15-Birthdays and secrets

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Lucy woke up feeling strange. It was like she was rested and feeling energized. The last few months had been exhausting and just a constant state of perpetual exhaustion. Astrid had been quiet. She was letting Lucy be in charge for once. Lucy wondered if it was because she was spending so much time with Killian and Astrid loved being near him. She rolled over and found a single white Lily and a note. Happy Birthday my beautiful Mate. Meet me in the clearing by the waterfall when you wake up. I hope you enjoyed your sleep-in. Love with all my soul Killian Lucy POV I looked at my phone: 10 AM; of course, he turned off my alarm. I guess no training today. "You need a break anyways. You've been pushing too hard lately." Astrid pipped up. "Happy Birthday Astrid." "Happy Birthday, my sweet human." I shook my head. Oh, Astrid, she was in a good mood today. I wonder if it had anything to do with our turning 18 and being able to mate with Killian and possibly be marked finally. I walked into the kitchen. The smell of waffles and Italian sausage lured me closer. Killian wouldn't mind waiting, I'm sure. This has to be Axels doing. Before I could even round the island, Axel had scooped me up and spun me around! "Good Morning LUC!!! How do you feel? Any older? Any wise?" Axel laughed, making me laugh. "You're in a good mood today Ax." "It's not every day your......What do the girls say these days? "Bestie" turns 18 and becomes Luna to the largest most feared pack!" " Well, when you put it that way." Why did he have to put it that way? I just wanted to have a simple birthday. After I stuffed my face full of Axel's food. Sausages, eggs Benny, waffles, crepes. I was going to have to roll myself to meet Killian. I slipped my phone in my leggings pocket and started jogging off to the clearing. It was such a perfect day out. Crisp and cool, but the sun was shining so warm. It wasn't long before I arrived. Killian was leaning against a tree. I decided to mask my scent and sneak upon him. He looked lost in thought, watching the waterfall. I flitted from the tree to a tree being so quiet, I slipped through some tall grass, and as I was about to jump out, he got me first. "Damn you and your Alpha hearing!" "haha, sorry, little wolf, I'm not called the fiercest alpha for no reason." He leaned down and kissed me so sweetly I felt like my whole body would melt. I ran his thumb down the side of my face, and I felt like I could stay in that moment forever. I knew I was falling for him before I turned 18, and the mate bond snapped into place. I can see why most wolves mate the day they meet. This hunger for him to touch me, kiss me, hold me was like a burning wick on a short fuse. I rolled him over and took control of our kiss. I could feel him smiling under my lips. He was happy I could finally feel what he felt all this time. We rolled around in the clearing, making out for what felt like hours. It was only 30 minutes. "Come on, love. I have something I want to show you up the mountainside." I followed him through trees and over stumps and roots. "Why are we not in wolf form for this?" I whined a little "haha, patience, my love, it will be worth the wait." we walked a few more miles when the tree line ended and we stumbled upon the most breathtaking view I've ever seen. You could see the whole valley from here. The bennet territory, all of our territory, even where I grew up. "Killian! This is just.... I am.... wow. I can't believe beautiful it is." " Ya, it's my favourite spot. Come on, it's not much further." **** Mature content******** We stopped at a small hot spring and Killian undressed. I could hardly keep my eyes to myself. He was the sexiest man I'd ever seen. His tanned skin and strong jawline, the large scar across his back, made me want to run my fingers down it, he catches me staring at him and he smirks the sexiest smirk. I keep looking straight into his eyes. I start undressing slowly a mix of wanting to be s*x and being completely terrified. I step out of my leggings and unbutton my flannel T-shirt. I removed my tank top over my head and am left in just my underwear and bralette made of Baby blue lace. We just stand there eyes locked not moving. I feel my breath hitched as Killian steps into the water. I slowly follow him. The water is so soothing on my sore muscles and all I can think about is Killian's hands all over my body. I move and sit on a rock with my arms jutting out behind me for balance. Killian glides toward me in the water. I want to be cool and sexy but I'm literally shaking in my underwear. He smells amazing I just want to continue what we started in the clearing. He's standing so close yet so far. He lifts me so I'm straddling him and he's now sitting on the rock. He starts massaging my middle back slowly working his way down to my lower back. The contact of his hands on my skin is making me crazy. "oh girl, how are you keeping it together!!! Let's mark him now!!!" "shhhh Astrid I can't concentrate with your commentary." while I fight with Astrid a low moan leaves my lips and Killian is instantly hard beneath me. Oh my gosh, does he know I know he's hard. I slowly start to move my hips a little to let him know I'm ready to go further..... his hands grip my hips and he is crashing his lips onto mine. He moves his mouth down my neck and back up to my mouth. He bites my lip a little making me instantly wet. I try and clench my thighs together but remember he's beneath me and I just spur him on further. He rips my underwear right off my body: tossing them aside like an old rag. If only he knew what that cost. I slowly start moving my hips up and down making him groan and kissing Me harder. He slips his hand between my legs and I scream out in pleasure. I think I might pass out he's so delicate yet so strong. After a few minutes of that. I whisper in his ear. "I want you" he looks at me with more love than I knew possible. he slowly slips inside me and I can't help and scream. It was the most amazing mix of pleasure and pain I've ever felt. I didn't know I could feel so connected to someone. I don't know how we layed in the grass by the hot springs for but, I had never felt so happy in all my life. Killian was everything I ever wanted. I was ready for him to mark me. But how do I just say that I want him to mark me? My thoughts were disturbed by the most enchanting emerald eyes staring into my soul like he always does. "what are you lost in thought about?" Killian asked me as he started kissing down my body again. "What time is it?" "you don't worry about that little wolf, I have the whole day sorted out. Are you ready to head back?" "no.... not really? I could stay up here with you forever." "So you do feel the mate bond now?" Killian laughed to himself. "I was falling in love with you before today, Killian you are more than I expected. I feel like you actually get me, without trying to control me." "what I love most about you, is that you don't need me, you aren't some damsel in distress even though you have every right to be." " Killian, when will you mark me?" "When do you want me to mark you?" "I don't know. I just know that I want to be with you forever." "well I am not going anywhere and I am no in rush, not that I don't want to do it this minute. I've loved you since our first day together. You really are the half that makes me whole. " will it hurt?" "haha, no more than you get your ass kicked in training from Maddox." "Oh, that's nothing." I laughed a little harder than necessary. "When I do mark you, it will be right here." Killian kisses and bites a little at the junction where my neck meets my collarbone. He sent pleasurable chills all the way through my body. "Ok Killian, I'm ready, mark me. I want to be yours and no one else's forever!" Killian looked so shocked it made me laugh out loud. He began kissing me, our tongues dancing together like a steaming mix of desperation and exhilaration. I could feel my core heating up and I wanted him so badly. Who was I becoming? Killian slid inside me so fast I almost fell over the edge of bliss, without any warning he sunk his teeth into my marking spot. Fireworks danced through my vision and I thought I had died and gone to heaven. Before I could even stop myself my canines had extended and I bit down on Killians marking spot, he exploded hot seed inside of me. I'm sure he felt what I had felt. Expect now I could feel Diesel, his strength his confidence his power was now my power. I felt like I'd been electrocuted but I'm an amazing pleasurable way. We were now one. Two missing souls who found each other and reunited in the most passionate way. At some point, I had fallen into the most blissful sleep. Killian POV I must be dreaming I think to myself as I get dressed for Lucy's birthday party. I can't believe she let me mark her and she marked me back. I feel like I am floating. The moon-goddess blessed me with the most incredible mate. I've been working on her birthday party for weeks. I've tracked down most of her extended family and I hope they come. She really needs to reconnect with her family and not keep everyone at arm's length. As I walk past her room I see Lucy, Treena, Ellen and Lanie all getting ready. I stopped to admire my beautiful mate putting on some earrings wearing the ring I gave her as my promise to love her forever. Shifters didn't usually get married but she was raised by humans so if it was something she wanted she would have the greatest wedding in history. Just as Lucy sweeps her long curled hair into a messy clip that looks more elegant than royalty I hear Ellen scream, I am about to rush in to see what is wrong when Lanie yells "You dirty girl! You did the deed didn't you?" Lucy turns a shade of red I've never seen before. "I love him. I was falling in love with him before the bond fell into place, I was keeping him away from my heart after what happened to me in high school but I was wrong he is such a good man and I can't imagine being away from him. He really is the other half of my soul." I watched as she admitted her feelings and I was so ecstatic, but I couldn't help but focus on what she said. What happened to her in high school. "I was so jealous of how protective Axel is over you but When Axel told me about that, I felt like the worst sister in the world not being there to protect you. How did you move on from that?" "Axel helped. Lots of talking, meditation and Astrid helped me a lot she is strong and wise." Lucy looked lost in a memory and I don't know if it was the mate bond but my hear hurt thinking something could have hurt her like that and I had to find out what it was. "Can you fill me in?" Treena chimed in. Thank the moon-godess for my nosy sister. "When I was 14, I had been "dating" a boy we went to school with. I thought i loved him, I was young and a kid who had never been loved by anyone. I trusted him and it turns out his parents were hunter and they made him go outwith me so they could skin my wolf." Lucy said it as if she wasn't talking about her self. " OMG Lucy I cant believe that. You must have been soi heart broken when you found out?" "Heart broken is one way of putting it. I had only had Astrid for a year I had no idea what being a wolf even meant. Jacob had been putting small amount of silver in my food and drinks to weaken Astrid. I had been sick for months I had no idea what was wrong I had never been sick in my life. The final straw was a thin gold braclette that he had giving me for my 15th birthday. Axel and I went to go for a run and I had forgot about the bracelette until I couldn't shift, it must have been gold plated with silver underneath I couldn't even reach Astid. We didn't know what it was. Axel thought we should take a trip into portland there was a supernatural clinic he had found out about when he first shifted. Before we could go Jacob and his parents locked me up in their cellar. Jacobs older brother, tortured me to find out where my pack was. Only I had no idea what a pack was at this point in my life. Between the drugs and pain I am not sure how long I had been down there, Jacob grew a conscious after seeing what his brother had done to me and was helping me out of the silver chains when Axel showed up, only it wasn't Axel in control. The only time I have ever seen Liam so..... I don't even know how to describe it. Vicious? animalistic, I was afraid of him for a little while. He killed both Jacobs parents and he bit off Jacobs brothers leg and left him to bleed out. He left jacob alive and told him to leave town and never come back. I woke up a few days later in Portland clinic type place for the supernatural. I spoke to a Elder and he explained a lot to me about the supernatural world. Told me I could contact him or his Luna anytime if I had more questions. We stayed in Portland for a few weeks, Axel told his parents it was a school trip and my foster parents didn't even know I was gone. Once I was completely healed of the silver poisen we went home. Axel would make me talk about it. His mom being a therapist he was aways aware of silence and what it really meant." "Is that why he does that?" Lanie interjected What had I just over heard. My mate the love of my life, my Luna was kidnapped as a child by hunters and tortured for information she had no idea about. f**k Ben Bennet, that coward never deserved her for family. I could hear Treena sobbing. I had sheltered her from so much she had no idea so much evil existed in our world. The girls went on talking like it was nothing but I could see the pain and sorrow on Lucys features reliving that memory. I had to talk to Axel.
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