Chapter 8 - Full moon

1202 Words
*Her* Fiona awoke, once again tied to a tree. She had resounded herself to depression as no one had come to rescue her and it was now going on two days. She had seen Finns blue whisp flying about, but because of the witches brew he couldn't see her. The last time he flew over, General had a gun pointed right at him. He laughed cruelly as he watched the pain flit across her face. "Don't worry, it wouldn't be much fun watching your pretty boy fall from midair. Oh no, I want to tear him limb from limb on the ground for touching what is mine." He growled.  Fiona swallowed before she mumbled. "I'm not yours. I rejected you." General turned on her. "What was that? Werewolf hearing my love. YOU ARE MINE!" He roared. Fiona spat on the ground. General slapped her across her already swollen cheeks. Fiona was keeping track of how many times she has been struck now, and she vowed she would kick him in the testicles for each time he has hurt her. She refused to be scared of him anymore. General sneered before he kissed her. Fiona felt bike ride from her stomach. She fought back by biting his bottom lip. "Ahh you b***h!" He punched her in the stomach. Fiona felt the wind being knocked out of her and she started to see spots.  This side of Brutus she did not miss. When she was with the De'silva pack she was free. This was the feeling she was holding onto. It was her hope to once again be free of being bullied and beaten. This was the only thing keeping her together through her depressed state. General glared at her before he tied her wrists together, making the rope chafe her skin. He defiantly cut the rope and hauled her to her feet.  "Come sweetheart, we have to get moving again. I don't want to get caught before I have my fun tonight." He viciously sneered. They walked for a few hours so they were miles away from the De'silva pack lands.  Fiona nearly tripped a few times while she was being dragged behind General. Once they reached a new campsite, general sat down on a log under a tree. He pulled Fiona down next to him. Taking a deep breath and scent in of the joint near her clavicle. He salivated, before he licked her neck up to her ear. "you smell delicious." He whispered before he nibbled on her ear. Fiona closed her eyes.  She heard General barking an order to Carl.  "Beta Stephens, I need you to go and see that witch. I need a few things for tonight."  When she peeked her eyes open again, she seen Carl bow, "yes Alpha," and then he snuck off.  Fiona swallowed before sating her curiosity. "What do you plan to do tonight?"  General smiled. "think sweetheart. It's the full moon, and my dumb human isn't in control...."  After this sentence, Fiona had a thousand worse scenario thoughts fly through her mind. She silently prayed that she was going to get through tonight.  She knew that werewolves need their mates on the full moon but as to what that means for her, she was unsure because in her mind, she had rejected him so she was no longer his mate.  General made a small fire to make some lunch. He had gone hunting earlier while Fiona was still asleep, so he skewered the rabbit and put it over the fire. Fionas stomach growled. General laughed.  "Ten minutes and lunch will be cooked." He went and massaged her shoulders but Fiona went stiff at his touch. General sighed. "it would be better if you didn't resist me love." Fiona sat still, relieved when his hands left her shoulders. He went to the fire and pulled the rabbit meat out. He pulled a leg off and put it Infront of her mouth. "Eat, I need you to have full strength for tonight."  Fiona didn't say anything as she kept her eyes on him while she bit into the meat. Feeling a little satiated slightly. General finished the rabbit before he pushed Fiona to the ground. "Sleep, you also need energy." Fiona hissed as her elbow hit the hard ground. General gently looked at her and threw a blanket over her as she shivered on the cold ground.  Fiona did as she was told and closed her eyes, again praying that tonight will pass by quickly and that Generals plan will somehow come unraveled.  Fiona woke up a little while later, the darkness surrounding her with only the light of the campfire glowing to illuminate the space. From her left came a cracked voice. "Ah, your awake." Fiona tried to look up but her neck was sore from lying on the hard ground. She groaned. General helped sit her up. "I've got something for you." He threw a white cotton lace dress at her. "What's that for?" General smiled.  "For" He accentuated the word fun.  Fiona shivered. General helped her stand up and they walked behind a tree. General then tied her feet together. He took out a switchblade and cut the rope around her wrists. "Get changed. Don't even think of trying to run away. I'll have the other end of this rope."  He left her to change. Fiona looked at the dress. At least it'll be cleaner then wearing the same clothes she's been in for the last two days. She peeled off her old clothes. The white dress was crisp and soft in material. She slipped it over her head. It fit her loosely but it didn't do anything to stay the cold.  She shivered and timidly said "I... I'm done."  General clapped. "Good girl. It's almost time..."  He cut the rope from around her feet and roughly grabbed her around the back of the neck.  Fiona looked up at the sky, the moon was almost to middle, it was a bright and beautiful sight.  General whispered in her ear with excitement.  "I'm going to give you ten minutes head start. I want you to run. I love a good chase.."  Fionas eyes went wide. She fell to the ground when general shoved her. "Time to go sweetheart."  Fiona got up and ran in the direction of what she thought was the De'silva pack lands. She knew if she could get close enough, the border patrol will protect her. She had tripped a few times and her hands were covered in dirt. She stopped when she suddenly heard a blood curdling howl.  She again took off running, looking over her shoulder every now and then to make sure he wasn't behind her. There was a snap to her left. Then there was a black blur. She was thrown backwards. Her back hit the ground hard, then General was on top of her his hot breath fanning her face. He licked her face them howled once again. Fiona tried to wriggle free. General pinned her harder, he threw his head back before baring his teeth. Fiona screamed as Generals teeth pierced her skin at the base of her neck before she fully passed out.  
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