
Restart with a Stranger

opposites attract
love at the first sight

After a painful divorce, Ava accidentally texts the wrong number and begins communicating with a stranger named Liam, who is also going through a divorce. They become close through anonymous texts, supporting each other without knowing their identities. But when they finally decide to meet, they discover they share a past neither could have predicted.

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Chapter 1: A Mistaken Text
Ava stared blankly at her phone, her fingers absentmindedly scrolling through the endless flood of messages, emails, and social media notifications that seemed to consume her day. It was midnight, and the silence in her small, one-bedroom apartment felt deafening. Since her divorce, the quietness of being alone had become something she craved and feared. The last six months had been a whirlwind of lawyers, settlements, and awkward exchanges with people she and her ex-husband, Michael, had once considered mutual friends. Ava had always thought her marriage would last forever. She believed in love, commitment, and all the things that were supposed to come with a lifelong partnership. But she realized how fragile that notion had been when the papers were signed and the ink dried. Sighing, she locked her phone, tossing it onto the couch beside her. She pulled her knees to her chest and stared out the window. The city lights twinkled in the distance, starkly contrasting the darkness that seemed to envelop her heart. She knew she had to move on, to heal, but that seemed so much easier said than done. Grabbing her phone again, she opened the text message app. Her mind drifted to her older sister, Mia, for reasons she couldn't fully explain. Mia was the type who always knew what to say—someone who had an innate ability to lift Ava’s spirits even in the darkest moments. But Mia lived abroad now, and their conversations had been more sporadic lately. Still, she felt the urge to reach out, if only to unload some of the emotional weight she had been carrying. Her fingers hovered over the screen for a moment before she began typing: Ava: Hey, Mia. I know it’s late where you are, but I need to talk... Ava reread the message twice, a strange feeling of unease settling in her chest. She hated reaching out like this, feeling like a burden. But Mia would understand—she always did. Without overthinking it, Ava hit send and set her phone back down. She pushed herself off the couch and padded into the kitchen, hoping to distract herself from making tea. The kettle had just whistled when her phone buzzed from the sofa. She hesitated, feeling a strange mixture of relief and anxiety. Maybe Mia had time to talk after all. But when Ava picked up her phone, the name on the screen wasn’t Mia’s. Unknown Number: I’m unsure who this is, but I think you’ve got the wrong number. Ava blinked at the message in confusion. Her fingers quickly returned to the original text. To her embarrassment, she scanned the number and realized that she had transposed two digits. She wasn’t sure why, but instead of feeling embarrassed or apologetic, she typed a reply. Ava: Oh, I’m so sorry! I meant to text my sister. I'm having one of those days, you know? A few moments passed before the stranger responded. Unknown Number: No worries. Those days seem to be never-ending lately. Ava hesitated, her finger poised above the screen. She knew she should apologize again and leave it at that, but something about the stranger’s response piqued her curiosity. It was a little too relatable, as though this unknown person understood more than they were letting on. Ava: Yeah, I hear you. It’s been one of those months for me. There was a longer pause this time. Ava wondered if the stranger had moved on, maybe just replying out of politeness. She shook her head, feeling ridiculous for even starting this conversation. But then, her phone buzzed again. Unknown Number: You too, huh? It’s been six months of ‘those months’ for me. Divorce is a hell of a thing. Ava’s heart skipped a beat. Divorce. She hadn’t expected the stranger to mention that. She bit her lip, debating whether or not to continue. Was this too personal? Too much to share with someone she didn’t even know? But then again, wasn’t that the point? This person didn’t know her. They had no context, no judgment. They were just... there. And maybe that was precisely what she needed. Ava: Yeah, I’m right there with you. Divorce. It sucks. The kettle shrieked from the stove, pulling Ava from her thoughts. She quickly turned off the burner, poured her tea, and settled back onto the couch. Her phone buzzed again; this time, she found herself eager to read the message. Unknown Number: I don’t even know how to explain it. One minute, you think your life is on track, and the next... everything’s different. You lose more than just a partner. Ava felt a lump forming in her throat. She hadn’t expected this interaction to hit so close to home. She hadn’t even realized how much she needed to hear someone else say those words. Ava: Exactly. It’s like a part of you dies, but you’re still here, trying to figure out how to keep going. There was a long pause before the following message came in. Unknown Number: I’m Liam, by the way. Ava smiled faintly at the name. Although it felt strange to name the person she had been talking to, it made the conversation feel more real. Ava: I’m Ava. Nice to meet you, Liam. Ava’s tea had gone cold when she finally set her phone down. She had spent the last hour texting Liam, a stranger, about her divorce, her failed expectations, and her confusion about the future. And for the first time in months, she didn’t feel entirely so alone. As she climbed into bed that night, her phone buzzed one last time. Liam: Thanks for chatting, Ava. It’s nice to talk to someone who gets it. Ava stared at the message, her thumb hovering over the screen as she thought about how to respond. She didn’t know why, but talking to Liam made her feel lighter, even for a little while. Ava: Yeah, it is. Let’s talk again sometime. She hesitated before hitting send, wondering if she should open the door for more conversations. But deep down, she knew the answer. She needed this—needed someone like Liam if only to remind herself that she wasn’t walking this road alone. The phone screen went dark, but for the first time in a long while, Ava felt a tiny flicker of hope.

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