Chapter 10 - Finn being supportive

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*Him* Finn was in his usual spot in a tree in the woods. He was patting Rango under the chin. He put his head back and was listening to the sounds of the night.  Today was another blurr. The alphas were trying everything to find Fiona. Trackers lost the rogues scent yesterday and it seems he hasn't set foot on packlands for two days. Two whole aganizing days.  Finn did not want to imagine what that rogue was doing to her. Where he was seated he could see the beauty of the full moon. He could hear howling in the distance and he wasn't surprised.  The De'silva pack were probably all out and about basking in the moon beams.  All of a sudden a familiar pink plume floated his way.  Finn bowed his head. "What brings you to me this late at night, lady." Lady Elora didn't want to waste time transforming. "Finn, they found her! Just east of the pack border. You have to come with me." Finn chucked Rango into the air startling the bird. He jumped and transformed into his blue plume and followed Lady Elora. Beneath them on the ground, wolves were running everywhere, but Finn paid them mind. His priority was to get to Fiona.  Lady Elora led him to the main doors of the pack hospital before she transformed into her human self and landed with her two feet on the cold sterile floor.  Finn did the same. His shiney black dress shoes clunking on the hard floor as he landed. They went to the front desk. Dr Kent immediately stood up.  "What can I do you for?" Lady Elora waved her hand in annoyance. "We are here to see the women that was just brought in." Dr Kent, looked at the two of them before he promptly said. "Follow me. She is still under observation, Nurse Calista is with her, you can speak to her about her condition."  Finn became anxious. This was the first time he has seen his destined one in two days, he hoped she was ok. He held his breath as they walked the quiet corridor to the intensive care room.  A pregnant nurse in scrubs walked out holding some charts. Dr Kent kissed the women on the cheek. "Sorry, this is my mate Stephanie. She is the nurse in charge." He turned to Stephanie. "These two are here to see the women that was just brought in." It was Stephanies turn to look them up and down. "She is stable, but I must warn you, she is in a coma. Calista is looking after her. You may go in, but be quiet."  Finn let out the breath he was holding. His destined one was ok. He went in ahead of Lady Elora. Calista, dressed in green scrubs, was doing Fiona's blood pressure.  Once she finished with the sphygmomanometer, she hung her stethoscope around her neck and wrote in Fiona's chart. She turned around and was startled. "Ah..! Finn. You scared me." Finn ignored her and drifted to Fiona's side. He gently kissed her on her forehead before putting his forehead to hers in a silent prayer. He noted she was feverish, and had a bruised and swollen face. She also has a dressing over her shoulder. Finn turned to Calista. "What happened to her?" His voice went hoarse and he swallowed the limo that was in his throat.  Callista patted him on the shoulder to reassure him.  "I.... I'm not sure...." Dr Kent stepped into the room to review her charts.  He looked at Finn. "Alpha has told me that I should be accommodating for you, but for patient confidentiality, before I tell you anything else about her condition, I need to know your relationship with her." Finn hung his head. His white hair falling in his face. "She is my destined one." The look on his face softened as he looked at Fiona. Dr Kent sighed as he took off his glasses. "Well from what I can tell, she ran for a while. Her feet have scratches, bruises and sores on them. She was beaten, as well as.....well vaginal tearing and bites on her thighs...."  He left that sentence unanswered. "Look, her prognosis is good physically, but mentally....she's been through alot, I'll leave it at that."  Finn clenched his hands into fists. "How long has she been like this?" Finn was trying so hard to contain his anger, Lady Elora grabbed him by the shoulder. "Calm down Finn. Loosing it now won't do Fiona any good." All of a sudden, Fiona started moaning, perspiration rolling down her neck. Finn could feel her skin getting hotter from the hand that he was holding. His magic was starting to react to her. Blue swirls wrapped around their joined hands.  Again Fiona groaned. This time she whispered "Dakota...." Over and over again.  All of a sudden, Fionas body arched upwards and a scream ripped from her mouth.   Dr Kent suddenly rushed to Fiona's bedside. He put the bed flat and started barking orders to Calista and Stephanie. "Gimme ten milligrams of Diazepam IV, Stat! She's shifting!" Everyone was shocked. Calista moved as though on autopilot. She drew the drug out of the vial and injected it straight into Fiona's cannula. Her body dropped back onto the bed but remained stiff. Her body began to morph. Another scream came from Fiona. "AH HELP ME!"  She began panting with the effort. Fiona still hadn't opened her eyes, so Finn grabbed Fiona's hand and lifted it to his lips.  He whispered to her. "I'm here...hold on...". Fiona seemed to relax for a few minutes however she began to scream again. "! Get that bastard away from me!" Fiona ripped her hand out of Finns grasp. Her limbs now morphing into that of a wolf. Her hands shifted into paws. Fiona was a quarter of the way through her shift. "Finn.....Finn...."  "Fi...Orr... awww...arooo...." Her mouth changed into a wolf's snout. Next came her fur. Finn watched in awe as Fiona sprouted beautiful white fur, and then her ears stuck straight up. The pain was lessening as she no longer was huffing and puffing with effort.  Her full wolf form now lay on the bed. Calista stepped the IV as it had popped out of Fiona's vein and was now dripping all over the floor. Dr Kent had pushed his mate our of the room to protect her. Everyone present in the room had gone still, except for Finn. He stayed by Fiona's side and was stroking Fiona's head between her ears. Suddenly her eyes snapped open and she howled.  
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