14-Dreams and Dresses

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Lucy woke up to the smell of bacon and fresh-squeezed juice. She slipped out of bed and brushed and braided her hair. She slipped on some clothes and went downstairs. She expected to see Axel in the kitchen. He was the only one who cooked, but it was Killian leaning against the counter drinking coffee. "Morning beautiful" "Good morning! I don't think I have slept that well in so long." "Good, this is our place now, so get used to it." "We won't be staying in the packhouse?" Lucy wondered what kind of Luna didn't stay with her pack. "Not while you are attending school. I have an office in the city a few blocks away. I can go to work, and Maddox and Ellen will handle the packhouse." "Oh, well, that actually sounds great!" "I am glad you approve." Ellen and Treena came into the kitchen looking dead. "Oh gosh. I think I might be sick." Ellen sat on the island. "Sorry, Ellen, I forgot you don't have your wolf healing yet. Were-liquor is pretty strong." "drink these girls" Killian handed them a greenish-brown shake. "Everyone, we head back around one. Lucy and I are going shopping. Be ready when we get back." Killian shouts, hoping Lanie and Axel hear him too. "Why are we going shopping?" "We need to get you a Luna ceremony dress." Killian and Lucy went to all kinds of dress stores. Lucy really had no idea what to look for in a Luna ceremony dress. Killian was no help. Everything was perfect to him. They decided to try one last store. There was a long sleeve scoop neck form-fitting red dress with a long train in the window. "that's it! That's the one." Lucy asked the clerk for a fitting room so she could try it on. It fit perfectly, Like a glove. Killian obviously loved it. The clerk wrapped it up for them, and they headed back to the condo to get everyone. When they arrived back at the condo, everyone was sprawled out on the couches watching some cooking show. "you guys ready?" Killian shouted from the front door. Everyone slowly got up from where they were sitting and shuffled towards the door. The drive back was quiet. Lucy was lost in her thoughts, Killian was driving the sequoia, and everyone else was napping in the back. "Lucy, what's on your mind?" Killian asked "what's not on my mind?" "haha, you can tell me anything or talk to me about anything you know. I'm always here for you." "Killian, what, what if I can't do this?" "do what? Be Luna? I'll help you through it all!" " Not just that, being this special wolf, fighting off the rogue king. I am just so tired of fighting, training, worrying." Lucy admitted "I wish I had a simple answer for you. But you know how we get rid of Alexi, right?" "What now?" Killian arches his eyebrows and wiggles them seductively "let me mark you......" "I guess that does solve that problem, haha." "Just saying." Killian laughs Lucy went back to watching out the window, thinking of letting Killian mark her both excited and terrified her. Lucy started dozing off, she was watching the tree line and the clouds fading in and out of the trees. "LANIE!!!!! Shift!!!!! Run!!!!! Get to Liza at the mountain Moon pack! She can protect you!" Lucy shifted into Astrid and started fighting rogues. Ellen was using magic to put their wolves to sleep, but she could only do two at a time, and she was getting weak. She had placed a protection spell on Astrid, and it was a hard spell. Killian was fighting off ten rogues. Axel had just as many. It seemed like they were winning when a shot rang out, and Axel dropped to the ground. Ellen ran to him. He had been shot in the heart with a the silver bullet, Alexi the rogue king stood in front of Killian gun pointed straight at his heart. Astrid ran as fast as she could but she wasn't fast enough. Alexi shot Killian in the heart and turned to face Astrid. "I told you, you could have the world if you'd be my queen. Now look what you've made me do. I had to kill the two men standing in my way." "Lucy! Lucy! Lucy!"A Frantic Killian shook Lucy while she was in her trance. "whhhhyyyy are you shaking me?" Lucy could barley speak. "You started having a seizure, you were shaking and screaming fro Lanie to run I pulled the truck over and layed you down here." Killian explained. "it wasn't a seizure.... I think I had a vison of the future." Lucy tried to explain her vison. "Did it give you any idea when this would happen?" Ellen asked. "the next full moon." "That gives us three weeks to prepare." Axel chimes in. Lucy grabbed Axel and hugged him so tight sobbing. "Luc, it was just a vison. We can stop it, just breathe." Axel soothed her best he could running his hand up and down her arm. Like he always did their whole life when Lucy would fall off the edge. Lanie's wolf Anna didn't like how Axel comforted Lucy. He was her mate and he shouldn't be touching her. Lanie quieted her wolf. "She is our baby sister Anna. Get it together! It should have been us with her all this time but you were too messed up to find her and take care of her. So Axel had to do it. You should be grateful he was there for her." Lanie yelled in her mind at her childish wolf. "you're right, I just don't like anyone touching what's ours." "lucy is ours too you know." "fair point." Killian got Lucy laying in the back with Lanie and Axel and Treena rode shotgun until they got back. Killian already had Kevlar jackets made for all the guards and himself, he would have one made for Axel and one for when he was in wolf form too. He thought about everything Lucy had to deal with and how unfair it was to her, that she couldn't be just a simple Luna. She had to have this big destiny. She is barley 18 years old. How is she ready for this. Lucy was out running in human form like she always did in the morning. Usually, this relaxed her, but tomorrow being her birthday and having to run with four guards, two in wolf form, two in human form with guns with silver bullets, was not relaxing her. She stopped by the stream to fill her water bottle and take out her earbuds. Listening to the water run down the stream was always her favourite. Lucy decided to practice cleaning her mind and moving some trees around. She spotted a large Boulder six feet tall and heavy she wondered if she was strong enough to move it. She focused on the wind rustling the trees, the sound of the leaves falling to the forest floor, the birds chirping and the clink, clink, clink of the guards gun rubbing his jacket. The boulder shifted but didn't move. She tried harder, listening to the rise and fall of her laboured breathing, in and out. The boulder lifted three feet off the ground. Lucy began humming. She really didn't know why but the more he hummed, the higher the boulder moved, she snapped her head to the side, and the boulder went flying 30ft. Okay, that's new, she thought to herself. She started to feel like she might pass out. She steadied herself against a tree to try and regain her focus, but everything went dark. "WHERE IS SHE!!!!!!" Killian roared so loud it shook the pictures off the walls of the pack hospital. "She is in room five, Alpha." A very nervous nurse showed him the way. Outside her room, all four guards stood. "Explain!" Killian demanded "I never took my eyes off of her, Alpha. She took a rest by the stream. She moved a giant boulder about 30ft and then looked sick. I rushed over to her just as she collapsed. The Doc said it's just mental exhaustion. It happens to witches more than it happens to wolves, so she must have used a lot of power to knock her and her wolf out. Alpha. " The guard explained with a slight bow. He stepped aside and let Killian into the room to be with his mate. Lucy had just woken up. "Killian?" She whispered "I'm here, my love. How are you feeling? What happened?" "Killian, you'd never believe me. I threw a boulder 30ft at least. It was wild and mostly effortless." The light was returning to her eyes, and Killian couldn't help but laugh at her excitement. Killian leaned down and kissed her softly. "You scared me. Please be more careful." Before Lucy could reply, Axel and Ellen came running in. "Luc!!! What happened?" Axel rushed over to her, sitting on the bed next to her. She explained everything that happened in the forest. Killian watched them with a small laugh. They really were like brother and sister. Like children bragging to the other about a ball game. He was glad Lucy had Axel even if Killian hated him a little for how much Lucy loved him. Lanie walked in shortly after. Throwing her arms around Lucy. "Lucy, you shouldn't be out in the woods right now. Not while that lunatic is after you!" Lanie tried to keep the tears back. "I'm sorry, Lanie, I had four guards with me. If that makes you feel any better." Lucy teased. "I made you some healing herbs. They are in capsule form. If you ever exert yourself like that again and start to feel like you are losing control. Take two of them. They only take seven minutes to return you to full strength. They will also stop you from passing out. Ellen handed her a small tincture. "Why didn't you give this to me before?" "Haha, you weren't ready. You hadn't tapped into your full power. I was also reading more of the Bennet scrolls, and never in their history has a Bennet wolf possessed this many abilities. You might get them all, Lucy." "With great power comes great responsibility." Axel joked, making LUcy and everyone laugh. Axel was always good at lightening the mood. Lucy was happy he was starting to relax more. He had been on edge since Ellen had arrived in their small town. "Doc says we can get you outa here!" Killian came back in with dr Mullins. Lucy jumped off the bed, and Killian didn't let her feet touch the floor. He scooped her up in his arms. "Hey!!! I can walk! I am not a baby!" Lucy shouted, trying to wiggle out of Kilian's grip. "No! I am carrying you straight to the kitchen where Axel is going to make us something awesome to eat!" Killian winked at Axel, and everyone laughed. " OH, I am, am I?" Axel joked back." Lucy was finally happy. She had her real family. The family she had always wanted. They all made their way to the kitchen. Killian placing Lucy on a stool at the kitchen island while he went and made them coffee. Axel whipped up a great chicken fried rice with a hearty steak and veggie stew for Lucy to eat later to help her body with all the training she had been doing. They all sat around the table laughing and joking. It was a great day. Lucy was about to get up and make more coffee when Killains eyes clouded over. "Ladies, get on up to Lucy's room. Treena will meet you there. Axel and I have something to do real quick." Axel knew that look on Killian's face. Something was happening, and he didn't want to freak the girls out. Axel kissed Lanie and told her not to leave Lucy's side. Lanie still couldn't shift fully because of the wolfsbane. Axel worried about her taking care of herself since she never trained either. The girls headed upstairs, and when Killian heard the panic floor door engage, he filled Axel in. "We gotta go, the girls are sealed in on the panic floor, and no one can open it except Myself or Treena. They have spotted 40 rogues on the mountainside. I know our warriors have it handled, but they are bringing us some alive to interrogate." "Let's get us some rogues!" Axel jumped from his seat. Lucy POV Lunch was terrific, but it was bizarre how Killian just sent us away. I was feeling pretty tired anyway, so laying down and maybe watching a movie with girls would be nice. We talked about possibly a Lord of the Rings marathon. When we were right outside our room, I heard a loud clang, and I looked down the hall, and all the windows and doors were cover in heavy iron slabs. "Treena, what's going on? What are those?" "This is the panic floor. The first four rooms are all moms, babies and grammas who live in the packhouse. Anyone who has their own house on the territory has their own private panic room." "What are we panicking about?" Ellen asked, taking the words right out of my mouth. "Killian didn't tell you? We are under attack. They spotted 40 rogues on our side of the board near the edge of the mountain. There could be more, Killian isn't worried we have a pretty undefeatable army, but he won take any chances with Lucy." I was glad Killian had us locked up on this floor. I was still feeling really drained, and I didn't want to admit trying to protect Lanie would be hard. We all nestled into the long wrap-around couch that sat in front of a giant TV Killian had installed in my room when he found out I was a midnight movie, binger. By the time the second Lord Of the Rings movie ended, it was dinner time, and Treena said we were all clear to come down for dinner. As soon as I opened my door, I could smell it! Onions, Garlic, mushrooms frying on the stove...... my mouth watered, and I ran down the stairs so ready to eat!!! When I rounded the corner to the kitchen, I ran straight into a woman I didn't know. She glared at me and told me to watch where I was going. It was weird that I hadn't met this woman before, yet she seemed to hate me already. She couldn't be from this pack. Everyone addressed me as Luna. I asked Treena who that was, and she told me Killian used to date her before he met me. Now that makes more sense why she would hate me before she even got to know me. I walked up to Killian and wrapped my arms around him, whispering in his ear. She stormed out of the room. Oops, did I do that? I winked at Treena, and she laughed so hard she almost fell off her chair. "so, what do you have planned for my birthday tomorrow?" I asked Killian, knowing he had a huge party planned. "Oh, not much. I thought we'd have bunch in the city buy you some gifts, do some shopping and then come back here for dinner. Axel is making your favourite." "Like my favourite, favourite? Or my usual favourite?" There was no way he was making it....before I could finish my sentence, Axel came out of the kitchen laughing, Covered in flour. "yes, Lucy, I've been making the noodles fresh for days. I even got my dad's recipe for the ravioli stuffing." Axel winked at me, and I screamed!!! Axel only ever made this for me one other time, and it was the best! I ordered it every time I went to his dad's restaurant. Homemade ravioli with lobster and butternut squash. With a garlic butter cream sauce. I can't wait for dinner tomorrow! I whispered again in Killian's ear. "Maybe if tomorrow goes well, we could finish what we started at the condo" I started to walk away, all sexy-like, and Killian grabbed me and tossed me over his shoulder like a caveman. "we will be back for dinner!" He shouted over his shoulder at everyone. I saw that woman who Treena didn't tell me her name and winked at her. To show her I am not just anyone. We got to his bedroom, and he tossed me on the bed. He started kissing me all over my body like a wild beast. I couldn't stop laughing. "what's so funny little wolf?" "oh nothing, just laughing at how easy you are to work up." We continued kissing until we had to go back down for dinner. Maybe I was ready to take this to the next level. Killian was kind and loving, and I know he will make a good dad. Woah! Where did that come from? I need to get it together. But maybe just a little tester before tomorrow, I unbuttoned my shirt and let my lacy bra show a little. "little wolf..... what are you doing?" "Just fixing my top before we head down to dinner." Killian came back over to the bed, kissing down my neck and pulled me flush againsthis body. He ripped my shirt from my body. "oops," he said, not sorry in the least. He unhooked my bra with one hand. The girls were bouncing around. Killian's eyes went black, which meant Diesel was here. A knock at the door pulled us from our lust-filled trance.
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