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Lucy couldn't sleep. The dark witch had arrived, and Ellen would not be here until morning, before the full moon, but witches were still not usually trustworthy. They worked for themselves with no loyalty. Ellen was different. She was raised to be good. Even if they didn't like the things Aunt Bonnie hid, she was still doing the right things. Lucy was afraid what if they removed Killian's mark. Would Alexi really force himself on her. would he really forcefully mark her? She had to trust Astrid and Ellen. They are strong. They would get them out of there alive. At some point, Lucy had drifted off in the night and awoke covered in sweat, another nightmare. She walked into her bathroom filled the bath with water so hot she could hardly stand it. The heat helped it soothed her aches and helped her relax. Her mind drifted to the hot springs and the magical time she spent with Killian. She got out when the water started to cool. She dried herself off and got dressed. She sat by the fireplace in her room, reading a book until they came to get her for breakfast. A knock at the door pulled her from her book. "Come in." She called "Hello, Ms. Bennet." Lucy whipped around. She knew that voice. "Ellen!" Lucy was so relieved to see Ellen she embraced her tightly. They talked for about an hour before Kyle came to get them for breakfast. Before they left, Ellen handed Lucy a tonic. "Take this. It will hide your mark from Alexi. If you take it now, it will take 3 hours to take effect. I've spelled your body, so when Alexi tries to mark you, he will be put into a trance that can only be woken up by his mate." "But his fated mate died. That's why he wants me." "sucks to be him...." "oh, Ellen, I missed you." They all walked down for breakfast. Breakfast was nothing like what they ate at the death moon packhouse. It was cereal or toast, but at least they had coffee. NO one said a word about breakfast. AS they were cleaning up their dishes, Alexi came in. "Ah, the witch that can remove your mark without a special event is here. She doesn't look that powerful to me." Alexi loved to insult anyone. "Oh, I am not very powerful. I just know the right kind of spells." Ellen winked at him deviously. "Well, let us get this show on the road, shall we. I have special plans for Lucy and I this evening." Lucy visibly cringed at his words. She had taken the tonic in her coffee. She would have about 2 hours before the mark would start to fade. They walked down this creep corridor until they reached a set of stairs long, twisty and dark. They walked into a room with a bed, a desk with some books, and a small window. It almost looked like a tower room where they would keep prisoners in old castles. "I'll be back in 1 hour, and it better be done. Kyle guard them, make sure they don't do anything funny." "Yes, Alpha," Kyle replied with his usual bow of respect. "Lucy, lay down on the bed, please. This may hurt a little as your bond with Killian is severed." Ellen said as if Alexi was still watching. Ellen began chanting in Latin. Kyle was so confused he thought she had given her a tonic to fake the mark removal. Then Ellen started laughing "Just kidding, gotcha! you should see your face, Lucy." " Not funny, Ellen!" Lucy smacked Ellen with the back of her hand. "Okay, all joking aside, I spelled the tonic, so when Alexi goes to mark you, and he goes into a trance. The death moon pack is waiting to attack. Killian should be close enough for you to mind link him right before Alexi marks you. Obviously, because you are already marked, and it is just hidden, you won't be marked when Alexi "marks you." "ok, we can do this." Lucy breathes out. " Now, take a nap. It's going to be a long night." It was just over an hour, and the mark on Lucy's neck was starting to fade. Lucy was putting on a good show, but she was terrified. Some special wolf she was. She wasn't brave or courageous. She was just a sad little orphan girl who was given too much too soon. A key in the lock shook Lucy from her thoughts he's back. Alexi walked in and moved Lucy's hair away from her neck to inspect her mark. "impressive little witch. It's almost gone. Now my queen. Let's get you ready for me to make you my official Luna!" "Don't you want to mark me first?" " Not just yet, my queen. You have to have your Luna ceremony first. I had a dress made for you. It's hanging in your room. Please meet the pack in the garden by sunset." Alexi breathed in her scent and kissed her cheek before he left. Lucy waited for the door to close before she started to panic. "Um, Ellen! What's the backup plan? What do we do now?" Lucy tried to keep the panic out of her voice, but she was shaking. If she became Luna to the Rogue pack and Alexi goes into a trance. He wouldn't be dead. He'd be in a coma. How could she get out of it? To be Killians Luna. Lucy tried mind linking Killian. "Killian? Can you hear me?" "I'm here, baby. You aren't alone anymore." "I'm scared. The plan is falling apart." "you say the word, and your pack will come in and rescue you. We are better prepared to deal with Alexi and his silver billets, and we brought some fun toys of our own." "I am just so relieved to hear your voice. I was so afraid they'd kill you all even after I left with them." "you do what you need to do. We are here and ready when you say the word!" "I love you, Killian!" "I love you so much more, little wolf!" Lucy POV When I got back to my room, there was indeed a dress waiting for me, if you can even call it that. It barely covered my breasts and butt. It was a beautiful silver silk dress with thin straps and a low hanging back. There was more material in my swimsuit. What a perv! I showered and curled my hair. I had to make this look real. Alexi had filled my room with clothing, making up ten different lotions and a dozen different perfumes. I picked the grosses smelling one. That will teach him to be so chauvinistic. As I was putting on the diamond earrings left for me, there was a knock at the door. "come in!" It had to be Kyle. Alexi always just came in. "Luna, I brought you a gift." Kyle bowed. There must be pack members in the hall. He handed me a small cloth handkerchief. I opened it up and found my ring from Killian that Alexi took when I came here with him. "Kyle! This means so much I thought I'd never see this again." I was feeling so emotional. I could feel Astrid getting worked up from my emotions. I tried to calm her by telling her we'd shift soon. "come to Luna. I will escort you to the ceremony." "thank you, Beta." We walked to the garden, my favourite place in this prison of a territory. There were ferry lights set out all over. The sun was setting behind the mountains. It's was a beautiful night. We rounded the corner, and there were at least 500 rogues gathered to watch the Luna ceremony. I quickly mind linked Killian to let him know. I stood on the stage next to Alexi. He spoke to all the rogues. "Hello, my pack! Tonight we finally get our queen! I present to you! The Luna of our Rogue nation. Lucy Bennet. Lucy is special. She will make us strong! We will be undefeatable." they all cheered at his speech. I remained frozen in place. I closed my eyes so no one would know I was mind liking Killian to start his end of the plan. We faced an Elder, and he said all the mumbo jumbo about becoming Luna, and he cut my hand and poured the blood in the bowel with Alexis. I could feel the rogue pack push through my mind, all speaking at once, excited to have queen a Luna finally. As we turned to face one another Alexi grabbed me unexpectedly kissed me on the mouth, I tried to hold back the gag that was trying to surface. He moved from my mouth to my neck and but down. I screamed in pain I did not expect it to be here in front of everyone. I mindlinked Killian before I backed out Ellen didn't warn me that it would be this painful. Astrid POV When Alexi marked Lucy the pain was too much I had to push Lucy aside and take control. I could see Alexi choking on my blood as it filled his mouth. He was about to go into a deep deep slumber. Byeeeeeeeee was all I could think. I shifted and ran as far and as fast as I could. I needed to get away and clear my mind before I could join the epic battle that was about to unfold! Astrid POV I ran as fast as I could. The pain was so intense. When Killian marked us, it was pleasurable, a little painful, but nothing like this. I felt like my veins were on fire. I found a stream. I dove into the stream, hoping the cold water would give me some relief. It did help a lot; I could focus get my bearings. When the pain fog cleared, I jumped out of the river. SHHHHIIIITTTT, I left the fight! I ran back again as fast as I could. When I came running back to the garden, it was silent and still. Alexi was no longer lying on the ground. They had taken him to the pack dr. Everyone was in wolf form, just sitting like good dogs. Not moving, I shifted back to my human form, still remaining in control. I couldn't let Lucy deal with this mess as I walked down the path through the hundreds of wolves sitting. Each bowed their head to me as I walked through them all. A woman I know works in the kitchen came running out with a cloak that fit me to cover my naked body. "Luna, this way, please." She bowed and led me into the conference room. Seated around the table were Killian, Kyle, Alexis Gamma. I can't remember his name, Maddox, Ellen, Axel and the Elder who performed the ceremony. "what's going on?" I demanded! "Astrid!" Axel stood and embraced me. Killian kept an emotionless mask on. "There are some decisions that need to be made," Kyle spoke seriously and professionally like we hadn't planned this at all. "What decision would that be?" I honestly had no idea what was happening. "Alpha Alexi is in a permanent state of sleep. It appears his witch double-crossed him, and he can not wake without the mark of his destined mate. Who is dead. There is no way to wake him up. Only the great white witch has this power, and she has not been born yet that we know of." The Gamma spoke, and we all froze. Ellen is the great white witch, but we have been keeping it a secret to keep her safe." "So, what does that have to do with me?" "This is your pack. You are their Luna." Kyle explained. "In situations like this, you have four options, Lead the pack yourself or merge it with your fated mate's pack. Dissolve the pack, and they all become free, not rogues but not pack wolves either, or you can choose a successor—someone to take over the pack. "I need a minute to speak with Axel and Killian, please," I asked, and they came out into the hallway. Killian held me so tight I had to tap his shoulder to loosen his grip a bit. "What do I do? Killian, what do you want?" "You should appoint someone from this pack to lead them or dissolve it. We cant have rogues among our pack. They are too unpredictable, dangerous. I don't trust them." "That's what we will do then. Let's ask Kyle the beta if he wants to take over. He is a good man and will make a good Alpha." " Then it's settled. Let's get you home." Killian held me close to him again. "Axel, you've been so quiet, you ok?" I was worried about Axel. He always held so much on his shoulders. "Astrid, how do you feel? You look not well?" "I feel fine, a little tired, but otherwise normal." "You do look off?" Let's get you to the pack hospital before we leave." Killian lifted me up bridal style and carried me down to the hospital. The dr hooked me up to an IV. Apparently, I was extremely dehydrated and majorly sleep-deprived. I slept until we left. Kyle was happy to take over the rogue pack, and we made an alliance with our packs. I was ready to get home. We shifted and headed south. The trek back was liberating and exhausting. I had all this pent-up emotion. Trying to keep it all in for Lucy, but I wondered if maybe I needed to let it out. Scream, yell, fight. Why had Killian basically ignored me when he first arrived. Perhaps he is over it, now that I gave him what he wanted. Why do I feel like such a baby today? We camped for the night in a beautiful valley. Killian still hadn't spoken to me, not really except to tell me to eat. I wish I knew what he was thinking. I decided to go to sleep early. I needed to shut off my mind. Killian POV If I was being honest, I was pissed at Lucy. She gave herself up and acted as if I couldn't protect her or myself. She is sick and she wont admit it or slow down. I knew something was wrong when I saw her walk into that conference room her eyes were tired her skin an off grey colour, I just thought it was stress but when the dr confirmed it was more than that. I should have seen it coming this didn't happen when she was being held captive it started long before that. I wanted to forgive her but I am still so mad. I was pulled from my thoughts when I heard Lucy screaming from the tent. Axel and I ran over. "STOP PLEASE!!! I DONT KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT WHAT IS A PACK? Please dont hurt me again. It hurts so bad." Lucy was screaming and crying and covering herself. I began to shake her, Lucy, Lucy, Lucy, Wake up I am here. "DONT TOUCH ME!!!!" SHe screamed and I jumped back. Axel took my place he ran his thumb on the inside of her arm. "Lucy, you are safe. No one will ever hurt you. You are in control. You are strong." Axel spoke so soft you could miss it if you weren't paying attention. Lucy's eyes fluttered open and she continued to soft Axel sat with her until she calmed down. I wanted to be the one who calmed her down and fix her problems. Even though I was still mad. Axel slipped out when she had finally fallen back to sleep. I stayed and watched her sleep until morning when we headed out. I needed to find away to make her feel safe.
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