Chapter 2: Opening Up

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Ava hadn't intended it to become a routine, but somehow, texting Liam was starting to feel like the most natural part of her day. What began as a single accidental message had morphed into a conversation and quickly became a lifeline. She checked her phone throughout the day, anticipating his replies, feeling that strange comfort from talking to someone who could relate to her in ways she hadn’t expected. Every night, they messaged back and forth. At first, their conversations primarily revolved around their divorces—unloading the pain, the loss, and the overwhelming sense of failure they both felt. But over time, their conversations shifted toward other things—small moments of humor, memories from childhood, and even dreams for the future. Ava sat on the couch, scrolling through their latest messages. Liam made her laugh, even when he was talking about something as serious as his divorce. He’d shared how he had lost count of the things that had gone wrong between him and his ex-wife, but he always found a way to lighten the mood, turning even the darkest moments into something bearable. Tonight was no different. She took a deep breath, opened their chat, and started typing. Ava: Did I tell you that my ex blamed me for his midlife crisis? Liam’s reply came faster than she expected. Liam: What?! How does that even work? Ava: My “need for stability” apparently pushed him over the edge. Liam: Wow. That’s a new one. My ex-wife just decided one day that she didn’t want to be married anymore. No explanation. Just packed her bags and left. Ava: That sounds brutal. Liam: It was. But... I guess part of me wasn’t surprised. Things had been falling apart for a while. Ava: Same here. You don’t even realize it until it’s too late. Ava felt a strange mix of emotions as she reread their conversation. She hadn’t told anyone else about the details of her breakup, not even her sister. But there was something about Liam that made it easier to open up. Maybe it was the anonymity or the fact that he seemed to understand what she was going through truly. For the next few minutes, they fell into an easy back-and-forth, exchanging stories about their lives before and after their marriages ended. Ava found herself sharing more with Liam than anyone else, and it felt surprisingly good to talk about her life with someone who wasn’t directly involved in it. Ava: I used to think that being married meant you were safe, you know? Like, you had this partnership that would last forever. Liam: Yeah. I get that. It’s like you’re building a life with someone, and then one day, it all crumbles. Ava: Exactly. I thought we’d grow old together. Turns out, I didn’t even know him. Liam: It’s weird. How can you be with someone for so long and feel like strangers? Ava paused, feeling the weight of Liam’s words. She had thought the same thing so many times. Toward the end of her marriage, there were days when Michael felt like a stranger, even though they had spent years building a life together. She wasn’t sure when they had drifted apart, but they were already worlds away by the time she realized it. She glanced at the clock. It was getting late, but she wasn’t ready to end the conversation. She typed another message, her heart pounding slightly as she pressed send. Ava: Can I ask you something? Liam: Of course. Ava: Do you think it’s possible to love again after all this? There was a long pause, and Ava held her breath while waiting for his response. She didn’t know why she had asked that question—maybe because she had been thinking about it for a while. The idea of opening herself up to someone again felt terrifying, but also... possible? Maybe? Her phone buzzed, and she quickly glanced at the screen. Liam: Honestly? I don’t know. Part of me wants to believe that it is. But another part of me is too scared to even think about it. Ava: Yeah. Same here. Liam: It’s hard to imagine trusting someone like that again. Ava: It just takes time. Liam: I hope so. Ava put her phone down, feeling a strange sense of peace. She didn’t know where this connection with Liam would lead, but it was enough to have someone to talk to for now. Someone who understood her pain, her doubts, and her fears. She curled up on the couch, pulling the blanket around her as the apartment quietly settled in again. But this time, the silence didn’t feel so heavy. There was something different about it now. Something lighter. Before she could overthink it, her phone buzzed again. She smiled as she picked it up. Liam: So, what’s one thing you wish you could do over? Ava stared at the message for a moment, contemplating her answer. There were so many things she wished she could change, so many regrets that haunted her late at night. But then again, maybe those regrets were part of what made her who she was. She started typing, her fingers flying over the keyboard as she poured her thoughts into the tiny screen. Ava: Honestly? I would have left sooner before everything fell apart. I could have saved myself some of the heartache. Liam: I get that. I wish I hadn’t stayed in a marriage that was already over. But it’s hard to walk away. Ava: Yeah, it is. As the conversation flowed, Ava realized just how much she needed this. Liam was a stranger, but he felt like someone she could trust, someone who understood her in ways no one else could. And for now, that was more than enough.
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