20- Not my sister

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Lucy was soaking her body in the hot spring where Killian and her marked each other. Her muscles were sore from running so far so fast. She thought about running away. Forgetting this life and becoming someone else, but she couldn't leave Axel and Lanie with no explanation. How do you reject someone you already let mark you. She was mad and sad, but mostly she felt stupid for falling for Killians act. She should have known better. She was lost in thought when a chill creeped down her spine like someone was watching her. Who would be this far out here. That's when the vision started, Lucy's head fell back and she began to shake as her vision took hold. "Where is Lanie?" Axel shouted over the roar of the waterfall. "I don't know she was with you. I haven't seen her all day?" Lucy looked at Axel terrified. "Didn't she say she was going to let Anna out for a run today? She hadn't been let out in months, and was finally feeling strong enough" "Ya but why would that be a bad thing?"Axel questioned Lucy's alarmed expression. "don't you remember what the dr said at the facility? Anna is a lose cannon only you can keep her calm." Lucy explained trying to jog Axels memory. Ellen comes to the water fall in a puff of smoke. "holy s**t Ellen? When did you learn how to do that?" Axel yelled trying not to look as startled as he was. "oh ya I've been reading our mothers old grimwars. She had a lot of easy spells that make life a lot easier." Ellen almost forgot what she came for! "um so I don't know how to explain this where you two aren't going to go all wolf crazy? But Lanie is gone. She left a note saying she needed time to figure Anna out. Her emotions have been all over the place and she just needs a break." Ellen stepped back slowly incase Lucy and Axel shifted unexpectedly. "Give me that!!" Lucy ripped the note from Ellen's hands. "this can't be real? Lanie was just telling me that she was worried Axel hadn't marked her yet. If she was having trouble with Anna she would have said something to me. Somethings not right about this note. Why did she leave it for you Ellen? Not me or Ax?" Lucy started to pace...... The vision shifts to Lanie in a cell tied up with Silver chains. A man in a dark hood walks over to her with a small silver blade running the blade up one of Lanie's arms and down the other, he drags the blade down her leg and watches the blood fall to the ground. "So you are Lucy's sister, mmmm much prettier but definitely not as smart. You ran right into my trap. You know it's funny. I set that trap for Lucy because I've been watching her run in that area every morning for the last month." The man turns to leave the cell. Lucy! Lucy! Lucy- Lucy is pulled from the vision by someone shaking her. "Lucy are you ok? Baby talk to me! Please open your eyes!" Killian was cradling Lucy's hot body trying to wake her from the vision. "I'm....I'm.... fine but..." Lucy tried to explain but Killian just kissed her. "What happened?" "you went for a run after you saw Cassandra in my room, I came to explain what she was doing there when I found you face down in the water. I couldn't get a pulse I thought you drown. Don't ever scare me like that again. I couldn't live without you!! Lucy you are my everything." Lucy watched this big bad Alpha almost crying over her. Maybe he did love her, maybe she should give him a chance to explain. But first. "We need to find Lanie. Do not let her go for a run!" Lucy shouted "Lucy, what did you see?" Killian asked, not sure if he wanted to know the answer. “Someone is after me and they are going to take Lucy by mistake." A loud growel ripped through Killian. "NO ONE TOUCHES WHATS MINE!" This wasn't Killians voice this was Diesel and he was pissed. Diesel grabbed Lucy bridal style he sat her on a log and shifted fully. He mindlinked Lucy to get on his back. Lucy did as he asked. She was afriad of Diesel. Diesel loved her but he was all animal no human emotion. Just rage and possession. He ran so fast Lucy thought she might lose her grip on his fur, it took Diesel half the time to get them back to the pack house. Lucy climbed off before going into the pack house she nuzzled her face into Diesels neck. She kissed his snout and told him, to go get ready for the Ceremony. Before Lucy made it all the way up the steps she heard Killians voice talking to the lead warriors to double all the perimeter patrols and to look for wolf traps. Lucy ran as fast as she could to Lanie's room. She flung open the door and screamed! "OH LORD HAVE MERCY!" Lucy spun around covering her eyes. she walked into Axel giving it to Lucy wolf Style Axels hands were on Lanie's back and Lanie was looking at Lucy not totally aware of of her presence being lost in her lust filled haze. Lucy ran from the room. Running strait into Cassandra. "Watch where you are going!" Cassandra sneered at Lucy. Normally Lucy would have walked away but she was sick of this chick. "That's Luna to you! You are on my territory. I don't care what you had with Killian before I came along: that's over now." Removing the hair covering her neck she exposes her mark. "If you hadn't noticed Killian marked me not you, I'm his mate not you, I'm the Luna of this pack not you." Lucy was almost finished when she heard Killian roar from behind her. She thought he was mad that she put Cassandra in her place until he spoke. "who let you out of the cells????" Killian was glaring at Cassandra. "My father you know Alpha Richardson? Made Maddox release me. I just came up here to say good bye when Lucy attacked me!" "THATS LUNA LUCY TO YOU! NOW GET OFF OUR TERRITORY BEFORE I START A WAR WITH YOUR PACK!" Lucy ran to Killian before Diesel took over and killed Cassandra. she pressed her body against his and pulled him in for a passionate kiss. He calmed down almost immediately. Cassandra ran from the floor crying. Just as Cassandra left Lanie and Axel's room door flew open and very flustered Lanie with a twisted dress and messed up hair comes out. "Lucy you were looking for me?" Lanie couldn't make eye contact. "Yes, I was. I need you to stay out of the woods and you can not let Anna out until I say so." Lucy was cut off by Anna growling at her. "Hush Anna! I had a vision Lanie gets taken when she lets you out. If you need out, use the indoor training gym. Lanie you will also not go anywhere on or off the territory without two guards. At all times until I find the hunter and kill him myself!" "Wait! You never said it was hunters who were in your vision." Killian was mad! He hated hunters. Spineless humans who used weapons to hurt innocent wolves. "It's Jacob. He wants revenge for Axel killing his family. He takes Lanie by mistake. He thinks she is me. I need to find him and kill him." "We will do to together! After your Luna ceremony!" Axel peers at Lucy from behind Lanie. He knows Lucy hates public events and is trying to get out of it. As they go to leave Ellen and Maddox come out of their rooms all dressed up. Maddox is wearing a navy tux with a baby blue shirt and Ellen is wearing a knee length navy dress with baby blue scarf. They look perfect matching together. "pictures first?" Ellen reminds them and points to the court yard. Lucy and I will meet you there as soon as we change." Killian grabs Lucy and tosses her over his shoulder. He carries her into the shower slowly stripping off her clothes, then his. He runs his fingers down Lucy's now naked back. Lucy turns to wash her hair. "not today Alpha, not today." She shakes her finger at him and laughs as he pins her to the shower wall. They finish showering get dressed Lucy French braids her long hair into a side briad twisting it up into a beautiful up do. She goes to Killians balcony and grabs two Lily's and puts them in her hair. Does some light make up and puts on her white leather sandals that match her dress. She turns to find Killian watching her. "Ready? My big bad Alpha?" " I was born ready to make you my Luna." Killian leads Lucy down to the garden. The sun is just setting and the garden is full of fairy lights and rows of wooden benches with flowers lining the sides and backs of all benches. Elder Daniels is standing at the front and the whole pack apart from the warriors and guards are present. Killian walks Lucy to the front and stands across from her the elder says the same old song and dance about protecting the pack above all else, Lucy wasn't paying much attention. She was lost in Killians stormy Emerald eyes. He watched her with more love than she'd ever known. It was time to cut her palm and join the pack, Killian grabbed the silver blade and ran it across Lucy's palm dripping the blood into the bowl. He did the same for himself before pressing their palms together. Killians eyes rolled in the back of his head and he began shaking. Lucy could feel her power spreading to Killian. He would now get her strength and speed. She didn't know if he'd get any of her other abilities but she was interested in finding out. Killians eyes returned to normal and Lucy could now feel the pack link snap into place. "welcome Luna" the whole pack welcomed her. she was finally home.
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