13- Falling in love with the Alpha

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Lucy had been training harder than ever before. She didn't want to admit it, but she was worried about the rogue king coming to claim her again. She made Axel and Maddox train her two to one. She needed to be faster, stronger, smarter. Lucy was out running in human form. It was easier to clear her mind without Astrids snippy comments. Lucy's Birthday was next week which meant she was ready to be marked and mated. Physically anyway...... emotionally, mentally is another story. She did like Killian despite him being a ruthless killer. He seemed to have a soft side, a side he reserved just for her. She stopped by a stream to get some water and take a break. She ran her hand over the lapping waves feeling the cool water run through her fingers. She breathed in the fall air. The leaves changing colours. When she heard twigs and earth move behind her, she turned, ready to fight. About to lunge forward when she hears that distinct deep chuckle. "Are you always so feisty" Killian laughs. Lucy visibly relaxes and sits down by the stream again. "I guess I'm a little on edge." She admits "Maddox told me you've been training harder than he recommends. You know he is the head pack trainer for a reason." "That's easier for you both to say. You are big, strong wolves. I need to be able to protect myself and Lanie." "What about Axel? Why can't he protect Lanie?" "you guys won't always be there to rescue us. We can't just sit by and expect you always to swoop in and save us. It isn't the 1800s anymore. I've been training, trying to train Lanie, but she doesn't want to fight. She wants to drink wine and mate with Axel and pretend we are kids." "doesn't she deserve that? Don't you?" Lucy was silent, and Killian went on. "Listen, Lucy, your whole life, you've fought for answers. Your whole life, you felt alone and never complete. It's time you stop and actually just live. I want to take you into the city tomorrow. Have a little fun? Forget about your destiny and the rogue king for one night?" The thought actually made Lucy really excited. She did need a break and she needed some fun. "Alright Alpha Killian. Woo me." She laughed "What are you doing out here anyways? Stalking me?" She joked. "Obviously, I am not going to let you run this close to the boarder unprotected" he laughed like she was crazy to think otherwise. They walked back together hand in hand. Lucy liked his protective side but she also liked that she didn't need him to take care of her. It was a long walk back. They talk and laughed and made up ridiculous inside jokes and just silly banter. Killian was exactly what Lucy needed. He knew how to enjoy life even with all the things they would face. He never let his worry show. He knew they'd face it together. The first thing Lucy did when they got back was check in with Lanie she had been getting stronger but still not strong enough for Lucy to heal Anna. Lucy had read in the ancient scrolls how to heal Anna, Lanie's wolf but it would take a lot of energy and a strong witch. Luckily they had those things it was Lanie and Anna that were the wildcard. They just had to wait and see. Lucy wanted to shower and read a bit more before Killian came to take her to the city for some "fun". When she got to her room Treena was just leaving. "Hi Treena? Were you just in my room?" "Oh Lucy perfect timing. Orders from the Alpha to help you relax before your da..trip to the city tonight." "Oh you didn't have to do that." Lucy looked passed Treena to her guest bathroom where she could smell vanilla and mint coming from. "Haha have you tried saying no to my brother?" Treena said winking at Lucy. "Well thank you, it smells lovely! There is champagne and orange juice and a snack on the counter. See you later sis?" She added the sis with anticipation of how Lucy would react. "bye" Lucy walked into her bathroom. Locked the door and slipped out of her clothes. She climbed into the tub with her snack and Mimosa. How have none of these wolves ever heard of mimosas before. She thought out loud to herself. as she sunk down into the bubbles she could feel her throbbing muscles melt into the hot water. Ok this is exactly what she needed. She reached for her phone to read her book. lucy got lost in the world of make believe for about an hour, finishing her snacks and mimosa. The water was starting to cool, she got up and applied lotion to her while body. Vanilla bean moisturizer, her favourite. She dried her hair and applied light make up. She picked out knee length, strapless floral print dress wigh her jean jacket and leather healed boots. She sent a text off to Axel- *Hi Ax, Alpha Killian is taking me into the city. Just wanted to give you, Ellen and Lanie the heads up. Especially after last time. LOL seriously tho! Don't worry about me* *Heya Luc! Ya I know ?. Alpha told me, we will be meeting you later around 10pm for drinks.* Lucy tucked her phone into her boot and went to meet Killian. As she walked down the final steps she saw Killian talking to two guards he looked displeased. As Lucy approached him, Killian pushed his emotions down and covered his face with a charming smile. "Little wolf you're ready! Let's get going!" he put out his arm for her to hold on to. They walked out to the car together. "what do you even drive?" Lucy had never seen Killian drive anything. "oh I'm not driving tonight!" Killian winked at a Lucy just as a stretch hummer Limo pulled up. "KILLIAN JONES! What is this?????" Lucy smacked his arm in disbelief "that's our ride love!" "what? Killian! This is excessive!" "Excessive? Ha! Wait till you see where we are staying tonight." Killian Laughed with a genuine smile. He loved seeing Lucy so happy and carefree. Maybe for one night, he could make her forget all she had going on. They laughed and joked the whole 2-hour ride to the city. They listened to ridiculous gangster rap music that Lucy insisted was Killian's actual musical genre instead of the country music playing in the limo. They finally arrived at their destination. "Mini Golf? Seriously, Kilian, you don't have to do this for me. Dinner is fine. We don't have to play Minigolf. I actually can't even picture you playing Mini Golf." " Axel said it's your favourite? It's mine too. Seriously Treena made me take her for her birthday, and I really did enjoy myself. Plus, anything you enjoy, I will enjoy." "Haha, alright if you say so, But don't be upset when I beat you, big bad wolf." After mini-golf, they ended up at an all-you-can sushi place. Killian had never had sushi, so Lucy showed him the way. Killian was stunned and amazed at how much Lucy knew about food. She was indeed a foodie as she liked to refer to herself. Lucy was really falling in love with Killian. Even though every fibre of her being was telling her to run. Men like Killian were sweet until they got what they were after. Lucy was convinced she was just another conquest. She thought maybe for one night, she could pretend otherwise. "Killian, can I ask you a personal question? "You can ask me anything you want to." "How many women have you been with? "Three." "No, I am serious." Lucy pouted "I am being serious. I have been running my pack since I was 15 years old. Taking care of my baby sister and being at war most years. I haven't had time for anything, really. One long-term relationship with our neighbouring packs doctor and two human women who were one night and too much tequila." "But....for real? I just assumed...." "Have tons of women and she-wolves thrown themselves as the ruthless badass Alpha of death moon pack? Yes absolutely. So much so it made me tired of being around them. I spent most of my day training or tutoring Treena. She just graduated high school last spring. I didn't want her attending high school in case some rival pack found her and tried to use her against me. Lucy, believe me when I tell you, I am no player. I do not want to mess with your head or sleep with you and not call you. Even if you weren't my fated mate, I would want to know you. You are unlike anyone I've ever met. I would choose you every day. Even if you weren't made for me already." Lucy was utterly stunned. She did not expect this at all. I guess it's true what they say never judge a book by its cover or an Alpha by his pack name or death count. They finished up dinner laughing some more. "Alright, one last surprise before we meet everyone for drinks." They stopped in front of this amazing-smelling building they walked into a bakery. "YESSSSS!!!" Lucy looked at all the cases. The most amazing pastries, scones and cakes Lucy picked five different items she wanted Killian to try. The clerk bowed to Alpha Luna as they grabbed their desserts and Nutella Coffees to sit down. "They are pack members?" Lucy asked "Yes, a lot of pack members live in the city outside of pack territory, most of the university's students who do not want to be warriors or just want to live normal lives but come to pack functions, celebrations. Stuff like that. The pack owns a lot of business which employs most of our pack." "Wow, Killian, that is so incredible. I guess I really have no idea how packs work apart from what I have read." "Things have changed a lot over the years: fewer threats, more education. I pay for all our kids to go to any university they choose. If they choose it. Most of our kids now run half the city we are in. CEOs, Lawyers, doctors, teachers, bankers and bakers. I was born into my life. I didn't choose it. I want them to be able to choose for themself, Pack life or this. This bakery is yours if you want it. It's two blocks from our condo and a short drive to the university, which with your GPA, I assumed you would want to continue your education." Lucy was utterly speechless. How in one night did this wolf make her fall in love with him. She knew it was real. Her birthday wasn't for another week; this was her real feelings, not the mate bond. "Killian, I, I am so sorry. I misjudge you completely. I, I don't even know what to say." Killian reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box. "Say that you don't reject me, that you give me a chance to show you how much I can love you and be true to you and that you'll be my Luna and have my pups?" Killian opened the box to this beautiful single carat sapphire stone nestled neatly on a white gold band. "Lucy, this is my promise that one day when you are ready, when you finish school and ready to lead beside me, you will be my queen." "YES!" Without hesitation, Lucy flung herself at Killian, wrapping her arms around him and kissing him deeply. "Whew, I have faced hoards of angry wolves and rouge armies, and nothing put a fear in me like the possibility of you rejecting me." "I am so sorry I made you feel that way." "Haha of course you are apologizing to me about my own damn insecurities. You really are meant to be Luna. You almost finished? Treena and Ellen have been texting me non-stop. " "Haha, I bet they have." They walk into the bar that Killian owns because they are all still only 18 except for Killian, who is 23. "OMG, you said yes!!!!!!!" Treena screams and runs over. "Stop it. You are acting like it's a marriage proposal."Lucy laughs "We are wolves. It's basically the same thing. You agreed to be his Luna, his baby-making machine." " HAHA oh gosh! You make it sound so classy." Lanie rollers her eyes at Treena, and Ellen pulls Lucy in for a hug. "I am so happy for you. You know you are like a sister to me now too. Even though it's only been a few months. It feels like forever." Ellen started it tear up as she spoke. Axel sat with a forced smile on his face drinking a beer at the booth. He didnt bother getting up to congratulate them. He already knew what Killian had planned and what she would say. After all, he planned the whole night for her to be perfect. He picked the ring knowing how Lucy felt about sapphires and what she went through in high school with her doughy ex-boyfriend they never talked about as much as he hated Killian for taking her away from him, even though he didn't feel that way about her. He wanted her to be happy. Even if it meant letting her go, he would soon be Alpha at the Mountain Moon pack, and she would be Luna at the Death Moon pack. They all sat around the booth laughing and joking, and the girls went dancing. Axel switched to drinking whiskey like Killian. "Listen, Axel. I appreciate you taking care of Lucy all these years. I can't ever be to her what you are, but I am so grateful she had you. Goddess only knows what would have happened to her had you not helped her and loved her the way you do. You are always welcome in our pack. I will forever have your back. Whoever messes with you messes with us." Axel was shocked and relieved he really had no idea about running a pack or being an Alpha " Thanks, Alpha Killian..." Killian cut him off "We are the same rank, just Killian to you, Alpha Axel." The girls were officially wasted. They got the girls into the Limo made them drink water. They arrived at Killian's penthouse condo, the doorman laughing at the gigglings girls. "Ring down if you need anything, Alpha." "Thank you, Genard." "HOLY MACARONI" Ellen shouted, and she opened the curtains. "You can see the pack lands from here!!" Axel comes rushing over " Really, let me see!" "HAHA no, you can not. Maybe her metal state is playing tricks on her." Killian laughs at the silly girls. They all pick rooms and call it a night. Killian walks over to his room, surprised when he finds a very tipsy Lucy in the bath. He stops to enjoy the few for a minute. "Well, are you going to watch me all night, or are you going to join me?" Stunned for a moment, Killian wastes no time undressing and slipping into the tub, sliding in behind Lucy rubbing her shoulders. "This escalated quickly. I really didn't plan tonight to get you into bed." "Does this look like a bed to you?" Lucy jokes. " I like you liquored up. You are way more fun." Killian jokes as he kisses her neck from behind."
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