17- Captuve

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It has been weeks since Lucy left with the rogue king. It was really waring on Axel and Killian. Axel had never been without her since they were ten years old. They spent every waking hour together. Killian was more pissed. He finally found his mate and won her over, and she was gone. Just gone, he knew he needed to trust her, but how? What could be taking so long? Meanwhile, Lucy was gaining Alexis's trust. She was exploring his mansion. It wasn't as lovely as Death moon packs, but it was still enjoyable. She couldn't get over the stench of the rogues. Kyle had been to visit her, and they would walk in the garden. He was on her side. Kyle owed his life to Ellen, and he was waiting to repay her. Kyle and Lucy were working out a plan. Alexi was Livid that Lucy was marked. It was impossible to remove a fated mate mark unless that mate died or the other mate broke the bond. Which meant he needed to ger Killian to cheat on Lucy and break their bond. He couldn't kill Killian without Lucy leaving, and he didn't want to keep her there agast her will if he could help it. Kyle POV It's been two weeks, and I still do not have a good way of getting Lucy home. I don't want to kill Alexi, but I don't see any other way. I am going on a run tonight. I am hoping I can get close enough to the southern border of Death Moon pack to speak with Ellen. She is the great white witch, but I don't think she wants anyone to know that. I promised Lucy I would come to visit her in the packhouse today. She has been locked in the packhouse until Alexi can find a witch or warlock to remove her mark. None have been willing so far. No one wants Alpha Killian on their wrong side. He's merciless and cold, although who could blame him, after his whole family was murdered when he was only 15. I found Lucy in the library, where I find her every time I escort her out for her walk in the garden. Alexi only lets her out of the packhouse with myself or his Gamma Leonard. He's afraid she will sneak off. I don't know how far she would get. Mountains surround us. It takes days to get through our borders. Lucy and I walk in the garden every day. Today is a beautiful day. The sun is shining. There was fresh snowfall last night, and everything is so white and crisp. "Alpha! What are you doing out here?" I bow my head to show respect. "I came to tell my queen I have found a witch willing to remove her mark. so I can replace it with mine." He runs his hand along Lucy's neck, and she cringes slightly, trying not to show Alexi how much he repulses her. "Well, that is good news!" I and pull his attention from Lucy. "Yes, it is. Come to my queen. You will need your rest before the full moon in a few days. Alexi opens his arm for Lucy to come with him. When she finally speaks up. "Why do we have to wait for the full moon? Is your witch weak?" "She will need to draw on the full moon to complete such a powerful spell," Alexi explained, looking at Lucy with such gentleness I didn't think he was capable of. "Hm, I know a great witch who would not need the full moon to cast your spell." Lucy was a genius. She was going to get Ellen here. Ellen would surely know how to get rid of Alexi and free Lucy. "How do you contact her?" "Her number is on my phone. If you give me back my phone, I can call her and arrange a meeting," Lucy spoke confidently, even though I knew she was afraid if she acted out, they would kill Killian. Alpha Killian is a powerful Alpha, but when you cheat using silver bullets and snipers in the trees, there is no fighting that. "Alright, you may have your phone, but Beta Kyle will monitor your call." "Thank you, my King." Lucy again bowed politely as they walked back to her room. I watched as Alexi kissed her hand, closed and locked the door behind her. I followed behind him until we were in his office. He unlocked the drawer where he kept all her belongings. I noticed a ring in the drawer a well. I would come back and snatch that for her. That would make her happy. "Here! Take Ms. Bennet her phone and make sure she doesn't pull any funny business. That mark will be off of her by weeks end and I will take her for my chosen mate. Whether she likes it or not. I will not take no for an answer." "Yes, Alpha." I closed the door and went to Lucy's room. I unlocked the door and handed her her phone. "Lucy, we need to leave whether Ellen can get here or not. Alexi plans on making you his queen by force if necessary, if you know what I mean." "Thank you. You have done so much for me. There will always be a place for you in our pack." "Let's just make it out of here alive." Lucy made her call, and the plan was in motion. Now to stay alive until help arrived. It has been weeks since Lucy left with the rogue king. It was really waring on Axel and Killian. Axel had never been without her since they were ten years old. They spent every waking hour together. Killian was more pissed. He finally found his mate and won her over, and she was gone. Just gone, he knew he needed to trust her, but how? What could be taking so long? Meanwhile, Lucy was gaining Alexis's trust. She was exploring his mansion. It wasn't as lovely as Death moon packs, but it was still enjoyable. She couldn't get over the stench of the rogues. Kyle had been to visit her, and they would walk in the garden. He was on her side. Kyle owed his life to Ellen, and he was waiting to repay her. Kyle and Lucy were working out a plan. Alexi was Livid that Lucy was marked. It was impossible to remove a fated mate mark unless that mate died or the other mate broke the bond. Which meant he needed to ger Killian to cheat on Lucy and break their bond. He couldn't kill Killian without Lucy leaving, and he didn't want to keep her there agast her will if he could help it. Kyle POV It's been two weeks, and I still do not have a good way of getting Lucy home. I don't want to kill Alexi, but I don't see any other way. I am going on a run tonight. I am hoping I can get close enough to the southern border of Death Moon pack to speak with Ellen. She is the great white witch, but I don't think she wants anyone to know that. I promised Lucy I would come to visit her in the packhouse today. She has been locked in the packhouse until Alexi can find a witch or warlock to remove her mark. None have been willing so far. No one wants Alpha Killian on their wrong side. He's merciless and cold, although who could blame him, after his whole family was murdered when he was only 15. I found Lucy in the library, where I find her every time I escort her out for her walk in the garden. Alexi only lets her out of the packhouse with myself or his Gamma Leonard. He's afraid she will sneak off. I don't know how far she would get. Mountains surround us. It takes days to get through our borders. Lucy and I walk in the garden every day. Today is a beautiful day. The sun is shining. There was fresh snowfall last night, and everything is so white and crisp. "Alpha! What are you doing out here?" I bow my head to show respect. "I came to tell my queen I have found a witch willing to remove her mark. so I can replace it with mine." He runs his hand along Lucy's neck, and she cringes slightly, trying not to show Alexi how much he repulses her. "Well, that is good news!" I and pull his attention from Lucy. "Yes, it is. Come to my queen. You will need your rest before the full moon in a few days. Alexi opens his arm for Lucy to come with him. When she finally speaks up. "Why do we have to wait for the full moon? Is your witch weak?" "She will need to draw on the full moon to complete such a powerful spell," Alexi explained, looking at Lucy with such gentleness I didn't think he was capable of. "Hm, I know a great witch who would not need the full moon to cast your spell." Lucy was a genius. She was going to get Ellen here. Ellen would surely know how to get rid of Alexi and free Lucy. "How do you contact her?" "Her number is on my phone. If you give me back my phone, I can call her and arrange a meeting," Lucy spoke confidently, even though I knew she was afraid if she acted out, they would kill Killian. Alpha Killian is a powerful Alpha, but when you cheat using silver bullets and snipers in the trees, there is no fighting that. "Alright, you may have your phone, but Beta Kyle will monitor your call." "Thank you, my King." Lucy again bowed politely as they walked back to her room. I watched as Alexi kissed her hand, closed and locked the door behind her. I followed behind him until we were in his office. He unlocked the drawer where he kept all her belongings. I noticed a ring in the drawer a well. I would come back and snatch that for her. That would make her happy. "Here! Take Ms. Bennet her phone and make sure she doesn't pull any funny business. That mark will be off of her by weeks end and I will take her for my chosen mate. Whether she likes it or not. I will not take no for an answer." "Yes, Alpha." I closed the door and went to Lucy's room. I unlocked the door and handed her her phone. "Lucy, we need to leave whether Ellen can get here or not. Alexi plans on making you his queen by force if necessary, if you know what I mean." "Thank you. You have done so much for me. There will always be a place for you in our pack." "Let's just make it out of here alive." Lucy made her call, and the plan was in motion. Now to stay alive until help arrived.
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