Chapter 7 - Finns restlessness

1568 Words
*Him* Finn was lost. It had been half a day since his his lady Fiona had been found abducted. Lady Elora had warned him not to interfere in werewolf matters, however it still didn't stop him from taking flight over lands to find her.  He got back, sore, tired and sweaty, huffing and puffing from exertion. He kicked the ground before bending over trying to take in deep breaths. He folded in his wings and then stood back up again.  Lady Elora found him in the shade beneath the tree under Fiona's bedroom window.  She offered him a glass of water and a wash cloth. His white hair that was once tied neatly in a ponytail was now sticking out everywhere.  Lady Elora commanded him to go take a shower and then prepare for another magic lesson for her grandchildren. Finn sighed in frustration. After he wiped his face with the wet cloth.  He then threw it on the ground and in a huff he swiftly took off in flight towards the packhouse to shower. After stepping out of the bathroom, Finn was towel drying his hair thinking about a lesson plan for the children.  He waved his hand and a fresh set of clothes lay on the bed. He shrugged then proceeded to get dressed. He looked at himself in the mirror as he pulled at the cuffs of the white shirt. He straightened his purple tie and did up the buttons to his plaid vest. He still felt lost, but nevertheless he made it to Calistas house to train her children. He had a sad smile on his face as Charlotte came running down the stairs. "FINN!" She hugged his leg. As usual, Calista brought the two boys, dragging them by the collar. "Bradley and Brandon, when will you two stop wrestling in the house! Now go to your lesson with Finn!"  Finn nodded to her. "Hello Calista. Come children, it is lesson time." The three pairs of little feet followed after him. Charlotte was singing a sweet song and skipped along behind. "FINN! What are we learning today?" Finn smiled. "Patience little one."  They went to their usual spot in the meadow.  "Now children sit down please." They did as they were told and sat on the flattened grass with their legs crossed. "Good, good. Now remember to start our lesson, find your centre."  After ten minutes, Finn told them to stop. "Bradley, that leaf that is next to you. Pick it up. And look at it."  It was a rather broad leaf it was yellowing in colour.  "Part of being a plant fairy is to help nature and plants. So far you've learnt how to grow things and to nurture them. Today I want to teach you about helping plants through the seasons. You have the potential to change this leaf from yellow back to its original green. As you know trees change with the seasons. They, like many plants bloom in spring, slowly wilt in summer, go yellow or orange in Autumn, and then are naked in the winter. If you concentrate, on the leaf you can help it return to bloom."  Finn watched as Bradley made the leaf float, a gentle stream of magic surrounded it. Now that Bradley was midway through, it was Brandon's turn.  Finn took out a bottle of water and poured it on the ground the turned to Brandon. "Brandon, since your magic is tied to the element of water, today I want you to learn to harness water and turn it into fog.  Fog is a nutural phenomenon caused by warm air over a cool surface causing the water vapour to rise.  I need you to concentrate on this puddle, warm the water enough to create vapour and make a mini fog cloud." Brandon was excited and began to concentrate. His face wrinkled up he was concentrating so hard.  Finn left him to learn , and turned to Charlotte. She was bouncing up and down in anticipation. "What am I learning today mifter Finn?" Finn watched the little girls smile. "You, little lady, today we will play with wind." Charlottes shoulders dropped in dissapointment. With his hand, Finn conjured a swirling ball of air. Charlotte watched with fascination. "Hold your hand out." Charlotte nodded and held her hand out with anticipation. He gently passed the ball of air to her but it soon collapsed.  "Aww...." She started to cry. Finn sat her on his lap. "Charlotte. Close your eyes. I want you to do a similar excersise to when you learnt to bring forth your wings, except this time, imagine a gentle breeze, and catch it. Then mould it into a ball with your hands." The little girl was flailing trying to catch the wind. Finn started to chuckle. "Little one. Imagine the wind coming to you, you should feel it." She stopped and concentrated. "Now hold put your hand." With her eyes still closed, Finn held out her hand, catching the current along with her. She quickly closed her hands capturing some air and making a ball.  She opened her eyes to see a ball of white swirling in her hands, tickling her palms. "I did it!"  Finn ruffled her hair. "Yes you did."  He went back to Bradley. The boy still had the leaf floating in front of him. He had creases in his forehead he was concentrating so hard. Finn patted him on the head. "that's enough for today Bradley.  "But..r Finn I haven't changed it yet...all it's done is curled at the edges." Then he pouted. Finn gently took the leaf from the boy. "Don't be discouraged. It'll take you some practice. "  Next Finn turned to Brandon. The boy was running his hand backwards and forwards, hovering over the water. A few curls of mist arose from the ground. It wasn't much, but Finn proudly patted the boy on the head. "Well done Brandon, you've made some progress today." He smiled at him, before signing. Now that the kids training had finished Finn was back to reality of his missing Lady.  He looked down at his hands, feeling useless that he couldn't help.  Finn brought the children back to Calista. Lady Elora saw Finn and she gestured towards him. "Come with me. We have another meeting with the Alpha to see the progress on finding Fiona." She out her hand on his shoulder before she morphed into her pink puff.  Finn dissolved into his blue puff and followed. They flew to the packhouse and in through the Alphas office window. Lady Elora morphed back into her human form. So Finn did so too. The Alpha growled.  Lady Elora waved her hand to dismiss him. "Calm down Alpha. We mean no disrespect. Now tell me where you are up to."  Finn waved his hand and brought out Lady Eloras itinerary again to take notes.  "Alpha Tony and Luna Persephone will be here within the hour. My Beta is at the airport waiting to pick them up." Finn listened in to the conversation, hoping that this Alpha Tony would be able to help.  The rest of the day went by in a blurr.  Finn was meditating in Fiona's room. Surrounding himself in her things calmed him. The sound of a bag slming on the floor, broke Finns concentration, followed by a squeel. "Oh my god! Fiona is a lucky women!" A short women with her hands on her hips was looking him up and down. "You must be Finn. My...ugh.... step-grandmother.....told me about you. I'm Persephone."  Finn looked at her then at her outstretched hand before he gingerly put his hand out and shook her hand in greeting. "Yes I am Finn." His white hair slid into the front of his face. He felt awkward and didn't know what else to say. Finn was weary as the women stepped up and patted him on the shoulder.  "We will find her and make that bastard pay." Finn said nothing as the women clenched her fist in anger. He sighed. "I have to go meet with Lady Elora, please excuse me." Finn walked passed Persephone and out to the hallway. There was alot more people then before including the alpha and Luna. They were greeting a young man.  Alpha William gestured towards Finn. "Finn, come join us. Lady Elora will be with us shortly, she had just gone to ice cream." The children were running around in excitement as the adults talked. Finn did as he was instructed and came to stand next to Calista and Nicholas. Alpha William, ever the host began to introduce them. "Finn, this is Alpha Tony. He is Persephones mate, and...." Alpha Tony stepped forward, interupting him, to shake hands. "My uncle is the one who took Fiona."  After attending yet another strategy meeting, Finn flew to his favourite tree in the woods. He pulled out his bird whistle and called for Rango. The bird obediently flew to his outstretched arm. Finn began to pat him on the head and he cooed in contentment. "I miss her....I want to find her...." He whistfully said to his feathered friend. As the sun began to set on the long day, from his branch in the tree Finn watched the orange and pink sky. Tomorrow Finn knew will be a busy and sacred day for the werewolves. For tomorrow night was the full moon....  
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