Chapter 9 - Fionas first shift

1140 Words
*Her* Fiona found herself lying down, surrounded by darkness. She whinced from the pain that was radiating from her neck. She put her hand to her neck and felt wetness. She couldn't see what the wetness was. She had a vague recollection of what happened. It came in snippets. She remembers running. The dirt flicking from her barefeet. What was she running from? She sat up and her hoarse voice called out. "Hello? Is...anyone here....?" A howl from the distance shook another snippet from her memory. She clenched her eyes closed as the blurry images snapped across her vision.  In the blurry images, was a black heavy ball pinning her to the ground. Sharp teeth with saliva dripping onto her face. The sense of a warm breath followed by pain. Something bit her! Again her hand went to the spot at the base of her neck. She felt more with her fingers. There were indents in her skin. Teeth marks in two arcs, the overall size about the same as a human fist. She whinced again. The howl came again. This time it was closer. Fiona was starting to panic.  She still didn't know where she was.  She closed her eyes trying to slow her breathing.  She heard paws running closer and closer. She kept her eyes closed not wanting to admit she was a scared. Brutus and General made her scared and she refused to be scared again. As the sound of the paws getting closer, Fiona's felt her body heating up. It started from her stomach and began to creep outwards. Fiona collapsed into the fetal position.  Hugging her knees, the heat over took her. She lay there sweating and panting. Perspiration was running down her face into her eyes.  She blinked but then reclosed her eyes. The running paws stopped but Fiona heard some heavy panting. She crept one eye open but in the darkness she still couldn't see anything. Before the owner of the panting could get close to her there was a burst of fresh air followed by growling and then the darkness ebbed away. Revealing two shapes Infront of her eyes. One was a swirling grey cloud with familiar black eyes. The other figure was a pure white wolf, standing in a protective stance. The white wolf huffed and the grey cloud dispersed.  The white wolf then turned around and nuzzled Fiona. She stood stock still. The heat to Fiona's body returned. The white wolf began to lock Fiona's face.  A distance voice whispered. "You don't have to be afraid of me...." the white wolf sat back with its head hung low. Fiona didn't know the voice. "Whose there?" The wolf in front of her whimpered.  "It's me... I'm your wolf...."  Fiona thought it was because she was feverish but she asked the voice to repeat itself.  " I am Dakota, and your wolf."  Fiona knew then that she was hallucinating. She didn't have a wolf. She was human.  The white wolf lifted her head and huffed.  "I can hear your thoughts because I AM a part of you. You are now a werewolf." Now it was Fiona's turn to scoff. "Dakota...? How is that possible? I am fairly certain I'm human. My mother was human, my father was human. I don't have werewolf genes in me." The white wolf must have felt Fiona panicking so she came forward and again nuzzled Fiona.  "Please don't be alarmed when I tell you this....but you were unnaturally turned..."  Fionas eyes went wide. "Wha...what do you mean?"  Dakota whimpered again before she got down on all fours and put her head in the curve of Fiona's hip.  "The wolf General, was in wolf form when he bit you, he injected you with werewolf cells that merged with your human cells changing your biology. I'm sorry Fiona. The moon goddess has sent me to you to make this progression easier for you."  Fiona was now confused as well as scared.  "Pro... progression?" The wolf whined as though in pain. "Yes. I'm so sorry... but it's a full moon..." Fiona suddenly felt a short burst of pain in her joints. "Wh...what's...happening to me?"  The wolf tried to calm her. "You, are shifting for the first time. I am here it's ok." Fiona screamed as another wave of pain raked her body. "AH!! HELP ME!!" the wolf howled along with her. Fiona had tears coming out of her eyes. The pain was blinding her. She started to try the technique they teach birthing women to get through labour pains. "Breath in....whhh, Breath out, whhh.....WHY...." The tears just kept coming. And soon she felt her joints give way. Her bones shifted and got longer.  Again she screamed. The sounds of snapping and clothes tearing. She still felt immense pain, but somehow it had lessened. "Mate is near." Dakotas ears and attitude perked up. "Fiona, mate will help with the pain. Trust him." Fiona screamed even more. "! Don't let that bastard near me!" Dakota was confused. "Mate is mate. He won't hurt us." Fiona turned on Dakota. "Where were you when he beat me? Hmm, or when he forced me to have s*x with him? You weren't there! Our mate is brutal..."  Dakota whined. "No....HE is no longer our mate, you rejected him. Our mate is fairy."  Fiona went quiet. "Finn?!" Dakota yelped. "Yes! that his name?" She began jumping around like a puppy. Fiona got on all fours as another wave of pain wracked through her.  Her fingers and toes turned into paws. Her jaw extended and when she went to speak again her words came out as intangible mewls. Dakota stood face to face with her. "You are halfway there Fiona. We shall be one soon." Fiona felt a pull on her spine as a fluffy white tail sprouted from her skin. The rest of her fur started to follow. As her fur grew it began as a prickling sensation as every pore popped open.  She felt her ears shift from the side of her head to the top, and with it sounds were now amplified. Her jaw finished extending along with her nose. It now felt wet but along with the wetness was a heightened sense of smell. Out of her paws claws grew. She flexed them and the ground beneath felt different. Fiona hung her head as at last her transformation was complete. She felt exhausted and was panting from the effort, and now all the extra stimulus for her heightened senses was beginning to be too much. She had had her eyes shut since the pain began. Now she was reluctant to open them for being scared of what she might see.  Fiona felt Dakota presence had dissapeared but then a voice in her head spoke. "Fiona, I am with you. Open your eyes...." 
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