16-The Big Bash

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Killian POV When Lucy came down the long hallway to the party, she took my breath away. She was wearing red heels that made her legs go on for days, a red three quarter length dress that slid off the shoulders, revealing her mark. She was proud of it. How does this exquisite being belong to me? She doesn't even know how gorgeous she is. She was going to make the most amazing Luna. She is kind and loving, patient and understanding. Strong and fierce, she had already endured so much pain one person should never have in three lifetimes, all before she turned eighteen. I met her just outside the entrance to the great hall. "You look more beautiful than anything I have ever laid my eyes on." A blush came across her cheeks just for a moment before she pushed the emotion away like she always does. "Well, I can't top that compliment, but you do clean up well, your self alpha." She spoke sultry into my ear as she adjusted my bowtie. "Shall we?" I took her hand and led her into the party. She thought it was just the pack, but I invited all the Bennetts I could find. I wanted them to know who they abandoned. I had all the cheesy teen things Lucy missed out on, photobooth, karaoke, a champagne fountain with sides of orange juice, all her favourite desserts from the bakery. The DJ was great too. I knew she was going to have a great time. I let her mingle with all of her friends and pack members and Liza and Ben, even though I wanted to knock that coward out. I found Axel by the food big shocker there for a skinny guy he sure could knock back the food. "Hey, man! How's it going" Axel mumbled while tossing another mini wiener roll in his mouth. "Hey! Good, I think the party turned out well. Thanks for all the ideas, man." "No problem, anything for Lucy. She deserves it and more. That ring too! Man, spot on. Lanie keeps eyeing it up." "haha, your turn, man. Jewellery always works!" I was trying not to just rush into such a serious conversation, but f**k, I'm usually straight to the point kind of guy. The girl is legit ruining my big bad alpha image. Finally, I just sucked it up and blurted it out. " Tell me the story behind this, Jacob!" Axel almost choked on his food, trying to wash down his bite with his beer. "Lucy told you about that?" "Not in so many words." Frist lie." that's why I am asking you." "Well, it's not really my story to tell but, Lucy's high school boyfriend, not just any old boyfriend. She really loved this guy. He played right into her abandonment issues. He was the perfect boyfriend until he wasn't. How hunters found us before we even knew what we were is still really puzzling to me. I ended up confiding in my dad. I never told Lucy he knew, but my dad made sure Lucy and I could defend ourselves, and he was really good at finding out information on the supernatural world. That's how he found Ellen, and that's how I got most of my information on the supernatural world." Axel struggled to make eye contact with me. That's how I knew there was more to the story that he wasn't telling me. "Is Lucy really alright? Or is there anything I should know?" "honestly, Killian, just ask her. If she wants you to know, she will tell you. All I am going to say is. She is not as tough as she puts on. Her fear is real, and it can take control. You'll know when it happens because Astrid is really protective of her and will take control when Lucy is falling apart when we were kids before we even had our wolves. Lucy used to look like she was having a panic attack when she was feeling an emotion too big for her. The first time I ever met Lucy, she was sitting on a swing, and she was breathing super heavily. I thought she was having an asthma attack benign raised human we never knew we couldn't get sick. I ran and called the nurse. I remember Lucy grabbing my arm and shaking like she was terrified of the nurse. So I just hugged her really tight. I had a foster brother for. Few years with special needs, and when he was afraid, he liked to be hugged really tight. It calmed him down, so I did the same to Lucy, and she looked up at me so confused and said with her sweet little voice. "Ummm, why are you hugging me?" "I thought you might be afraid and thought it would help," I remember laughing so uncomfortably like, what was I doing? Was I actually hugging this girl? We were only six years old. She probably thought I was a freak. Anyways just be gentle and calm with her. She will react to your emotions, so if you can't keep it together, neither will she." "I'm glad she had you, man. You took good care of her." "not always. It was my fault she lost it and left. When Astrid took over, and she went to find the Bennet pack. She was reacting to me losing it and killing those guards for hurting Lanie." I could tell Axel was still beating himself up about it. As mad as I was, he killed my men. I kind of understood, now having Lucy in my life. I wouldn't want anyone touching her. "As mad as I was about that man. Now having Lucy, I think I would have reacted the same. Had they known Lanie's medical history, they never would have done it either." "it's in the past now. We just gotta move on." "Ya, we do! You want another beer?" I needed to get a break. This conversation was a lot to process. Lucy had told me a lot about her childhood but not everything. As I grab our drinks, I see Ben Bennet approaching me. Great, what does this asshole want? "Killian!" "Ben." I nod my head in acknowledgement. "Great party you have here." "Ya well, Lucy is worth it. Not that you would ever know since you abandoned her." I couldn't hold back; I was pissed. "Listen, I know No apology will be good enough for you or for Lucy, but I just couldn't when they called and said she survived. Obviously, I wanted her, but she looked so much like her mother. I couldn't; I just couldn't do it. I am a weak man." Seeing Ben admit this made me madder. "What's done is done. Axel is waiting on this beer. I'll catch you later. I can't kill him. Lucy will never forgive me. I drop off Axel's beer and decide I need some fresh air. This night has been information overload. I need to process. As I am walking to the patio, I see Lucy and our friends laughing and dancing, having the time of their lives. How does she do it? Endure so much pain and trauma and yet, so beautifully carefree and joyful. She will make an incredible mother. She doesn't linger in her heartbreak. She moves on quickly. The fresh air was just what I needed to clear my mind. I've never had so much drama in my life before. It was always just packed business and war, more pack business, homeschool Treena and more battle. I'm leaning over the balcony overlooking my mother's garden. Lily's, sunflowers and my mother's favourite gladiolas. The scent still lingers even in the cool fall evening. I am reminded of how my mother danced in this garden with Treena in her arms and my father drinking his coffee. I am lost in my own memories when the sweetest scent fillings my nose. Mate! I turn to see my beautiful Lucy standing in the doorway. "Am I ever going to get a birthday dance?" She gives me the most mischievous smirk. “I had to save the best for last." I wink at her, and we make our way back into the dance floor. We dance to a few songs. Lucy is getting tired. I can tell the mixture of too much champagne and laughing is giving her away. She leans her head down on my shoulder, and if it weren't for my werewolf hearing, I would have missed it. She whispered, "I love you, Killian" I pulled her tighter to my body. "I love you too, little wolf." We are broken from our perfect moment when a pack member comes running in. "ROGUES!!!!!" Everyone started shifting and running into battle with the warriors. Killian ordered all untrained women and children to the secure floor for lockdown. "Lucy that means you too!" Killian held her shoulders begging her to go to safety. "No you need me, I'm your best female fighter. What kind of Luna hides when the fight starts!" "fine but stay close to me and Axel at all times!" Killian ordered. they shifted and ran towards the fight. There were wolves everywhere. This was no ordinary Rogue attack. This was Alexi, Killian knew he was here for Lucy. Thank the mood goddess he marked her this morning. That would keep her from being marked by Alexi the rogue king. They fought and killed so many wolves Astrid thought they made a great team. She hadn't even needed to use any of her abilities, she was faster and stronger than she thought. All that training had paid off. She was startled when the sexy voice of Diesel filtered into her mind. "Astrid up on the ridge Liam is outnumbered" shots rang out wolves were being shot by silver bullets. Killian looked through all the treetops. There was the coward Alexi was in a tree shooting wolves. All Killian's men had Kevlar vests except Liam and Axel. Diesel shifted back to Killian and shook the tree and Alexi fell out jumping to the next tree with so much strength and accuracy. It was like he was a squirrel, not a wolf. Diesel took back control shifting and chasing Alexi through the fight. Diesel killed a few more wolves in his attempt to get back to Astrid and Liam. Astrid POV I ran as fast as I could to get to Liam. I fought wolf after wolf. I finally got the last wolf off of Liam he was really injured. I heard the bullet before I saw it. I don't know if it was pure rage, fear or adrenaline. But everything switched to slow motion, I could see the individual raindrops falling, the wind in the wolves' fur as they fought. I saw the bullet it was heading straight for Liam. It was moving so slowly. I started to feel my body get hot and I felt my blood move through my body, then the bullet dropped to the ground before it reach Liam. Everything return to real-time and I saw Ellen she was casting a big spell I could feel it. So many rogues were turning human. A huge dirty grey rogue was about to attack Ellen when it was tackled by a bigger Rogue? What? Wait.... I know this rogue. It's Kyle, the rogue Ellen saved. After he killed the wolf that tried to attack Ellen he came over shifting into his human form. "Ellen are you ok?" Kyle rushed over to her. "I am unharmed. Kyle, what are you doing here?" Ellen questions him. "Alexi is my Alpha he took me in when my pack wouldn't take me back. He said this pack took his Luna." "No that's a lie, he wants a Lucy as his Luna but her fated mate is Alpha Killian." "Ellen I am in your debt. I fight on your side alone!" Kyle pledged his loyalty to Ellen for saving him that day in the woods he would have been lost forever to his wolf had she not intervened. Kyle and Ellen went back to fighting off rogues. I kneeled down next to Liam, I focused on his heartbeat tud tud tud. I could feel my body begin to heat up I knew my eyes were glowing and Liam's wounds began to heal. I felt this surge of power it was addicting. When I turned around the fighting had stopped and everyone was watching me. I looked for Killian and that's when I saw it Alexi had the gun pointed at Killian's head. I ran as fast as I could to Killian. "How ironic that it's your mate who will try and fail to save you, Killian. Hahahah just like your mother who tried and failed to save your father." Alexi was about to pull the trigger. I shifted back into Human form my long hair a disaster covering my naked breasts, blood-covered most of my body from all the rogues I'd killed. I kept Lucy locked in my mind she wasn't strong enough to do what I had to do. "STOP! I'll go with you! I'll be your Rogue Queen. Just please let Killian live." I knew this was my only option to protect Killian and Lanie. Liam shifted back to Axel. "Absolutely not! Lucy this man is a psycho and is going to hurt you or worse. Axel was angry I've never seen Axel angry like this. It made me anxious but I knew what I had to do to keep my family safe. I mind linked Killian who was fuming. "I'll come back to you. don't worry I have this. Trust me, I love you." I shut the mindlink before he could respond. "Well, I am glad you finally came to your senses, my Queen." Killian POV This could not be happening how is Lucy going with him and how am I letting her go. Axel was about to shift, watching Lucy walk away with Alexi. She said she had a plan. We have to trust her. once they had shifted and run out of sight, I told Axel what Luvy had mindlinked me. "Axel, Lucy told me she had a plan. We have to trust her. She is more powerful than we realize. She healed your wounds in a matter of minutes." I tried to comfort him when he should be comforting me. I am her mate damn it. Axel shifted and ran into the woods.
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