls months ago,” Lily intervened, and Mark considered her with a dark gaze. The woman’s mood was too light for what was going on there. Mark felt like he was on the path to be certified soon. He must be going slowly mad. His mind was practically slipping away. He had landed in a world of make-belief and got stuck in there. “Yes, I know, but not sizzling balls,” Becka retorted. “They

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